A Sweet and Affordable February or Valentine’s Day Table

February is just around the corner with the pretty colors of Valentine’s Day. From bright heart reds to blush and shades of pink, I love any of these colors to brighten up a cold, winter day. Inspired by the pretty, flowery and cottage design of The Pioneer Woman dishes, here is my affordable February and/or Valentine’s Day table.

The Dishes

7″ Cow dish from Walmart

Each time I go to Walmart I check to see what is new from The Pioneer Woman in household goods. In this world where we see so much monochromatic, colorless, design, I appreciate the Pioneer Woman’s bright and cheerful colors.

I am pleasantly surprised to find these sweet 7″ cow dishes with a scalloped edge for $3.32 each. Wait? What? They are such a great size to use in many different ways. This particular plate in pink seems to be out of stock online, but I was able to find this in the Walmart, Showlow, AZ store. You can find the same plate but in 8.75″ in red online here.

The Pioneer Woman Fancy Flourish plate

I layer the cow dish on top of this equally adorable 8.5″ flowery plates~again at a great price of $5.46! The style of these dishes just makes me happy! With some orange tones to the pink, the predominant color seems more pinky-coral than a traditional Valentine pink.

The place setting

Using a white dinner plate with a narrow gold rim, I set the two plates on top. Years ago, I bought Pottery Barn’s standard white dinner plates. An affordable option is this one ~ 10 dinner plates for $47.65. At the base is a brushed gold charger to complete the look. These chargers on Amazon are 12% off ~ for 12 pieces at $29.99

The Table Cloth

Francheska Block Print tablecloth from Just Darviny

Debating between a plain white tablecloth or this more vibrant Francheska block print, the brighter one wins. The combination of orange and pink in the design, picks up the colors in the Walmart plates. I like that it is more colorful and playful, justlike the dishes.

The Napkins

You may recall the time I tried to make my own stamped letter napkin? A colossal failed DIY and you can read about it here. Well, my younger sister, Susie is an excellent seamstress. She felt pity for my pathetic attempt at the DIY napkins, so she whipped these beautiful “Blessed” ones up for me.

“Blessed” napkins made by my sister

I love how the black stitching picks up the color of the cow and helps anchor the place setting. Thank you, sweet Susie!

Silverware and Glasses

Wallace Napoleon Bee Gold Accent Stainless Steel flatware can be casual or dressy, depending on the dishes. This set is holding up so well with frequent use.

Wallace flatware

A simple crystal glass with a gold rim for both water and wine plays into the more casual look of the table. My glasses are quite old as I bought them when I was in my 20s from Lenox crystal.

Lenox crystal water and wine glasses

The Centerpiece

With such a vibrant table cloth, I keep the centerpiece a clear glass vase with white hydrangeas, peonies, and pink and white tulips.

Flowers~ faux or real?

I cannot say enough about my battery operated gold table lamps. Not only do they give off an inviting light, but they have two settings. Charging is a breeze with a USB port. I find I prefer them because you don’t have to worry about candles blowing out or dripping.

An overhead view the centerpiece

Small glass votives are scattered around the table to provide a little more ambiance.

Need More Valentine impact?

If this table isn’t Valentine-y enough for you, it is easy to add elements of the holiday. I find these cute felt hearts at a cafe store up in the mountains. Here is this page resource on Amazon that has hearts in multiple colors and sizes.

Adding Valentine place cards will also step up the love theme!

Valentine felt heart
White felt heart

This table is particularly fun and joyful to put together because of the affordability of the plates, the addition of these pretty colors and using my sister’s handmade napkins.

Are you decorating a table for Valentine’s Day? I hope this one inspires you to spread a bit of happiness, love and cheer.

If you enjoy this post, please share on Pinterest.

Saturday Meanderings

For the last Saturday Meanderings of 2023, I am including two weeks of good things to chat about. With every intention to post last Saturday, well, you know how life goes the week before and after Christmas. Happily with a house full of family and guests, I never finished my post and here it is, a week later and there is more to add. So grab a cup of coffee or tea, and let’s chat about all good things over the last two weeks.

