Saturday Meanderings

After 26 days of straight inferno temperatures, the Valley of the Sun finally got some rain. We are out of town but according to friends, the storm came in like a tornado. Many homes lost power and there is lots of debris due to high winds. But a change in the weather is a welcomed break. We are up in the mountains where the weather is cooler in the mornings and the days are nice, albeit warmer than usual. No air-conditioning up here but I’ll take high 80s over 116 degrees any day. Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things this week. Let’s get started!

Deck is complete!

Our new Trex deck

As you may recall last summer we embarked on replacing the front deck to the cabin. Long story short, the licensed contractor did the worst job and the entire deck had to be removed and replaced by another contractor. Finally, the deck is complete, and it looks fabulous. So happy this project is behind us and now we can concentrate on it being a positive and good thing.

Cabin Life

Front path to our cabin

We are so blessed to have a place to escape the hot Phoenix summers. However, ever since we’ve owned the cabin, I confess we have not used it as much as possible. Now that the children are off on the their own, it’s easier to come up here for longer periods of time. One of the reasons I love it here is that it is SO quiet. You can actually hear silence. It’s amazing how noisy our world has become with sirens, airplanes, traffic, etc. There are far less cell and radio towers and you can actually feel the difference. Do you think the world is becoming louder? What do you do to “turn off” all the noise?

Deadheading Geraniums

Geraniums in need of deadheading

My large potted geraniums are in dire need of deadheading. Since I haven’t been here since mid-June, they are filled with sad looking blooms. If you have geraniums, you must read this post by my friend, Rachel. In her Best Tips to Keep Geraniums Blooming from Spring to Fall, there is everything you need to know about growing and maintaining geraniums. It took me 3 days to deadhead all of mine this trip and each and every bloom and dried leaf I removed, I thought of Rachel! Now they look healthy and happy.

Let’s Support Barbara

My dear friend and neighbor, Barbara Hinske recently left a law practice to become a full-time novelist. Her novel Guiding Emily was conceived during a tour of The Foundation for Blind Children, an amazing facility located here in Phoenix. She now has 4 books in the Guiding Emily series and Hallmark is airing her first book, Guiding Emily on September 8th. If the Nielsen ratings are high enough, then Hallmark will more than likely make this into a series.

Guiding Emily by Barbara Hinske

Please mark your calendars and tune into the movie on September 8 (I’ll try and send a reminder). Why is this important? If you haven’t read Guiding Emily, I strongly suggest you do. These novels shed light on blindness and its debilitating impact on one’s life. You will fall in love with Garth, her seeing eye dog and get his perspective too. Here is the description from Hallmark:

Emily’s life changes after losing her eyesight, while a guide dog struggles with training. Through a series of missed encounters both overcome their obstacles and find each other. Stars Sarah Drew, Antonio Cupo, Eric McCormack.

On location with Owen, the real-life guide-dog-in-training, who plays Garth
Barbara on location with Owen who plays Garth in the movie

Let’s support Barbara in getting her Guiding Emily books into a worthwhile television series!

Speaking of Books..

Andrea from Design Morsels, asks this question in her recent blog post, what are the 5 Books I Wish I Could Read Again for the First Time.

After some thought, here are a few of mine.

The Once and Future King by T.H.White

The Once and Future King by T.H. White. Several years ago, I acquired this book from a stranger sitting next to me on a plane ride. He finished reading it and gave it to me. Not only did I love the book but his generous gesture is something I will always remember and appreciate, even 35 years later!

Several Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon

All the Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon. This book series is now an award-winning 6 seasons series on STARZ.

Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins

Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins. One summer we read this 3 book series to our children and I loved them as much as they did. I believe there are now 5 in the series. But if you have children or grandchildren between the ages of 8 and 11, these are fabulous summer books for them to read.

I’ll keep pondering this as there are many books I love but it’s reading them again for the first time that gives me pause. What would be your answer to this question?

Recipe I want to make

Peach Brussels Sprout Crunch Salad

Salads seem to be a mainstay during the summer and here is one I will definitely make this weekend. As per the description on Ambitious Kitchen’s website, doesn’t this sound delicious?

