Supporting Small Business

I am always impressed with people who have the courage and entrepreneurship to start a small business. I make a concerted effort to go out of my way and support them. Since I just received products from 2 small businesses in Maine, I wanted to share their stories with you.

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Maine Maid Primitives started her Etsy shop a few years ago, crocheting chicken ornaments. She was so successful that she recruited her younger sister to help with the orders. This business has helped fund their college tuitions.

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I heard about Maine Maid Primitives from a feature done by Lisa at Fresh Eggs Daily. I ordered 5 chickens and 3 duck ornaments and they are so adorable and well-made!

They are such a nice addition to my kitchen countertop Christmas tree.

Another Maine resource came from my friend, Gabie at Tea End Blog. Gabie is my go-to person regarding tea due to her knowledge and expertise.

Homegrown Herb and Tea Company is located in Portland, Maine. The owner, Sarah has based her business on a strong philosophy for blending medicinal herbal teas in the tradition of the Old World Apothecary. Not only is each infusion hand blended to order in small batches, but every ingredient is used within three months of its’ harvest to achieve the best possible freshness and complexity.

The teas arrive wrapped in the local newspaper and each batch is secured in brown waxed paper.

The brewing instructions are on the package ~~unlike some teas.

Especially this time of year, taking a break and having a cup of this tea reminds you that this product was made by someone who truly cares about helping you find wellness.

Today I sampled the Cranberry Apple Pie tea.

Look how beautiful the ingredients are!

Another treat is adding a bit of Crozier honey. This honey is made by beekeepers Bruce and Janiece, my in-laws in Texas and it is such a treat to receive a jar of it.

Look at the beautiful and rich color of the tea!

This time I ordered Cranberry Apple Pie, The Stress Doctor, The Nightcap and Sniffle Tea with a Sore Throat Kiss. My previous order was Peace, Aphrodi-Tea and Nightcap. All ingredients are listed in detail on their website and I highly recommend them. The quality is superb! Also be aware that it may take some time to fill your order as each type of tea is made in small batches.

Remember to take a break and do something nice for yourself during the holidays….and support small businesses along the way.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.

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