Before Christmas

What a week! On Saturday, December 16th we made the 6 hour drive to Newport Beach, California where we celebrated my husband’s birthday.

Coffee and sunrise over the Pacific

Newport Beach

With the average house price in Newport Beach being nearly $4mm, it is obviously a place we cannot buy, but we certainly love to visit. We always stay at Marriott Newport Coast Villas, which overlooks the Pacific Ocean and is situation right on the Pacific Coast Highway. This location is just perfect for our family and after coming here every summer when the children were younger, it feels a bit like a home away from home.

View from our deck: Sunset over the Pacific

Four days of chock-a-block activities with the whole family (and significant others), from Disneyland to our favorite beach, the time is filled with lots of laughter and new memories. This Marriott property is so well maintained with beautiful landscaping too.

Unedited~bird of paradise

One of the highlights of blogging is meeting some truly wonderful people. During my September trip to Newport Beach, I learn that Wendy, from WM Design House lives in the area. So on this trip, we schedule time to meet for lunch and immediately, we become fast friends.

Meeting Wendy from WM House Designs

I love scheduling 4 to 5 days before Christmas to do something extra special with our family. Not only do we focus on my husband’s birthday (which can get lost in the holiday crunch), but hotel prices are still reasonable and accommodations available. Plus it’s a nice break from the holiday frenzy.

The Loofa (or luffa) is Ready!

This loofa plant has been the highlight of the garden this year. The vine is slowly dying off and I am picking dried loofa from the vine. If you recall, here is how it looks over the summer. At this point, this vegetable is very edible. Surprisingly, it did very well in our exceptionally hot summer.

Loofa growing on the vine

As it matures, the fruit lightens in color and loses water weight. The shell hardens and starts to separate from interior fibers. Here is what the loofa looks like now.

Dried loofa

The dried skin easily peels off and the seeds shake out from the inside. I find this plant so interesting! If you would like to grow this in your garden, here is a link to luffa seeds. I haven’t used it yet as a body scrubber but will keep you posted!

Annual Holiday Competition

My son, Benjamin has long-time friends (Emily, Max and Jeffrey) who gather each Christmas and compete in a food/drink cookoff. To date, the competition has included BLTs, stuffing, and hamburgers. This year they decide to do a cocktail one with categories of stirred, blended, shaken and shooters.

And the competition begins!

With a cleared kitchen island, each friend has a prep station. Official descriptions and judging sheets are provided to us and our friends, Rick and Janie. Not only are the drinks innovative and delicious, but it is so joyful to see the camaraderie between these incredible friends. Judging scores includes presentation, taste and innovation.

Great friends-Great cocktails

From tropical pinã coladas to snowball Negronis, this group did not disappoint. Operating as skilled mixologist, each and every drink is delicious.

Whiskey sour

Cocktails are rated with a numbering system and judged with a blind tasting. It’s always hard to pick one winner because such effort and attention is done by all three participants.

Christmas Day and After

Christmas morning is a very casual and relaxing affair here at Bella Terra. After the traditional breakfast of Eggs a la Goldenrod (see the recipe here), smoked salmon (made by my husband), bagels, and fresh squeezed orange juice for mimosas, we open our presents in the living room. It is possible there are more dog than people presents!

Annual Stairs photo

A late afternoon dinner is served in the dining room. What is fun about this year’s meal is that it was thrown together without a lot of forethought. The menu includes a smoked pork loin, a salad made from fresh garden greens and sweet potatoes, prepared in the most delicious way (recipe to come soon), cornbread muffins and a previously homemade (and frozen) pumpkin pie.

Smoked pork loin with creamy mustard sauce with fresh thyme

The table centerpiece is simply created with bottlebrush trees gathered from other parts of the house. Though our dining room is small and can only accommodate 10 people, it is very conducive to lively conversation and ambiance.

2023 Christmas dinner table

Celebrating the 12 Days of Christmas

I know many people are already dismantling their Christmas decorations, but not here at Bella Terra. This year, I decide to truly celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas (from Christmas Day to January 6, the Epiphany). My mother kept all decorations up until January 6th, a tradition we continue here.