Gorgeous peach brussels sprouts salad with sweet & salty nuts and a creamy tahini poppy seed dressing. This vegetarian brussels sprouts peach salad is filled with a wonderful mix of textures and flavors. Enjoy it for the perfect summer lunch or side dish on its own or with your favorite protein!

See the recipe here.

How to Freeze Fresh Herbs

How to Freeze Fresh Herbs by Ambitious Kitchen

With the summer bounty comes a wide array of fresh herbs. Of course, there are dried herbs but nothing can replace the flavor of fresh basil, rosemary, thyme and chives to name a few. Whether in a recipe, salad or cocktail, fresh herbs have the highest concentration of flavor.

Here is a great blog post from Ambitious Kitchen on How to Freeze Fresh Herbs using either olive oil or water. I am definitely doing this!

Feeling Blah?

Shutterstock photo

With this oppressive weather here and around the country, it may contribute to feeling blah. I noticed earlier in the week I was feeling a bit listless and aimless. It’s called languishing. A state of languishing can leave you with a neutral or flat mindset, one where you have few strong emotions. Instead of feeling sadness, joy, anger, or enthusiasm, you simply remain in a state of “meh.”

We all get moments like this in our lives, but what can be done to help get rid of the blahs? According to Psych Central, here are 5 tips to overcoming the blahs.

Calm app

  1. Practice mindfulness. Tuning into what your body and mind are experiencing through mindfulness brings you back to the present moment and helps cultivate gratitude and connection. I love the Calm app which has several ways to practice mindfulness, in addition to improving sleep and focus, reducing stress or anxiety, and sharing self-improvement exercises. You can also try it for free.
  2. Feel your Feelings. Try and pin point the source of feeling in a funk.
  3. Get Outside. Easier said than done when it is SO hot and the awful daily ozone reports don’t help. Maybe watching a National Geographic show or listening to outdoor sounds, like crashing waves, might help. For me a trip to the mountains and a change of scenery elevates the mood. Try an early morning walk when the temperatures are more acceptable.
  4. Reach out for support. This week I was telling my friend, Christine that I was feeling blah. Come to find out she was too! Christine is a great friend who would be the first one there to help get you out of the doldrums. So reach out. You are likely to find others are feeling the same way and together you can turn languishing into laughter.
  5. Engage with your Community. Volunteer to help others either through time or treasure.

What do you do to turn your feelings of blah into more joyful moments? Please share any valuable tips.

Christmas in July

WM Design House-love this fresh lambs ear “ribbon”

If you missed my blog post on Tuesday, I am happy to share Christmas in July inspiration with 16 other bloggers. Not ready for Christmas yet? Bookmark it for later. There is a lot of good holiday tips you don’t want to miss!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend! As I write this, we have dark, moody skies with the wind blowing through the pine trees. Hoping for a nice rain storm as we need it here in Arizona. I’ll be doing a bit more bike riding and pulling out the paints this weekend! Always seeking moments of joy…

Saturday Meanderings

Happy last Saturday of May! Wait, what? That’s right another month just shushing by..unbelievable. Thank you for joining me on this Memorial Day Saturday Meanderings weekend to chat about all good things this week. I hope this post finds you happy, healthy and full of vim and vigor. What is vim, by the way? It mean high energy and great enthusiasm. Who knew?

A First Time for Everything

First time in a Polaris RZR

While up at our cabin in the mountains, our friends, Mitch and Tevia invite us to go ATV-ing. Honestly, I have never done this before! The day’s weather just happened to be perfect~blue skies and puffy white clouds. There are multiple trails through the forest and we travel to places I have not seen before

Springer Mountain Fire Lookout Tower

One stop is at the Springer Mountain Fire Lookout Tower at the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. We climb to the top of the 40 foot tower and meet Janie Croxen Ringleberg, a US Forest Service employee who has been watching for fires for 31 years. Her 11′ x 11′ space is filled with maps, radios, binoculars and photographs.

View from the top of the tower

Janie shares her history with us and explains how she is able to assess and know the attributes of fire origins. She works in this tower full time Monday-Friday all by herself. Truly amazing.

