Appreciating the Simple Things

Iris in the bulb garden

As a result of freak accident, I have been unable to use my computer much so my apologies for not posting recently. Short version of a long story… an Easy Off Grill Cleaner can was accidentally punctured when I opened up an outdoor cupboard and the foam sprayed into both of my eyes. I am recovering quickly from chemical burns on my corneas. The good news is that this shouldn’t affect my vision. I am so lucky that my daughter was nearby and we acted quickly to minimize the damage. All is well and I am so grateful that I can see.

Garden roses

Strange incidents like this make me slow down and appreciate the simple things in life. So the purpose of this blog is to share some beautiful photos and remind you to be thankful for working eyes, ears and body parts.

The weather here in Phoenix has been nothing short of glorious. This time of year our yard is at its best.

Our home

The rose garden and its blooms have been very generous this year.

For those of you who received hollyhock seeds last year, I hope you are having success ~~ our hollyhocks are growing EVERYWHERE and have started blooming! I still have many seeds left for anyone interested. Please email me ([email protected]) with your address and I will happily send you some.


The citrus trees in the orchard have been nearly gleaned and the blossoms fill the air with their heady fragrance. The poppies are showing their pretty faces.


With the warmer weather we’ve had some windy days. Perfect for drying linens on the line.

Line drying

We have two graduations in May. One daughter will graduate high school and the other college, so I am knee deep in preparations.

Graduation announcements

You have heard me lament about not having lilacs grow here in Phoenix. I recently ordered very fragrant lilacs from Torchio Nursery in San Francisco. Four gorgeous bundles arrived this week and the smell is amazing. Reminds me so much of spring in Connecticut.

Lilacs from Torchio Nursery

Happy Friday to you! My eyes are getting tired so I will sign off. Wishing you a relaxing weekend!

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.

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  1. Wow! My goodness Mary I cant even imagine how grateful you must be to have your vision. What an ordeal. Sending lots of warm wishes for healing and that the spring flowers continue to bless your days. Thank you for sharing. It’s good to see you back.

  2. Hi Mary,

    Please take all the time necessary to heal your eyes and celebrate your daughters’ graduations. I, too, miss lilacs from Connecticut and Massachusetts!



    1. Thank you for the well wishes. Torchio Nursery does overnight shipping if you want lilacs in Florida. They are truly beautiful AND fragrant. The ones you find around here are small and have no smell. What good is that? Hope all is well your way.

  3. So sorry to hear that it took a freak accident to slow down the “Energizer Bunny/Martha Stewart Maverick” of Central Ave. Love your pics…especially of the soon-to-be graduates. Stay well my dear and Happy Belated Birthday!

    1. Hard to believe our girls are graduating! A bittersweet time….Yes, the accident has slowed me down in a big way, but happy to be recovering vs. blind. Be well, my friend!

  4. Mary,
    So thankful that you will be okay, sounds like the incident could have been so much worse.
    Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
    Your yard is just beautiful! Going to try and grow some hollyhocks this year.

    1. Wendy,
      Thank you for the well wishes. It is so scary to think of all the things that could have happened to make this worse. Hope to be fully recovered within 10 days. Good luck with your hollyhocks. I can’t seem to kill mine-they are EVERYWHERE!

  5. Just found this blog! I love it. What gorgeous gardens. I also love Lilacs and miss them so much. I’m from Canada originally and we always had them. Glad you are feeling better and so lucky to not have damaged your site.

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