Why are Attracted to Certain Colors?
Over the last few months I had an obsession with anything that was blush, pink or rose gold. My friend and blogger, Gabie from Tea End blog commented that the color pink was related to nuturing and mothering. It was during a time I had our children home for the holidays. My motherly happiness resulted in purchasing rose gold earrings, a watch, a pink pullover….I couldn’t seem to get enough of this sweet color.

Now, I’m doing the same thing but with lavenders, purples and violets. Really? I’ve never been a fan of purple. The only thing I can remember loving that was purple was my stuffed poodle FiFi back in 6th grade.
Since I don’t understand this new founded color sensitivity, I did some research on why we are drawn to certain colors.

According to energyandvibration.com VIOLET is the channel for true balance, facilitating keeping one’s “feet on the ground (Earth)” – while the “head remains in Heaven”. Like with most things, there are positive and negative aspects to color.
Being attracted to VIOLET means having consistent difficulties with remaining grounded. When one is blocked or stuck in VIOLET they are too contemplative and often times unrealistic and impractical.

Just prior to my purple craving, I was stressing about getting our taxes assembled, doing financial paperwork, on top of all the other responsibilities in life. I did feel overwhelmed and not very grounded.

When I am out of balance I worry needlessly. Worrying is truly a worthless behavior because it doesn’t generate results. Even though I try and talk myself out of worrying, I still do….back in the deep recesses of my mind. I find myself fretting over things I can’t control.

However, not one to wallow for long periods of time, I decided to embrace the positive aspects of VIOLET.

And purple and lavender and all shades in between.

Openness to VIOLET is knowing and being in that Truth, and total Trust in the intuition and guidance it provides. It is also the Willingness to ACT ON that Trust with complete Faith. In reading the words trust and faith, my worrying minimized.

VIOLET can help also promote inner calmness and mental peace.

My color craving also seems timely as Violet and its opposite, Gold are Easter colors, representing the Ascension and Christ.

Color therapy and healing have been used for centuries. I’m far from an expert, but I’ve enjoyed researching and trying to understand my purple obsession. Have you experienced a color craving and don’t understand why?

The flower photos are from my garden and Whitfill Nursery.
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Wow I’m going through this same feeling being drawn to purple and It dawn on me as why im I just started to love this color, so then I started to do some research, this is where I end up..Everything I red all makes sense!.I know im on my path of healing.
Didn’t we have a purple bedroom at Harland Road, or am I imagining that…maybe it was pink.
Yes, it was during the only other purple phase in my life. Mom was a good sport to paint my bedroom to match FiFi, my purple poodle. I think Aunt Estelle gave me that stuffed animal and I loved it…..Have never really connected with purple since!!!!
Oh my goodness! I feel so honored to be mentioned on your beautiful blog and even more honored to be a friend 🙂 Thank you, thank you and thank you!
This subject is one of my favorite subjects! I love that color affects our moods and also reveals facets of our personality or current state of being. I love your approach: Recognize the negative traits of a particular color and appreciate and accept the positive ones. It’s crazy how you are all of a sudden attracted to violet because violet is and has been my favorite color since forever! I soooo have a problem with overthinking and being balanced and reasonable with myself. I am a perfectionist and I have to constantly force myself to be reasonable so that I do not become overwhelmed. At the same time, I love truth and honesty, I am loyal and extremely intuitive; because of my intuition, I can easily piece loose ends together. Even though I struggle with my own inner calmness at times, I tend to have a calming effect on others (based upon what people tell me, that is.)
I’m so happy that you’re liking violet! :-)!! Around the time of a traumatic event, I started to like yellow and even added the color to our home. I think the event, although negative, had a positive effect on me and allowed me to a be more free and open… It would be cool to see what “yellow” represents…I’ll look it up!
Oh my goodness! I love that you talked about this subject and thanks for sharing the beautiful pics of the flowers in your garden! Also, thanks again for the mention!!
Well, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have taken the time to research it–so thank you! Yes, yellow. I always crave that when I’m not feeling well….seems to help with healing.
You have “color” inspired me!