Wrap Up Wednesday

Lately, life feels like a lot of loose ends. The ups and downs of the pandemic, the constant barrage of bad news, the light at the end of the tunnel brightens and then dims. I don’t know about you, but I feel a bit untethered. Of course, some days are better than others. But, wait. What day is it? So today’s blog post is wrapping up the stories on previous editions. Let’s get some loose ends wrapped up!

Propagating Roses Project in April

Remember me attempting to propagate roses a few months ago? I did all this research and had the right tools and equipment? My goal was to create more of the heirloom roses that have been growing on our property for many years.

Well that project was a total failure. Not one of the stems took root and all of them died…in a matter of days. Seriously. It’s hard to admit when such an ambitious project bites the dust. However, I am not giving up. I will try again in the fall when the temperatures are cooler. To read more of my lofty rose goals, click here.

However, like most things in life, there is a bright spot. One of my lovely subscribers, Shaun took the time to send me pictures of her beautiful roses. So I am living vicariously through her stunning rose pictures. Thank you, Shaun.

Back Staircase Project

As you may recall, the back staircase project started last August. Yep, nearly a year ago. The existing sisal rug was separating on the edges and showing wear and tear. To see that post, click here.

Though we have made progress, it has been slow and painful. The last report from me showed us struggling to remove layers of carpet glue and old paint. See that May post here.

Well, I’m happy to report that the stripping is complete and the stairs are down to bare wood. However, in doing so, we found 3 broken threads and one jury-rigged upright. To get these repaired by a professional, the first bid was a whopping $3,500.

That is enough to take the wind out of your sails, so the project is on hold until we get more opinions. Right now it would be easier to just cover the problems with carpet, but I can’t do that. This has become more challenging that we expected. But this will get done.

The Bulb Garden

It was so joyful watching the heavily planted bulb garden bloom in the spring with an abundance of iris, tulips and hyacinths. I was a proud bulb mama, carefully inspecting each and every blossom on my daily yard walkabouts.

And then the bulbs disappeared. Literally. I know there is something living below ground just munching his/her way around the yard. But I haven’t done anything yet because it just seems a bit overwhelming. Fighting with a varmint? I just don’t have the energy. But the fall will be here soon and I WILL want to replant my bulbs. So there is more work to be done there….sigh.

The Pool House Bathroom Floor

Tile painted with the primer coat

This week, I started a new floor stenciling project in the pool house. If you follow my stories on Instagram, you have seen my progress. The stencil painting will start after letting the primer and base coat dry for a full week. More to come!

Sharing Sourdough Starter

Ursula with her first loaf of bread!

In April, I wrote a post on Sourdough Starter basics. An old friend, Tanya reached out to me as a result. She indicated her daughter (who used to be in my Girl Scout troop and attended the same grammar school as my youngest), wanted to learn how to make bread.

Bubbles and Hope, my sourdough starter

Happily, I shared some of my sourdough starter and basic information on bread making. Meet Ursula and her first loaf of sourdough bread! She is now a rising sophomore in college and loves baking.

I am so happy that her first loaves were successful and she continues to bake bread. Tanya and Ursula, thank you for sharing your pictures! To see more about Sourdough Starter Basics, click here.

Pretty Masks

Johnny Was Masks

My dear friend, Janie, asked me to share my resource for pretty masks. Now that these have become a fashion accessory, I do try and have them match with whatever I am wearing. Fashion and my name are never in the same sentence so this is possibly the only fashion tip you will get from me!

Johnny Was, known for their boho chic designs, has a Buy a Mask, Donate a Mask program. Made from repurposed and assorted fabrics, I find these masks comfortable and attractive.

For $25.00 you can get a package of five masks~and 5 will be donated. Not only will you look cute but do a good deed too.


Hands down, one of the best benefits of writing this blog is hearing your comments, feedback and getting your pictures. Truly, it makes my day. And in this complicated, disturbing world, I can’t even begin to tell you how much that means to me. You are my inspiration. Keep them coming!

Well, that wraps it up for the Wednesday, July 15th. Stay sane. Stay grounded. Let’s lift each other up in the meantime.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.

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  1. Thank you Mary for sharing your sour dough starter!! Ursula, continues to bake bread and has tried quite a few different recipes! She even bought the book you gave her sections from…we enjoy your blog and i think i’m going to order those cute masks!! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Tanya, Thank you for sharing Ursula’s bread making pursuits. It makes me so happy to share sourdough starter, and especially to one of my former Girl Scouts!!! I think the book is really fabulous too. I haven’t made many more recipes (except the olive/walnut bread) but their pizza dough is really terrific.

  2. Mary, I love all your updates and may even need to paint some tile when I finally find my dream home. Hang in there! Life is stressful right now. I think we are all amazed at how long this is going on. Let me know anytime you wanna chat or just vent. Hugs!

  3. Oh you are the cutest thing in a mask! 😉 Thanks for the wrap up – I was wondering about some of those projects. LOVE the beautiful bread and your aptly named sourdough starters. So nice that bread making is being passed down!

    Hope you have a lovely Wednesday. Stay cool and have fun!

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