Cabin Projects

Remember last year when the brand new roof we purchased for the cabin had a massive water leak in our entry?

To make matters worse, the ceiling is wood and the leak caused severe staining. In an attempt to just replace a few of the panels, we hired someone to replace and try to stain match the non-damaged ceiling. The side walls need new plaster work and the entire project has taken forever.

This week is the first time I have seen the repair work. Unfortunately, the replacement ceiling panels are stained a completely different color from the rest of the ceiling. The question is should we just replace the entire ceiling, or try to stain the balance of the ceiling to match the new wood?

Unwilling to have this torn up yet again, I volunteer to try and see if I can try and blend the two ceiling colors to a point where it is more acceptable.

New darker wood panels vs. old lighter ones

What was I thinking?!? Here is a picture where I stain a few of the existing boards to match the new, darker color of the replacement panels. It takes me a few days of grueling overhead work with a watery stain, but I am finally a bit happier with the results.

Freshly painted with a repaired ceiling

Finally, after several months, the front entry is back together and hopefully the repaired roof will not leak again. I’m not sure my arms and shoulders will ever be the same!

Bargains of the Week

Check out this pretty blue and white melamine tray I find at Big Lots. Priced at $12.99, it is also on sale (at the register) for $9.74. You can find it here on the Big Lots website. They also have really cute matching plates and bowls, very affordable and on sale too.

Sundance Catalog is having a great sale in their Outlet shop..up to 40%. Occasionally I will browse their website and find a really good buy.

This cute eyelet embroidered blouse was $128.00, marked down to $39.99 and now on sale for $23.99.

Sundance Catalog Outlet

Scalloped, eyelet hem with gathered cuffs and tasseled tie give this tiered, peasant-style dress a touch of timeless romance. $148.00 down to $29.99 and then on sale again for $17.99!

Sundance Catalog Outlet

I just ordered these two items so I will let you know if I like them. Not sure how long the sale will last, but you may want to check it out here. I don’t get any kind of commission if you buy something~just enjoy sharing a good sale when I find one.

Need Your Design Feedback

As we open up the cabin for summer use, we are uncovering outdoor furniture, sweeping the decks and fixing all things broken. On our back deck, we have two entertaining venues in the same space~ one for sitting and one for dining.

Here is the back deck area:

Outdoor covered deck

The seating side’s color scheme is mostly red, neutral rug with some navy accents. The primitive pine dining table has grey/white French bistro chairs. Since we have a leftover outdoor rug I place it under the table.

I do like how the table, rug and chairs is visually cohesive.

However, I am not sure I am fond of the entire space. It feels disjointed to me to have a red/blue/neutral palette next to this gray/gold/white one.

What do you think? It’s hard to tell by the photos but I would appreciate your design feedback. Should I live with it? Change out the red cushions to another color? Paint the metal furniture an anodized bronze? Find different pillows? Help!

Garden Harvesting

Black Krim tomatoes

As the weather gets warmer, my garden will soon go fallow for the summer. But right now, I am picking Black Krim tomatoes (which are so delicious) and Japanese eggplant. The San Marzano tomatoes are still green and hoping for a plentiful batch for sauce.

Artichokes are flowering. We had such an abundant crop this year, I am leaving the last few on the plant to bloom. Will cut them and dry them for a future wreath?

Just yesterday, I picked 4 very large sweet figs from our tree.

Fresh figs

The heat has caused all the lettuces to bolt, but the chickens are enjoying them as afternoon snacks. I still have tomatillos, peppers, and kale producing.

Summer Reading List

I am getting ready to compile a new summer reading list so if anyone has great book recommendations please let me know. My friend, Cindy, is reading In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson and seems to like it. The only other Erik Larsen book I read (and really enjoyed) is Devil in the White City back in 2004. My summer reading tends to be light and joyful, without any heavy or demanding topics. Please share your favorites.


I know Memorial Day is the unofficial start to summer, as most schools are finally finished with classes. But let’s not forget the true meaning of Memorial Day. Wishing you a weekend of loving moments with family and friends as we give thanks, gratitude and honor to the military members who died while serving in the U.S. Forces.

