Stenciling a Tile Floor

House Project
Pool house at our historic home

Happy Saturday morning! We continue to check things off our list of home projects that need to get done. However, I am beginning to tackle a new project that I’ve been wanting to try~stenciling a tiled bathroom floor in the pool house.

Pool House Bathroom

In retrospect, I am not sure why I selected this floor tile. It appears in both the pool house and our master bathroom. And I don’t like it in either place.

Our home restoration took years to complete. My guess is that I had renovation fatigue about two years in and selected a tile that was available, affordable and not offensive. I would not select this tile today.

Pool House Bathroom

So what is the solution to jazzing up this vanilla floor? It will be too expensive to remove the tile. So I will try my hand at stenciling it. The search for an attractive stencil pattern in an appropriate size came up empty. Fortunately, I discovered that Royal Design Studios will make custom size stencils.

Working with their design department, I was able to order one (13.0625″ x 13.0625″) that will work perfectly with my tile size. The cost is $39.50. Not bad.

Custom size stencil from Royal Design Studio

I need to research the steps to prepping the tile, repairing any grout problems, and selecting paint types and paint colors.

Blue/White themed pool house bathroom
Hand painting done by Tina Silvernail

The bathroom walls are white with decorative blue images. I am not sure whether to keep them or just re-paint all the walls white. I find them to be sweet, but is it dated?

Sweet hand painted images in pool house bath

The pool house theme is mostly blue, white and yellow. Since this is the only blue/white space anywhere at Bella Terra, I want to continue that with the stencil color choices.

My inspiration for the colors in the stencil may be a few shades of blue, similar to this vase.

So wish me luck! I am hoping that stenciling the floors will give it an old world look. Any time I start a project that will have dramatic results, I hold my breath a bit. There will be a great deal of prep work to do and so I don’t expect this project will be done quickly. But I will keep you posted!

Though I have never stenciled on tile before, I have had success in stenciling on concrete and wood. To see the stenciled floor project done on concrete, click here.

Stenciling a Concrete Floor

To view the stenciled wood floor project, click here .

Getting Ready to Stencil a Wood Floor

Have a wonderful weekend. It’s very quiet here and I have so much catching up to do with being out of town for a week~bills to sort, the refrigerator to clean, and laundry. Plus I am dreaming of Scandinavian solutions to our cabin and will keep you up to date on what crazy ideas I develop! If you missed my last post about this, click here.

Thanks for joining me this morning!

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  1. I think it will be gorgeous. One of my favorite blogs (Young House Love) has a post about stenciling tile. Not sure if you need any help since you are a stencil master.

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