Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

As I write this, we are now officially in the season between winter and summer. Our recent rains dowsed the garden and yard with abundant moisture. We had more rain in the last two weeks than we had over the past 11 months. This will be a shortened version of Saturday Meanderings since my daughter…

Spring Cleaning and Easy Kitchen Updates
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Spring Cleaning and Easy Kitchen Updates

This past weekend I did do more window washing and tackled the job of cleaning the range hood. Using a newly recommended product from my friend, Andrea from Design Morsels, I am amazed at the results. A weekend of Spring cleaning is inspiration to try some easy kitchen updates. But let’s start with this new…

Spring Front Porch Ideas
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Spring Front Porch Ideas

Even though my front door was recently painted a different color, I hope you enjoy this post from 2021 for some Spring front porch inspiration. Are you feeling Spring in the air? I am always motivated to spruce up the front porch this time of year with flowers and color. Enjoy! After putting up the…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

What a week! Our weather is all over the place and I cannot tell you how happy I am that it is the weekend. Thank you so much for joining me today for Saturday Meanderings, where we chat about all good things this week. Grab a favorite beverage and let’s get started! The Desert Smells…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy March! How can that be?!? I have no idea who makes up the daily celebrations by month but today, March 1st is Share a Smile Day and World Compliment Day. Make sure you pay a compliment to someone with a winning smile! My apologies for not posting last Saturday. It was one of those…