Saturday Meanderings

Happy Earth Day! It’s another April weekend and I hope you are having glorious spring weather like us! Though a very busy social week, I didn’t get much done other than some continued cleaning and organizing. Let’s get started and chat about all good things this week.

And the Winner is..

A giveaway

I just loved all the comments on last Saturday’s post. So many good ideas on improvements to our home office library. Quite honestly, hearing from each of you is such a gift to me. The winner of the American in Paris book is Catharine Mueller~I will reach out to you for your mailing address! Thank you all for commenting.

My Rose Garden

Milk/Water solution

I can honestly say that my rose garden this year is the best it has ever been. It’s amazing what a good fertilizer and watering program and lots of rain will do. Last week I mentioned some powdery mildew appearing, but with two applications of a milk/water (one part milk to 10 parts water)solution, I think I now have it under control.

Quatre Saison roses
Quatre Saison roses

This is the first year I have so many roses that I can actually cut bouquets for the house. Here are the oldest roses on our property, Quatre Saisons, which are so fragrant and colorful.


With our temperatures rising over 80, it is so important to make sure you are hydrated. In February, I received an IV immune boost (my first ever) and the nurse administering the bag said I was dehydrated. When I told her I try to drink half my body weight in ounces of water, she stated that was nice but I need something more to replenish electrolytes.

Electrolyte drink

Now I am supplementing my daily water intake with an occasional packet of Trace Minerals PowerPak for electrolyte stamina. PowerPak comes in different flavors from watermelon to lemon berry. With 1200 mg of Vitamin C, zinc and magnesium, thiamine, niacin, Vitamin B6 and B12, one packet is only 15 calories. Do you use any hydrating supplements or sports drinks?

Update on the Barred Owl Momma

For the last nearly 40 days, I admit to being a bit obsessed with Cornell Lab’s LiveCam of a barred owl sitting on 2 eggs. Typically owl eggs hatch in 30-34 days. Unfortunately, neither egg has hatched and are therefore non-viable.

Cornell Lab Barred Owl LiveCam

What I find interesting is that the female owl at 36 days up and flew out of the nest and has not returned. Isn’t it amazing that she just knows this without a watch or a calendar or an ob/gyn doctor? Nature continues to provide us moments of awe.

Making Preserved Lemons

Preserved Lemons

Finally, I make a big batch of preserved lemons! Instead of doing multiple smaller jars, I use a new gallon container (thank you Scott). The upside is that all the lemons fit; the downside is the daily shaking of this huge container.

If you are unfamiliar with preserved lemons, check out my post about it here.

Do You Use Body Makeup?

I have never used (really never heard about) body makeup. Cindy Hattersley recently writes a post about The Best Body Makeup for Women over 50. I guess I never thought to cover all my scars and age spots! Ha! Anyway, Cindy always has great advice and this time of year when we transition to shorts or skirts, this may be an option. See Cindy’s post here.

What I am Watching

Grantchester on PBS

We just finished watching 7 seasons of Grantchester and look forward to Season 8 which premiers on July 9th. This PBS series is set in the 1950s with Cambridgeshire clergyman investigating a series of mysterious wrongdoings in his small village of Grantchester. My reason for loving this show is the quality of acting, the beautiful sets and the graciousness of life back then. It tackles some tough social issues without the foul language, blatant violence and sex that is so pervasive in current television. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it.

In Search of the Perfect Underwear

Third Love underwear

My mother would roll over in her grave if she knew the condition of my existing underwear. I don’t know why it’s one of those clothing items, like a bathing suit, that I just detest the buying experience. This week, I find a bargain which prompted me to make this purchase from Third Love~10 pairs of undies for $50.00. Not sure they are still running the promotion and haven’t tried wearing them yet. But if you have the best underwear advice and source, please do share.

What’s Blooming in the Garden?


This time of year, every week there is something new blooming in the yard/garden. As the irises begin to wane, the poppies show their purple faces. I thought you would enjoy some of these pretty pictures.

Near the rose garden, the perennial primrose line the stone paver path.


Where my hollyhocks are healthy, they too, are showy and abundant.


