A Royal Novel Surprise

My very first blog post in September 2016 was about a charitable English tea we had here at Bella Terra with New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-selling author, Rhys Bowen.

Not only was the event a wonderful fundraiser for Family to Family, (they provides scholarships to students in rural El Salvador) but it wasn’t your typical tedious fundraising event. Everyone got into the spirit of the English tea by wearing fabulous hats and dresses. The caterer, Julie Greder, outdid herself by providing beautiful sandwiches and scones.

As a result, we had a subsequent English tea fundraiser in April 2018. See blog post here. What made both events extra special was the main speaker. Rhys Bowen, with her lovely British accent recounted her hilarious stories about her characters, the details of her extensive research and her book writing experience. Surprisingly, Rhys writes two books a year!

Rhys Bowen

During the event, there are charitable items you can bid on……one being the ability to be a character in one of author’s next books. My sweet husband purchased that item two years ago and quite frankly, I completely forgot about it.

A few weeks ago, I received a call from Rhys asking if I would like to attend a book event at The Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale, where she would be discussing her new book. It was at that time she told me that I was a character in her latest novel, Above the Bay of Angels. What? Wait? Weren’t we supposed to discuss this beforehand?

Since the book hadn’t been released yet, I didn’t know if I was a villain, a tramp, or a pathetic historical character. I don’t know where I got the idea that this famous author would consult with me on what role I would play in her book. Delusions of grandeur?

A must see bookstore in the Old Town, Scottsdale
This fabulous bookstore has an extensive collection of mysteries and thrillers

We drove to the book event which was very well attended. I was excited to hear about the book, while discovering what character was I going to be.

Rhys and book store founder, Barbara Peters

Known for her historical research and her attention to those details in her novels, Above the Bay of Angels is based in London and Nice in 1896, during Queen Victoria’s reign.

Scones, British biscuits and champagne served

Naturally, I was anxious to get my hands on one of her “not yet released” books. I surprisingly found this lovely dedication in the front.

Rhys made me a delightful character! I am in my 40s, married to a Marquis and live in a villa in Nice, France. What I love about Rhys’ books is not only are they a joyful read, but there’s a history lesson in each. Above the Bay of Angels has it all~~oppression, opportunity, crime, adventure and romance.

They say that everyone has their 5 minutes of fame….I’m guessing this is mine! I haven’t finished the book yet, but am in the last few chapters and truly enjoying it. Rhys has a gift of keeping the answer to “whodunnit?” to the very end.

That’s my exciting news for the day! If you love to read and want an author to follow, I highly recommend Rhys Bowen. Her series include the Molly Murphy Mysteries, Constable Evans Mysteries, Royal Spyness Mysteries and currently she has 5 stand alone books. Click here for her Amazon link.

It’s hard to believe it is already Wednesday! Enjoy your day!

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.

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  1. She needed your character to breath a classy spirit , a refreshing effervescence and a notably hospitable villa to her uplifting historical writings!

  2. Dear Lady Mary,
    You are indeed the best hostess!! I still think about the Valentine’s Dinner you gave almost 20 years ago! I am always happy to be your partner in crime.
    Lady Susan

    1. Lady Susan, I am getting ready to read The Victory Garden where you are a character! I can’t wait to get started on it. Hard to believe we’ve been entertaining for over 20 years. Where does the time go? So happy we are friends for life.

  3. I don’t have the patience to read books….but I so agree with your house looking like a villa in France! And your tea parties are pretty.

    1. Nancy, I am very picky about what I read. I don’t like disturbing books, nor do I like to have to re-read a line because it’s too long or confusing. There is something about the way Rhys writes, that is so fluid and entertaining. Plus she is great at not revealing who committed the crime until the very end. With other authors, I can figure who did it, but not with her books. Anyway, if you are looking for enjoyable reads, I would strongly suggest any of her books. If it is a series, it’s important to start with the first one, but her stand alone books, like this one, is fine to read on its own.

  4. Oh Mary – how exciting!! I can’t wait to read it! And what a lovely dedication – your Rhys sounds like a wonderful person – another great reason to read her books!

    And how sweet of you to host the fund raisers – I can see we’ll have a ton to talk about in April! Can’t wait to meet you! ❤️

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