Appreciating the Simple Things
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Appreciating the Simple Things

As a result of freak accident, I have been unable to use my computer much so my apologies for not posting recently. Short version of a long story… an Easy Off Grill Cleaner can was accidentally punctured when I opened up an outdoor cupboard and the foam sprayed into both of my eyes. I am…

Setting a Proper Table
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Setting a Proper Table

There is something satisfying about a stunning dinner table.  It makes your guests feel special and honors the meal soon to be presented.  Unfortunately, in our household we don’t do it enough.  We can rarely get our senior in high school to be hungry at standard meal times. I love setting a proper table, and…

Bring Back the Hankie and Giveaway!
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Bring Back the Hankie and Giveaway!

Historians credit Marie Antoinette with the invention of the pocket handkerchief. She was so broken up at leaving her home in Austria that she cried all the way to France and wiped her eyes with bits of lace torn from her dress and lingerie. Anticipating future tears, she made it a point always to have…

Tulips and Tulipiere
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Tulips and Tulipiere

The first stop on our Baltic Sea tour (in 2007) was Amsterdam. Though it was not tulip season, we quickly learned about the importance of the tulip in their history. During many palace tours, I would spot one gorgeous tulipiere after another. What is a tulipiere? A tulipiere or tulip-holder is an ornate vessel in which to grow…