As I wrap up this post, I want to share my favorite Earth Day memory. Years ago, we were having dinner at Quiessence at The Farm at South Mountain (here in Phoenix). At 8:00 p.m. they turned off all their electrical lights and filled the restaurant with candlelight. Not sure they still do that but it was so magical and unexpected. So tonight, my plan is to turn off the electricity and only have candlelight!

Wishing you a very relaxing weekend. I hope to spend time in the garden as well as continue with my cleaning and organizing. Happy weekend!

Your Home’s Entry-Are You Making a Good First Impression?

As you may know, our historic home was built in 1910, before Arizona became a state. Originally the plats of land were 20 acres and were marketed to build rural agricultural estate homes surrounded by citrus groves. Nearly all the large parcels have been subdivided as Phoenix has grown. We feel fortunate to still have 2 acres, which is rare in this urban environment.

Unfortunately, I do not have any pre-renovation pictures of our entrance. The driveway was dirt/stones with no gates.

During the holidays, we love to decorate the entrance to our home, because you cannot see the house from the street. Our goal is to make our entry welcoming and festive. The first impression we want to create is that all are welcomed here.

Irrigation Laterals

Our home sits 150 feet back from the street. Adjacent to the street are irrigation laterals, which supplies public water at an affordable cost to deep water our large, mature trees.

As you drive in, you cross what I call the “moat”.  It is the main irrigation ditch that runs along the road.  If you look to the left and right once you pull onto the “bridge”, you see this~~a river (the irrigation lateral). The main gates are inset to provide enough room for two vehicles pulling off the street (as our street is very busy).

This water source feeds into our private irrigation ditch, which parallels the main moat and our property line.

Twice a month in the summer and once a month in the winter, water is released into our private ditch.  After opening hatches, the water is then funneled throughout the 2+ acres providing many gallons to the orchard and mature trees.

Original Stone Pillars

Large, original stone pillars act as sentries at the entrance of the driveway. Back in the day, we believe a heavy chain hung between the columns for security.

The hooks are now a great place to hang a holiday wreath.

The wrought iron fencing and gate design is to replicate the architectural arches throughout the house. Since we live on a busy street, the fence and gate keep the dogs safely inside the property and deters any criminals looking to cause mischief.

Our pre-lit wreaths change with the season and hang on the automatic gates.

We used tumbled pavers on the entrance bridge. Once you go through the gates, the driveway is a combination of paver edges and bands with packed decomposed granite in between.  This stone/gravel look is more historically appropriate for our 112 year old home.

Arriving at the Front Door

Driveway to front of house

The original front door and sidelights had security bars and gates on them, hiding the beautiful 4 foot wide raised panel door. To see the before and after of the front of the house, click here.

Holiday front door 2021

Here is the view from the front door to the street. Notice the archways in the architecture. You will see many of these details throughout the property.

View from front door to street

We are getting the front door decorations up this week and if you recall my Christmas in July post (see it here), the theme of the wreaths will be blue velvet ribbon, oranges, artichokes and cinnamon sticks. Hoping to tie it all together with the living room mantel and staircase garlands (and share it with you next week).

Holiday porch 2020

First impressions are lasting. To me, having a welcoming entry is such an important element in your home. In spite of the size or location of your home, you can make the entrance attractive and unique. It doesn’t take a great deal of resources, just a little upkeep and attention to detail.

What do you love about the entrance to your home?

If you enjoy this post, please share on Pinterest.

Getting Back to Basics

I am from the generation that grew up with one television.  The only time we were allowed to watch it was Sunday night. After a bath (there was no shower) and in our jammies, we would all sit together and watch a show.   The television was never on during the week but we didn’t seem to miss it.  Our lives were full of school, athletics and activities. 

Weekends were spent playing down the street with the neighborhood kids.  We knew it was time to come home when we heard Dad’s whistle~~you know, the one that you use your middle finger and thumb?  The one I never mastered? But the minute we heard that high pitched sound, we dropped what we were doing and ran home.

Make a connection
Sunflower in my garden

We were middle class America~~Mom and Dad and five children.  It was a good life where there was a clear distinction between right and wrong.  There were simple rules to live by, such as “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”.

