Saturday Meanderings
Well, I’m a little late on posting this today but thanks for being here with me! Have you ever had one of those weeks where the minute you open your eyes until your head hits the pillow your day is chock-a-block full? That was my week! Every single day. So little time for blogging and beautiful things, but now we get a chance to look back at the week’s events and cherish the good stuff. It’s time for another Saturday Meanderings.

Check out your local grocery store to see if they have daffodils. Here at Safeway, you get 2 bunches for $5.00 (10 stems each) and quite honestly, they look a bit dead. It’s hard to even notice them as they are in a large cardboard box sitting next to the floral displays.

But after a quick stem trim and an overnight in water, look how they perk up and show their gorgeous yellow faces! Now where can you get such a cheerful bouquet for just a few dollars these day?

Also, if you are feeling blue, yellow is a wonderful healing color. Just having these in a vase that I can view several times per day makes me smile.
Another Target find

Even though I am trying to downsize, there are just some things at Target that I cannot resist. In searching for a new wreath look for the front door for March, this Threshold this preserved boxwood wreath is a winner. And it’s priced at $45.00, which seems reasonable to me. It is approximately 22″ wide and you can find it here. What is nice about this wreath is that it is so versatile for multiple seasons.

For March, I did add a leprechaun, a pot of gold and a few shamrocks (carefully as I did not want to damage the boxwood). I am hoping it is not too juvenile, but perhaps whimsical?

In the dollar section by the entrance, you will find these adorable moss flocked bunnies in various sizes. It will be fun to use them in Spring or Easter decorations.

Nothing says spring like cherry blossoms and these stems are so life-like. And you can’t beat the price at $5.00 per branch.
New Netflix Series

This new Netflix documentary is one everyone should watch. Especially those of us who are very trusting. Definitely something I want my children to watch and learn not to seek a roommate from Craig’s List.
It reminds me of the Netflix series Dirty John and The Betty Broderick story, both true stories and a 2-part series. Some people are not who they portray. Those are must sees too!

In light of all the terrible news and strife in the world, here are some pictures of what is blooming in my yard. I find joy and peace in knowing that nature continues to provide us with gifts of hope.
Don’t you feel like petunias and pansies don’t get the attention they deserve? Right now, I have various colors of both flower showing their delicate petals. There is something about their softness that radiates a sense of calm.

When walking by the bulb garden, you can sniff the intoxicating scent of the hyacinths. To me, they are the first sign of Spring here.

I hope to do a post on my rose garden as it beginning to be so beautiful this time of year. Here’s just a glimpse at the Julia Child yellow rose that is blooming.

Chicken Mentality

Our hen house has four large nesting boxes for the hens to lay their eggs. Help me understand why the chickens need to fight for the same box? Here are 3 hens trying to lay their eggs on top of each other. They aren’t happy and peck at each other, but it must be a hierarchy thing? Go figure.
Fun New Shoes

Buying shoes is a bit of a challenge for me as I have a bunion on my right side. Narrow shoes pinch and hurt so it’s a bit of a gamble to buy shoes online. However, I like the look of these Cole-Haan, feather-weight shoes. The color combination is fun and so far, they are comfortable with the right socks.
An Amazing DIY

My friend, Rachel from The Pond’s Farmhouse, is so incredibly talented and seems to have endless energy. Look how she transformed this thrift store lamp into something that resembles a lamp you would spend hundreds of dollars on at Pottery Barn.
I only wish I had an ounce of Rachel’s talent. Her post will make me look at thrift store lamps in a different way. You can see it here.
Well, that’s another wrap up of Saturday Meanderings! We are heading to the opera tonight, compliments of my daughter, Julianna. This was one of my Christmas presents and we are looking forward to going out.
Have a wonderful weekend. I hope it is filled with relaxation and peaceful moments.

If you missed my posts this week, you can see them below.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
I always enjoy your posts. Hugs and blessings to you.
So many pretty flowers in your post this week Mary. It’s sweet how your chickens love each other so.
You are so sweet to share my thrift store lamp. You are always so supportive and I appreciate you so much.
Another great post Mary! Thanks for sharing all your great finds, chickens, and Rachel’s amazing talent. I hope you get the chance to relax a little this weekend. Happy Saturday!