What I love about this time between those two dates is the unique period of tranquility. I can fully enjoy the quiet beauty of the winter wonderland of our home without the stresses of the holiday bustle. In this sense of peace and stillness, I will slowly read and enjoy all the Christmas cards and letters we’ve received. Daily, I am watching a Christmas movie.

My Santa painting from 2019

Even though Valentine’s Day merchandise is in the stores, I plan to be present and enjoy the peace and quiet of these 12 days. I invite you to join me in using this time for quiet reflection, to connect with nature’s stillness, spend quality time with loved ones, embrace deliberately slowing down, and savor your traditions and rituals.

Christopher Radko ornament

When do you take down your decorations? Do you celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas?

Wishing you the best in 2024

As we say goodbye to 2023, I send you the biggest hugs and best wishes for a healthy, happy and exciting 2024. Keep those you love close to you and always extend a hand to those less fortunate. That’s what life is all about. See you in the New Year!

Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday and I hope you are all in a festive, joyful and holiday mood. I realize the holidays may be hard for some. Often I find myself singing happily along with a Christmas carol and sobbing with another. It is certainly a time of year where I think about those who I love, those I have lost and those less fortunate than us. Finding gems of holiday magic may require some work, but once you do, joy can overcome sadness. Welcome to another Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things this week. Hopefully this post will be informative, lift your spirits or help you spread the excitement of the holidays.

Holiday Hand Soap and festive hand towels in guest bathroom

A Successful Event

Last Saturday we hosted an event with nearly 70 people attending. Held on the back terrace, it was a beautiful late afternoon. So nice to see old friends and make new ones. Remember last Saturday when I shared the “Christmas Tree Spinach Dip Breadstick” recipe? I make this for our event and it is an incredible success.

Christmas Tree Breadsticks before baking

Here is the recipe again, however, some things to note. First, I think the manufacturer is making the pizza dough smaller. I use two rolls of pizza dough, but keep the same spinach/cream cheese filling (for one tree). There is plenty of filling for 2 trees.

Christmas Tree Spinach breadsticks

At first, no one wanted to tear into it, but once they did, both trees went very quickly! I think you could make this recipe with various fillings. Looks complicated but is relatively easy. Just follow the instructions. I will definitely make this again. Yummy.

Dessert tray

I also make this pretty dessert tray with store bought items~gingerbread cookies, European milk chocolate biscuit cookies (found in the cookie aisle at Safeway), Christmas tree and snowflake yogurt pretzels (just addicting), mini Belgian cream puffs (in the freezer section most grocery stores/big box at Costco) and the cute red/white mini licorice candy canes by High Valley Orchard (in plastic containers at Safeway). Add a sprig of greenery! So easy to throw together and bite-size pieces for all.

The Annual Christmas Tree Hunt

At my favorite place, Whitfill Nursery

It is family tradition to get our fresh Christmas tree on or around my husband’s birthday, which is December 13th. Each and every year, we head to Whitfill Nursery and always find the freshest, most fragrant trees. We get a nice big one for the living room and a smaller one for the dining room.

Trees in the pool!

The trees go into the pool for a day or two, primarily to clean and hydrate them. If you’ve ever had a spider’s web (and spider babies) in your Christmas tree, you know what I’m talking about. Eeew.

Another Great Hostess Gift

Once you inhale the fragrance of paper whites (narcissus) you can see why they are a favorite holiday flower. This plant has an average plastic container, but I pop it into a cute small basket, add some moss and a pretty blue velvet ribbon, and voilà, you have a hostess gift!

Paper white narcissus hostess gift

If you missed last week’s Saturday Meanderings, I share some hostess gift suggestions. The beeswax candles I order from Amazon arrive and they are perfect. These are all natural and organic, and you need to stand up the wick to light them. I gifted them to my friend, Janie with the electric candle lighter (charges with a USB port) and she loves it! See that post here.

It’s Panettone Week!

Hot out of the oven.

During the holidays I always take a homemade baked good to the man who has been cutting and styling my hair for over 30 years (Roscoe at Pucci Salon). My hair is in sorry shape as I haven’t gotten it done for months. Nothing like warm panettone out of the oven to motivate a good cut and style.