Each of us had our responsibilites~~cleaning the house, doing laundry, mowing the lawn, taking out the garbage. Dinner was always served around a big table.   We ate together as a family. We knew that Christmas and birthdays were the only time we got gifts. Grades were very important to my folks and we never wanted to let them down. My parents lived within their means.

Getting Back to Basics
Chicken life

It’s time to slow down

Sometimes I think the world is moving too fast.  As much as I appreciate what technology has added to our lives, it is difficult to avoid being over connected.  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, 24/7 news, and the hundreds of channels accessible to us.  Am I the only one who wants to shut my eyes and cover my ears? When was the last time I laid in the grass and watched the clouds sailing by?

Lay in the grass! Look at the clouds!

The other day I realized I felt weird without my iPhone.  Remember when the only phones in the house were the wall phone in the kitchen with the extra long cord and the extension one by the parent’s bed?  And you could listen in on someone’s conversation if you slowly and quietly picked up the other receiver?

The need for simplicity

I don’t want to sound like an old person but I long for some of that simplicity.  We NEED the quiet, the simple, the honest, and the genuine. Our souls are not fed by the number of Instagram followers we have nor the number of likes on Facebook.

My flower garden

I had a social media epiphany lately.  After researching all the ways to get more followers, more likes, more exposure, I realized I was spending hours checking social media.  Today, I finally put down my phone and thought, “what the heck am I doing?”

My friend, Connie’s cat

All this research was supposed to help support my blogging. But when I really stopped to think about it, I was straying from my core values. I felt like I was going down the wrong path, trying to become something that didn’t feel honest, genuine or simple.

Starting this blog did not include the goal of making money or getting advertisers.  It was born from the loss of both my parents…a way for me to document life in order to perhaps slow it down. And here I was trying to increase subscribers, viewers, likes, etc. and wasting hours of my day.  For what?

Art Exhibit at Hirshhorn Plaza, DC

Why I blog

Here are the reasons I started Life at Bella Terra.

1) In this crazy and often cruel world, I want to capture simple goodness.  I want to provide to you, my subscribers, a place that is beautiful, creative, thoughtful, educational and interesting.  Every day I am so grateful for my life, my world, my family and my home.  This gratitude is worth sharing.

Getting Back to Basics | Put Down Your Phone
A good summer harvest

Bella Terra is a safe harbor for our children, a warm place for our friends and family, a historical gem for our city.  We are its guardians. In what feels like an unsafe world where you are cancelled for having your own thoughts and opinions, everyone is welcome here.

Old Italian fountain in our front yard

2) This blog allows me to look at my life through a different lens.  When you spend a great deal of time in a place, it is a challenge to look at things objectively.  How did I not see the really ugly paint color in my kitchen?  However, I did see it in my photographs.

When I set a table, it looks good to me.  In a photo, the silverware is cattywampus and how did I miss all the dust on the table?  I’m learning something new every day. I am seeking more grace in my daily activities.

Dinner in the Orchard

3) This blog is a living diary.  I try and share what makes me happy, what inspires me, and perhaps something new that I have learned.  I am excited to share that with you. It is with great hope that what makes me happy, makes you happy.

A favorite cup of Joe

Quite honestly, I don’t care about Instagram’s algorithm.  Nor am I feeling as if I have to post something every day.  I have a life to live and why would we want to waste precious time staring at our phones or spending hours on our computer?

My personal goals are to post something on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. However, I will blog only when I am inspired to share something with you, not because of some fake deadline or sense of responsibility. 

Fresh and clean

Thank you for listening to my revelations about blogging and Life at Bella Terra. As always, I love hearing what you like about this blog, what you would like to see more of, and while you’re at it, what you don’t like.  If you family or friends are needing a bit of beauty, I hope you refer them here.

My artwork

So if you feel like life is spinning a bit out of control, put down your phone, turn off the television.  Make a connection with someone you love or someone you would like to get to know better.  Help someone in need. Find depth and meaning in the simplest of things. The world needs more love, honesty and human connections. We do need to care for ourselves while being graceful and patient with others.