Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy August! How can it be August already? I feel like summer is just starting. It’s been an interesting week and quite frankly, I am happy the weekend has arrived. Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat about mostly good things this week. Coated Table Linens Have you ever heard of coated tablecloths? When I…

Updating  a Utility Hallway~from Cluttered to Clean
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Updating a Utility Hallway~from Cluttered to Clean

The area between our laundry/utility room and kitchen, is also an access path to the 3-car garage. As you can imagine, it is a dumping ground for just about everything. When no one knows where to put something, it typically gets placed here. Because we are spending much more time at our cabin, I am…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday and can you believe it’s the last weekend in July?! I know many parents are focusing on Back to School sales, gathering items for the next school year. It’s so hot in Phoenix I wish they would start classes after Labor Day. Hard to believe but the first day of school gets earlier…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things this week. I was unable to post last Saturday because we were traveling (secretly) to Chicago to surprise our son. Plus last week is one filled with chores and who wants to share that! But this week, we have happy good news to share,…

Two Days of Prime Savings are Going on Now~ July 16-17
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Two Days of Prime Savings are Going on Now~ July 16-17

If you love a bargain or deal, Amazon provides many opportunities during their Prime Days savings sale, which is today, July 16th and tomorrow, July 17th. The sales event begins at 3 a.m. EDT/12:01 a.m. PDT on July 16. Typically I check the price of the items I re-order on a frequent basis. There are…