My new do!

Never had panettone? Check out this Saturday Meanderings from last year goes into detail on this delicious Italian holiday bread.

December Sunsets

With the crisp, chilly mornings and evenings, our December sunsets are fabulous. Here is an unedited photo of the sky behind the hen house and garden.

Glorious sunset behind the hen house and garden

Mother Nature puts on quite the show. Within minutes, the view changes. So stunning!

Day is done.

Note the Christmas lights in the garden. The temperature is in the mid-30s to low 40s in the morning. I generally put lights over the beds so when I cover them with frost cloth, some heat is retained to protect the plants. Our temperatures on our property are anywhere from 6-9 degrees cooler than the posted weather forecast. Freezing temperatures are on the horizon.

Fun with Food

Charcuterie tree on Pinterest

I seem to be drawn to festive holiday food! This different approach to charcuterie looks fun to make, right? Not only can food arrangement be festive, but so can holiday cocktails. If you missed my Christmas cocktail post this week, there are several suggestions for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.


This board is certainly seasonal. By just removing part of the rind on a round brie, you can make it look like Santa~so clever!

Mary’s Must Haves

Having fresh trees and greens in the houses fills each room with the most amazing forest scent. But if you have an artificial tree or greens, this is the next best thing:

Frasier Fir candle

Thymes Frasier Fir pine needle candles never disappoint. There are on the expensive side ($34.00 for 6.5 oz) but such a nice splurge for the holidays.

Though I haven’t tried this one personally, Yankee Candle has a 22 ounce Balsam and Cedar candle for $29.94.

Scentsicles White Winter Fir

My husband tucks the Scentsicles in our artificial garlands or wreaths to give them a White Winter Fir scent. These scented sticks are made of sustainable, biodegradable, recycled paper and make trees and greenery smell like fresh-cut for 30 days. See it here.

With lots of house guests, I am doing much more laundry, mostly sheets and towels. During the dry winter months, we have additional static cling and I am not a fan of dryer static. Even though dryer sheets help with static and add fragrance, I do not like the cost, waste and chemicals.

Wool Dryer Balls

Instead, we use reusable wool dryer balls, 100% Premium New Zealand Wool – eco-friendly and all-natural. Ideal for those with sensitive skin, babies, toddlers, & pets. No fillers, chemicals, or synthetics. Dryer balls cut the drying time by up to 50% (savings in electrical costs). These sustainable (last up to 1,000 loads), biodegradable dryer balls are completely static-free.

Great stocking stuffer too!

I love these cordless table lights, Shanghai LED Desk Lamp Cordless Table Lights. At this past weekend event, I use them on the appetizer table. The light is so pleasant~not too bright but beautifully cast downward with pretty illumination. With two settings, you can adjust the ambience to your conditions.

Cordless table lights

Here is a photo where I use 3 of these lights on my Valentine dinner table. Since we are dining outside, I don’t have to worry about candles blowing out or dripping on the centerpiece.

Table Lamps at a dinner party

The LED night lamp is battery-powered and charge with a USB port. It is equipped with a 5000 mAh rechargeable battery allowing up to 8 hours usage. Elegant and transportable, you can truly use them anywhere. Well worth the investment of $49.00 each. Plus they come in multiple colors (mine are gold). See it here.

Thayer toner Rose Petal

This time of year my hands are SO dry. Often I will get little cracks, like paper cuts, due to the dryness. A few years ago, I did use a combination of Thayer toner with witch hazel, aloe vera and rose petal and then a good hand cream. With both products by my kitchen sink, it was easy to use them after hand washing. I just re-ordered the Thayer toner and did read great reviews about CeraVe therapeutic hand cream.

CeraVe therapeutic hand cream

Note: the Thayer toner comes in a spray bottle too, which might make application easier. Will be getting both today in the mail and I’ll let you know how the hand cream works.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend! We are off with the family celebrating my husband’s birthday so I am hoping time permits me to share a holiday home tour with you next week. I’m still a bit behind in the holiday shopping but it will all come together. Are you ready for the holidays?

