Hello Tuesday Morning!
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Hello Tuesday Morning!

Unlike most bloggers, I do not write my posts weeks in advance. Sometimes I just make my cup of coffee and start writing on the morning of sending it out to you. Especially now, when we are all living in a one day at a time scenario. Today is one of those days where I…

Sourdough Starter Basics
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Sourdough Starter Basics

Last October, I visited my son in Washington, D.C. His roommate is quite the baker and he generously shared some sourdough starter with me. I really didn’t know anything about this white, gooey substance, but I carefully carried it back in my suitcase to Phoenix. I was familiar with making bread from commercial yeast, but…

Ways to Navigate Life Now
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Ways to Navigate Life Now

With every dark cloud, there is a silver lining. But in times of crisis you really need to look for it. Lately, I have found that when I pay attention to the small things I have missed in the past, I am in a state of rediscovery. Before I was always running to meetings or…

The Projects Have Begun!
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The Projects Have Begun!

It has been such a busy week. The Corona Virus Honey Do List is slowly getting accomplished. Seriously, I don’t do well with idle time and keeping myself busy is a good thing! First task on the list is washing the windows. It’s a bit treacherous with some of the outdoor planting. I think I…

Spring and Easter Inspiration
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Spring and Easter Inspiration

Generally right after St. Patrick’s Day, I am full steam ahead on Easter. But I feel like the last week has been a blur and it’s hard to stay focused with so much going on around us. The purpose of this post is to tune out all the noise, and enjoy Spring and remember that…