Saturday Meanderings

From the Garden

I hope this blog post finds you having a delicious cup of coffee (or tea) and a relaxing morning. Thanks for joining me for Saturday Meanderings as we chat about all things good this week!

I cannot tell you how much I enjoy hearing about your home projects or trying a recipe I’ve shared. My sweet neighbor, Tevia, got inspiration from the stenciled bathroom tile floor in our pool house. She tackled her guest house bathroom floor. Isn’t this amazing?


And now, she just completed her laundry room floor, using a different stencil but with only one color. It looks completely different! Wow!


Great Customer Service

Nespresso Breville Creatista coffee machine

I love my coffee every morning and two years ago, my family bought a Nespresso Breville Creatista coffee machine for my birthday. Multiple times a day this coffee machine is creating lattes, cappuccinos, you name it. Recently, though, the water tank in the back was leaking intermittently.

So we call Nespresso’s customer service and they conduct a leak test over the phone (took 20 minutes) and quickly sent a replacement tank. However, when it arrived, it was the wrong size. So I call again. Apparently they have discontinued this model and no longer have a replacement tank. So what did they do? They sent me a brand, new machine at no cost! This particular model retails at $599.99! How nice that Nespresso stands by their products.

Pretty Things and Images

Look at this spectacular photo of a chrysanthemum. I’m not sure I’ve ever truly appreciated the beauty of this flower. Wouldn’t this make a spectacular painting?

Photographer unknown

If you shop at Target, check out these cute rain boots from Smith and Hawkin. Click here for the link.

Cindy Hattersley from Cindy Hattersley Designs recently posted this picture. These are the last of her roses and the way they are captured on her new iPhone 12 is amazing. See her blog post here.

Cindy Hattersley's roses
Photo by Cindy Hattersley

My Painting Aspirations

Last year, I didn’t paint as much as I would have liked. So this year, the plan is to schedule time to each week to paint. I would like to attempt painting animals. Here is some inspiration.

Painting by Teresa Elliott

On My Bucket List

Visiting the People’s House during Christmas is on my bucket list. I have been by the White House but never inside. My sweet friend, Effie went this year and shared these pictures. I meant to post them during the holidays, but they are lovely no matter what time of year it is.

Look at the rose garland and this bouquet with Abraham Lincoln overseeing it all

The theme is America the Beautiful. So often we forget that living in this country is such a privilege and in spite of its problems and political differences, it is certainly the best nation in the world.

The Gingerbread House in the State Dining Room

This delectable wonder replicates the West Wing, Executive Residence, East Wing and for the first time, the Rose Garden and the First Ladies’ Garden. Constructed from 275 pounds of gingerbread dough, 110 pounds of pastille dough, 30 pounds of gum paste, 25 pounds of chocolate and 25 pounds of Royal icing, every detail is an exact replica.

Brochure illustrated by Carole Biggio

She also sent me the accompanying book, illustrated by Carole Biggio, which for a budding artist like me, is a dream to have.

As politicians come and go, the White House staff mostly remains. If you haven’t read this book by Kate Andersen Brower, you will find all the stories interesting. The Residence can be found here.

To close, I have a short, funny video of Cooper. Life with our dogs is a constant adventure!

Have a spectacular weekend!

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.

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  1. Hi,

    We love your blog! As a leading bathroom supply brand, we’re eager to contribute top-notch content to your platform.
    Quick question – what are your charges for featuring our content?

    Excited to collaborate!

    Best regards

  2. Honored to be included in your blog! Love that you plan to focus on animal paintings this year. I’ve wanted to paint our dogs, but I don’t have the patience. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

  3. Thank you so much for the shout out for my little bouquet you are so kind to mention me. I just read your comment about downsizing. It will be so hard but we just feel we should do it before it is too late!! Your place is so beautiful!!

    MY pet pig has been rolling over the urns I have in the house!I refer to him as the URN TERMINATOR!
    I will let CINDY know she made your POST!

    1. That is too funny! I hope you have a video of that! Thanks for letting Cindy know. I sent her an email but have been out of town so not sure she’s responded yet.
      Love all your comments!

  5. Lots of goodies here today. Ordering “The Residence” and maybe those boots (practical in Phoenix?). Fresh out of my oven last night are the Bravetart Brownies you recently featured. Snuck a bite before my football party today. Simply Amazing!! Thank you for the tips.

    1. Shaun, I was up in Flagstaff this weekend and went to Target. They had the boots in stock. They are really well made, more of a pewter blue, than a bright blue. I was tempted but I already have a pair of yellow ones with chickens. Can a girl have too many rain boots? So happy you made the brownies. They are so delicious! I will share your comment with my son. And I know you will love The Residence. Hard to believe one of the First Ladies made off with the silver!

  6. I agree with all the above, the floors look so good, there is a great feeling that can only be had when you do something well on your own. I have a plan to wallpaper the inside of a bookcase, just ordered the paper.

    Thx for sending the dog video, like any funny things especially in the time of COVID.

    1. Cindy, let me know how your wallpapering project goes. I’ve always wanted to do that…and wallpaper is really in right now! Yes, we need all the humor we can get now~I completely agree! Thanks for your comment.

    1. Rachel,
      Thank you!Yes, those before and after tiles floors have me thinking about re-doing our master bathroom. Thanks for the comment and hope to get to paint this week!

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