Thanksgiving Table Ideas from Table Design to Centerpiece Inspiration

Every year I try to make our Thanksgiving table extra special, from the space and table, to the place setting and centerpiece. There is something that says love in setting a lovely table for your guests. Since this is the holiday of thanks, what better way to tell your family and guests how grateful you are to gather together.

Thanksgiving table 2021

My sweet friend, Rachel from The Ponds Farmhouse is hosting this round up of Thanksgiving ideas to help inspire you this season. Below there are 15 incredible posts filled with wonderful ideas and suggestions on how to make this the best Thanksgiving ever.

Please make sure you stop by each post and of course, we love your comments and feedback. If you are not in the Thanksgiving mood yet, bookmark it for later. Thank you for stopping by.

If you are new to my blog, welcome. My name is Mary and our family lives in a historic home in Phoenix, Arizona. We are blessed with space to entertain and share our unique property with others. So let’s get started on the Thanksgiving table.

Place and Space

With 8 in attendance, the dining room is the most desirable place to have our dinner. Even though our weather is beautiful, it has been a bit warmer during the days. Outside dining could be an option but the mosquito factor is uncertain.

Expanding dining room table

Our dining room table seats 6 comfortably and 8-10 with the additional leaf. Here is a great picture of our dining room rug with colors that are not typical of autumn.

Fall dining room mantel

Since typical autumn colors are NOT the shades in my dining room, it is always a bit of a dilemma in decorating the dining room mantel with fall decor that goes with the pink/burgundy/cream/green rug. Naturally I want to pull the same tones/textures to the Thanksgiving table centerpiece. To see the post about my mantel decorating challenge, click here.

Using Natural Materials

Potted herbs, flowers and succulents from Whitfill Nursery

A few years ago, I started making centerpieces out of items I can re-use in the yard or garden later. A quick trip to my favorite local happy place, Whitfill Nursery and I find everything I need. From ornamental cabbages to succulents to fresh mint, I believe I have the colors, textures and sizes I want.

Selecting the Tablecloth

Learning from experience, it is important to protect the surface of the table. Remember the dinner party where the bourbon spill did this to our table?

Damaged table surface

Now I make sure I add the custom made table pad underneath the tablecloth….always. I cannot seem to access the company who made my pads, but there are several resources on Amazon, which provide products you can cut to size. To source table pads, see here.

Table protectant pads

Not only does the pad protect the table, but it also quiets the sound of glasses or utensils hitting the table during the meal. The manufacturer custom makes them for your table and they fold up for easy storage. Or check out this quilted waterproof pad that you can cut to fit your table. It’s affordable and has good reviews.

Vintage linen bedsheet

Since the tablecloth I want to use is a bit smaller with the additional leaf, I place a larger, neutral tablecloth beneath. Actually what I use is a vintage linen bedsheet I found at a convent during a visit to France. I still swoon over the beautiful monogram sheet.

The Place Setting

Place setting

The ecru, heavily decorated table linen is the perfect backdrop for the place setting. I found this one at a thrift store.

Using a scalloped wooden charger, Johnson Brothers Windsor Ware platter, and gold rimmed glass Leslie Roy salad plate, each place setting is finished with blush linen napkins and pink glassware. A white pumpkin completes the autumn look. You can find these items or similar here:

Assembly of the Centerpiece

Succulents, lamb’s ears, cabbages, bacopa will be replanted

Since all the plants are already potted, I place each one into a bowl to protect the table from the bottoms. Water plants and drain before putting them on the table. Using any bowls available (cereal, dessert, glass), the plants are arranged down the center.

