Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Since I returned from my week in Connecticut, it is taking me longer to get back into the swing of things. And I’m feeling a bit tired too which doesn’t help when you have a great deal to accomplish. But it is Saturday and welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we just chat about all sorts…

September Garden Guide
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September Garden Guide

After wonderful monsoon weather and a nearly dead garden, I am so excited to get the beds ready for Fall planting. Here is my September Garden Guide for zone 9b. The only problem lately is the influx of mosquitos resulting from all the rain. And those nasty little fellas just love biting me. But I…

My Favorite Tomato Recipes
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My Favorite Tomato Recipes

We are right in the middle of tomato season here in Phoenix. My garden isn’t producing as many tomatoes as the very successful season I had last year, but homegrown is the best. However, the ones that are growing are absolutely delicious freshly picked from the vine, warmed by the sun and eaten with just…