Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Even though the ground hog states we are getting an early spring, it still feels like winter here~cold, rainy, and windy. Below is a stunning picture my neighbor shared of a rainbow after Wednesday’s storm. The mountains are getting lots of snow and with this colder weather, soups and stews are on the menu every…

February is the Perfect time to Clean your Upholstery
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February is the Perfect time to Clean your Upholstery

Cleaning your upholstery is a perfect indoor project, especially during winter weather. Even though cleaning upholstery is not on my small or big project list this year, it is out of pure embarrassment that forces me to tackle this project. We are talking seriously grubby chairs. A wet, cold and rainy day in February seems…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

I seriously do not understand how fast August is flying by~especially these last two weeks. Happy last Saturday of August and it’s hard to believe the Labor Day weekend is next week. We are so lucky to still be enjoying the cooler mountains of Arizona and lately, I can certainly feel a touch of autumn…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Since I didn’t have the time to write a Saturday Meanderings last week, this one will cover all the good things (and some not so good) from the last two weeks. Happy Weekend to you! It’s Galette Season! I love making galettes and it’s a great way to showcase all the wonderful fruit that is…

The Guest Cottage Rejuvenation
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The Guest Cottage Rejuvenation

The guest cottage renovation is complete. This is not a comprehensive renovation, but enough to make it feel fresh and functional. My daughter and her two dogs and one cat made this their home for 3 years. Normal wear and tear plus pets…well you get the picture. Here is the guest house remodel reveal and…