Here is a list of plants and quantities I use for a 5′ x 18″ centerpiece:

  • Lamb’s ears-2 in 4″ pots
  • Ornamental Red Kale Cabbages (5) in 4″ pots
  • Echeveria “Red Sky” succulents-2
  • Graptoveria “Bashful” succulents-2
  • Bacopia Megacopa White-4
  • Fresh Mint-2 in 4″ pots

To fill in space, I use:

  • Pomegranates
  • Brass decorative pumpkins (see similar here)
  • 5 Silver mint julep cups with fresh cut pale pink roses (2 dozen from Safeway)
  • 2 small antler sheds
  • Faux greens that match the ones on the mantel
  • 2 tall brass candlesticks
  • Scatter votive candles on the table
Silver mint julep cups are the perfect size for the cut roses

Since the lamb’s ears are the tallest, they are toward the end. Also, remember not to make the centerpiece so tall that your guests cannot see across the table.

Overhead view

Final Touches

When creating your centerpiece, think textures and scale. It’s easy to have lots of little things going on but keep the selection simple and use repetition, scale, color and texture be your guide. Throughout dinner, my daughter kept reaching over to touch the lamb’s ears~which are so soft and lovely.

The antlers provide a rustic and different element to the table, but do not dominate or standout too much.

Brass pumpkins for glamour

Perhaps the best part of the meal is when candles on the table and mantel are lit and everyone sits. Since the dining room is a bit brisk, a warm fire will add to the overall charm.

Table for 8

Previous Years

I hope this inspires you to do a fresh centerpiece for Thanksgiving. Now let’s look at previous Thanksgiving tables. In 2020 we had our dinner outside on the back terrace. Using Hester & Cook fall inspired paper placemat, the centerpiece is a compilation of fabric pumpkins, sheaths of wheat, apples, pears, cotton stems, faux fall leaves and votive candles.

Fall fruit, autumn leaves and fabric pumpkins
Name tags calligraphy by Delaney

In 2019, again you will see many plants and flowers~petunias, cabbages, lettuces and pale orange roses and alstroemerias. Same concept but different color palette. To see more about this table, click here.

Thanksgiving table 2019

In 2018, all the tones are again in warm autumn colors with chrysanthemums, protea, cabbages, ivy and white roses. To see more about this centerpiece and our Thanksgiving traditions (at least in 2018), click here.

2018 Thanksgiving table with protea and cabbage

Back in 2017 is when I started using fresh plants vs. all cut flowers. All the plants and items are in a foil lined wooden tray. At the ends of the tray I used ivy and spread it down the table. This centerpiece is a bit more condensed but it is fun experimenting with different vessels. To see more details, click here.

Pears and large chrysanthemums in 2017

In 2016, I am using fresh cut flowers only, with a few fabric pumpkins. The blog was just starting back then and hopefully my picture-taking skills have improved a bit! Ha!

2016 Thanksgiving table

If you enjoy this post, please share on Pinterest.

Now onto all the fabulous Thanksgiving inspiration from these incredibly talented women!

Ideas for Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving Dining Table

Rachel from The Ponds Farmhouse

Rachel shares a fall centerpiece that’s perfect for your Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving Dining table. It combines DIY and vintage pieces for a unique table arrangement.

The Ponds Farmhouse

Heirloom Pumpkin Fall Centerpiece

Heidi from Eleanor Rose Home

Wow your guests with an elegant fall centerpiece utilizing an heirloom pumpkin and seasonal fresh florals.

Eleanor Rose Home

Thanksgiving Traditions to Try this Year

Kristin from White Arrows Home

These easy Thanksgiving traditions make it a favorite holiday to look forward to all year long.

White Arrows Home

Thanksgiving Dining Table with Copper Accents and Free Printable Placecards

Cindy from DIY Beautify

Easy tips to set a memorable Thanksgiving table with printable place setting cards that can double as a gratitude garland!

DIY Beautify

Simple and Beautiful DIY Artichoke and Magnolia Centerpiece

Jen at Midwest Life and Style

Impress your family and friends with a simple and beautiful DIY artichoke and magnolia centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table.

Midwest Life and Style

How to Create a Simple Rustic Thanksgiving Centerpiece

AnnMarie from Simply 2 Moms

Create a simple rustic centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table this year. Pretty neutral style can be used for the entire autumn season.

