Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

This is my 100th Saturday Meanderings post. For the centennial post, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication and loyalty every Saturday. I recently heard a sad statistic that over 50% of Americans feel lonely or profoundly lonely. However, so many of you feel like close friends…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from the White Mountains of Arizona. We finally made it up to our cabin, only to find rather hot weather here (but not as hot as Phoenix). Rain is predicted for this weekend, which we always want and need desperately. Thank you for joining me today~it’s been a busy week and there is…

The Perfect Birthday Treat at an English Tea Room
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The Perfect Birthday Treat at an English Tea Room

My life has been so hectic lately and I have had little to no time to do something civilized, and just for me. My sweet friend, Christine made reservations at the English Rose Tea Room in Carefree, Arizona for my birthday celebration. I cannot believe I did not know about this establishment and it is…

Castle Hot Springs
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Castle Hot Springs

It is not very often in life when you get to go somewhere so magical, so unique that it leaves a lasting impression. Fortunately, for my birthday celebration, my sweet spouse arranged a visit to Castle Hot Springs. The kudos actually goes to my son who made us aware of this amazing destination (even though…