Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday! Often after a very busy week, I just want to catch up with you on Saturday morning. In the past I have entitled these posts, Saturday Meanderings. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do, but I need your feedback. Please let me know if: 1) you enjoy Saturday Meanderings; 2)…

DIY Wreaths Using Natural Materials
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DIY Wreaths Using Natural Materials

I love incorporating natural materials into any DIY project for two reasons. 1) You cannot replicate nature and its beauty; 2) Natural products are free and do not cost anything. Good quality faux branches and flowers are expensive. And even though they are pretty, they are not genuine or unique as Nature provides. Have you…

Fun Things at Home Depot
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Fun Things at Home Depot

During a recent trip to Home Depot, I found a few fun things and bargains that I want to share with you. Typically, when I think of Home Depot, lumber, plumbing and hardware comes to mind. But in the last few years, Home Depot has become so much more. Here is a list of some…

My Visit to Waco, Texas
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My Visit to Waco, Texas

travel For all the fans of HGTV Fixer Upper, this post is for you! Last week I traveled to Waco, Texas for a social media seminar. The week was packed with presentations and I was blessed to meet some wonderful women, who are very successful influencers. Green Door Lofts Staying at the Green Door Lofts…

Bedroom Remodel Reveal
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Bedroom Remodel Reveal

My son’s bedroom re-do has taken longer than I would have liked. Am I completely finished? No, but I am close. There are window treatments to complete and of course, sorting through years of his belongings. I want to accomplish that with him, because I would probably keep all the grammar and high school projects…