Simply 2 Moms

9 Simple Tips to Hosting the Best Thanksgiving Dinner Ever

Stacy from Bricks ‘n Blooms

Looking for ways to organize yourself to host Thanksgiving? Here are 9 simple tips to hosting the best Thanksgiving dinner ever. Not hosting this year? Check out my Thanksgiving hostess gift ideas at the end of this post.

Bricks ‘n Blooms

Simple Autumn Thanksgiving Vintage Decor Tips

Ann from Dabbling and Decorating

Are you looking for simple Thanksgiving or autumn decorating ideas? Let me share a few tips and tricks to help you get started.

Dabbling and Decorating

How to Create the Perfect Table for your Thanksgiving Feast

Renae from Peacock Ridge Farm

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and that means it’s time to start planning your feast! If you’re not sure how to create the perfect table for your Thanksgiving ing celebration, don’t worry. We’re here to help. In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on how to decorate your table for Thanksgiving. So read on and learn how to create a festive table for your holiday celebration!

Peacock Ridge Farm

How to Make an Easy DIY Cornucopia Basket

Wendy from WM Design House

Thanksgiving is time to give thanks and celebrate with friends and family. One of my favorite traditions is decorating my Thanksgiving table with my homemade cornucopia. I make it out of chicken wire and rope, and then fill it with pumpkins, gourds, feathers and flowers. It’s a beautiful and festive decoration that always gets me in the Thanksgiving spirit.

WM Design House

Dried Wheat Centerpiece

Jen from Cottage on Bunker Hill

Do you love the look of dried wheat? Me too! I love the natural color…I think it is so pretty so I came up with this dried wheat centerpiece. It is perfect for your traditional Thanksgiving table. Let me show you how to make it.

Cottage on Bunker Hill

Boho Cottage Fall Tablescape

Jen from Tatertots and Jello

Create a warm and inviting Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving table by making a DIY table runner, pillows and a beautiful footed bowl centerpiece filled with textured, fabric-covered pumpkins and leaves.

Tatertots and Jello

How to Create a Beautiful Thanksgiving Tablescape

Robyn from Robyn’s French Nest

Are you hosting Thanksgiving this year? Enjoy some tips for hosting a large gathering with budget-friendly Thanksgiving table elements. At the same time, learn what pieces you can pull together from around your home, and how to best layer them. Then, you can easily create a thoughtful and beautiful tables cape this Thanksgiving.

Robyn’s French Nest

Simple Fall Table and the Prettiest Serving Pieces

KariAnne from Thistlewood Farm

Looking for some simple ideas for your Friendsgiving table? Why not add a little blue and white with your pumpkins? Tons of simple ideas to make your holiday celebrations a little easier.

I hope you enjoy all the inspiration! Thank you again for joining me today.

Our First Fall Styling Workshop is a Success!

Last Thursday and Friday, we hosted the very first Fall Styling Workshop here at our historic property, Bella Terra. Naturally, for weeks and months beforehand, we dreamed and planned. But anything you imagine in your head and then execute in real life, comes with a bit of trepidation. I am very happy to say, with the very skilled and talented Chloe Crabtree from Celebrate and Decorate and Chas Greener from Chas’ Crazy Creations, our two day event is a resounding success.

Welcome to our first workshop!

Goals of the Workshop

My personal goal for this event is to try and gather like-minded people together for a day of learning, creativity and friendship. In a world that has too much hate and division, the idea of a day of beauty and kindness is what many are seeking.

Personally I have learned so much from Chloe and Chas, who are very effective and popular bloggers, and I want to share their talents with others here at our home. Unfortunately, Andrea from Design Morsels, the other leg to our friend table, could not attend. We are hoping she will be presenting at the next one.

Chloe, Mary and Chas

Look at these cute linen aprons I find on Etsy! My sweet sister, Susie, embroidered them with my logo, Life at Bella Terra~a perfect outfit to greet our guests.

The Morning

Our guests arrive at 10:00 a.m. and after affixing their name tag, we head to the kitchen for a light continental breakfast of various quick breads from pumpkin to cinnamon swirl, fresh fruit, hard boiled eggs (from our hen house) and a beverage of their choice. Introductions are made and new friendships formed.

In the garden showing the “loofa” plant

A quick tour of the property follows a I share our renovation stories and 113 year old history of our home.

The Magic Begins

The outdoor back terrace is the perfect place to gather. Chloe, the master at creating lush, stunning seasonal decor has already put together this drop dead gorgeous autumn themed mantel on our stone fireplace.

Fall Mantel on the outdoor stone fireplace

With specific details and instruction, Chloe demonstrates how to easily transform a fall mantel into one for Christmas and winter.

Detailed tutorial from Chloe

We limit the attendance to 10 at each workshop, so everyone one has the opportunity to ask questions, visually inspect the materials used and engage on an intimate and personal level.

Antler sheds, pinecones and fabulous ribbon

In addition to the “how to” of this workshop, sharing resources and products is an important aspect as well.

Centerpiece with fruits and flowers

After completing this mantel transformation, Chloe demonstrates how to set a fabulous table, while wowing your guests with breathtaking flowers to elegant dinnerware.

Large Leslie Roy gold chargers

The Afternoon

Next we all sit together for a healthy and delicious lunch in the palm orchard.

Lunch in the palm orchard

Since Phoenix’s weather is a bit warmer than expected, we move the rest of the day’s activities to inside the air conditioned house. Next stop, the formal living room.

Showing the quality and types of garland available

Chloe demonstrates the importance of layering different garlands to achieve a lush and substantial look on this particularly long and deep mantel. Again, we share the resources on where to get these garlands, which are a cut above the ones we all purchased years ago.

Here is a snippet of the living room mantel as I want to share it in detail when we get closer to the Christmas holiday.

A peek at the Christmas living room mantel

We discuss ribbon sourcing, ribbon tying, bow making and techniques to affix everything.

Next we head to the kitchen for chilled glasses of champagne and a Christmas wreath charcuterie board presentation. While noshing on the charcuterie board and sipping their bubbly, our guests wrap up their time with us. New friendships are forged, ideas shared and the mood is light and happy.

Christmas Wreath charcuterie board

Each guest leaves with a special gift and a reminder of our day together.

Making gift bags late at night

Our Guests

We want to thank all our guests who took a leap to attend our very first Fall Styling workshops. Our Friday guests: We so enjoyed all your engagement and feedback. What a lively group!

Our Friday workshop guests

And here’s to our Saturday guests! Celebrating our friend and neighbor, Tevia’s birthday is an extra treat that afternoon.

Saturday Workshop guests

We hope to have another Fall Styling Workshop next year, with some smaller workshops in between.

In Summary

I couldn’t have turned this idea into reality without the important people in my life. Chloe and Chas are amazing women with so much creativity and energy to give. I feel honored to have them be a crucial and important part of this workshop.

So much goes on behind the scenes. My husband, Scott did everything possible to make our property sparkle after a brutal summer. From mowing the lawn, to setting up tables and even ironing napkins for lunch, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all his support. My sweet daughter, Elisabeth, provided the extra helping hands on Saturday. Chloe, Chas and I are so relieved to have your young legs minimize our running around!

Here is some feedback from those who attended:

The three of you were so honest and accessible. Everyone caught that “Yes, I can” spirit from you.” Barbara

My favorites~Your food selections (welcome breakfast and lunch) were beautifully presented and delicious (especially your pasta salad). Plus the setting of having lunch amongst your palm trees is something out of a magazine.” Felicia

What an absolutely delightful day with three special and very talented ladies! Loved your fun hostess gift! “Louise

I have not stopped thinking about the delightful time spent at your home for the Fall Styling Workshop. It was a fun event and game me an opportunity to meet some lovely women , but even more to see your beautiful home in person (which after reading your blog for three years I love!).” Nancy

The different segments (2 mantels, the tablescape, the spontaneous wreath and the charcuterie board) were all interesting, beautifully executed and performed in the right amount of time. Seeing them in person was surprisingly different than watching them on YouTube. On YouTube, I’m frequently left feeling that it’s all well and good for the person demonstrating, but I’m not that good/visually creative. Being ten feet away while Chloe did those mantels or you did that board gave me every confidence that I can do this! ” Barbara

With gratitude,