Getting Back to Basics

I am from the generation that grew up with one television.  The only time we were allowed to watch it was Sunday night. After a bath (there was no shower) and in our jammies, we would all sit together and watch a show.   The television was never on during the week but we didn’t seem to miss it.  Our lives were full of school, athletics and activities. 

Weekends were spent playing down the street with the neighborhood kids.  We knew it was time to come home when we heard Dad’s whistle~~you know, the one that you use your middle finger and thumb?  The one I never mastered? But the minute we heard that high pitched sound, we dropped what we were doing and ran home.

Make a connection
Sunflower in my garden

We were middle class America~~Mom and Dad and five children.  It was a good life where there was a clear distinction between right and wrong.  There were simple rules to live by, such as “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”.

Each of us had our responsibilites~~cleaning the house, doing laundry, mowing the lawn, taking out the garbage. Dinner was always served around a big table.   We ate together as a family. We knew that Christmas and birthdays were the only time we got gifts. Grades were very important to my folks and we never wanted to let them down. My parents lived within their means.

Getting Back to Basics
Chicken life

It’s time to slow down

Sometimes I think the world is moving too fast.  As much as I appreciate what technology has added to our lives, it is difficult to avoid being over connected.  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, 24/7 news, and the hundreds of channels accessible to us.  Am I the only one who wants to shut my eyes and cover my ears? When was the last time I laid in the grass and watched the clouds sailing by?

Lay in the grass! Look at the clouds!

The other day I realized I felt weird without my iPhone.  Remember when the only phones in the house were the wall phone in the kitchen with the extra long cord and the extension one by the parent’s bed?  And you could listen in on someone’s conversation if you slowly and quietly picked up the other receiver?

The need for simplicity

I don’t want to sound like an old person but I long for some of that simplicity.  We NEED the quiet, the simple, the honest, and the genuine. Our souls are not fed by the number of Instagram followers we have nor the number of likes on Facebook.

My flower garden

I had a social media epiphany lately.  After researching all the ways to get more followers, more likes, more exposure, I realized I was spending hours checking social media.  Today, I finally put down my phone and thought, “what the heck am I doing?”

My friend, Connie’s cat

All this research was supposed to help support my blogging. But when I really stopped to think about it, I was straying from my core values. I felt like I was going down the wrong path, trying to become something that didn’t feel honest, genuine or simple.

Starting this blog did not include the goal of making money or getting advertisers.  It was born from the loss of both my parents…a way for me to document life in order to perhaps slow it down. And here I was trying to increase subscribers, viewers, likes, etc. and wasting hours of my day.  For what?

Art Exhibit at Hirshhorn Plaza, DC

Why I blog

Here are the reasons I started Life at Bella Terra.

1) In this crazy and often cruel world, I want to capture simple goodness.  I want to provide to you, my subscribers, a place that is beautiful, creative, thoughtful, educational and interesting.  Every day I am so grateful for my life, my world, my family and my home.  This gratitude is worth sharing.

Getting Back to Basics | Put Down Your Phone
A good summer harvest

Bella Terra is a safe harbor for our children, a warm place for our friends and family, a historical gem for our city.  We are its guardians. In what feels like an unsafe world where you are cancelled for having your own thoughts and opinions, everyone is welcome here.

Old Italian fountain in our front yard

2) This blog allows me to look at my life through a different lens.  When you spend a great deal of time in a place, it is a challenge to look at things objectively.  How did I not see the really ugly paint color in my kitchen?  However, I did see it in my photographs.

When I set a table, it looks good to me.  In a photo, the silverware is cattywampus and how did I miss all the dust on the table?  I’m learning something new every day. I am seeking more grace in my daily activities.

Dinner in the Orchard

3) This blog is a living diary.  I try and share what makes me happy, what inspires me, and perhaps something new that I have learned.  I am excited to share that with you. It is with great hope that what makes me happy, makes you happy.

A favorite cup of Joe

Quite honestly, I don’t care about Instagram’s algorithm.  Nor am I feeling as if I have to post something every day.  I have a life to live and why would we want to waste precious time staring at our phones or spending hours on our computer?

My personal goals are to post something on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. However, I will blog only when I am inspired to share something with you, not because of some fake deadline or sense of responsibility. 

Fresh and clean

Thank you for listening to my revelations about blogging and Life at Bella Terra. As always, I love hearing what you like about this blog, what you would like to see more of, and while you’re at it, what you don’t like.  If you family or friends are needing a bit of beauty, I hope you refer them here.

My artwork

So if you feel like life is spinning a bit out of control, put down your phone, turn off the television.  Make a connection with someone you love or someone you would like to get to know better.  Help someone in need. Find depth and meaning in the simplest of things. The world needs more love, honesty and human connections. We do need to care for ourselves while being graceful and patient with others.

Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from swampy Phoenix, Arizona! It’s been a week of heavy clouds, rains, lower temperatures and very high humidity (which is rare for us). But no one is complaining about the rain as we love every drop. The yard looks tired and is full of tree debris but thankfully the air conditioning and Netflix works! Thanks for stopping by today for another Saturday Meanderings, where we chat about all good things this week.

Very busy rain chain this week

This Week’s Posts

Christmas in July affordable wreath

I hope you had the chance to check out this week’s posts. There is a Christmas in July one where I make a holiday wreath with oranges and artichokes. But the added bonus is the 23 others in the blog hop that are sharing their Christmas ideas, tips and talents. Lots of good stuff in each and every one and you can find it here. Not ready to think about Christmas? Just bookmark it and revisit it when you are ready.

Ice Cream Sundae

If you are as hot as we are here, then there is no better time to gather for ice cream. Check out the fun centerpiece and yummy, delicious ice cream social ideas. You can see it here.

Stormy Shades

A purply stormy evening

As the monsoon storm systems are approaching, our sky is exhibiting some exotic colors. This one particular night, there is a purple cast to everything. Don’t you find that interesting? Colors in the sky, such as green, blue, purple and orange, indicate the presence of particles in the atmosphere, often caused by weather systems and cloud formations. It is beautiful and a bit eery at the same time.


I tend to stick with the same fragrance candles when I find a winner, like Blue Capri Volcano (truly my favorite). But my friend, Kim from Shiplap and Shells really likes the Antique Candle Company so I recently purchased a variety of scents.

Antique Candle Sample Set

The Antique Candle Company uses domestically grown, natural soy wax and premium fragrance oils. Right now they are seeking fall candle testers, where you decide the next fall candle scent.

Fall Candle testing set~vanilla chai, butterscotch, s’more, salted caramel

I don’t get any commission from this company but I am seeking a candle that I love (in addition to Blue Capri). Candles make great hostess gifts or for that guest that drops by unexpectedly with a gift in their hands (yet you failed to include them on your guest list). Between now and the holidays, I am always looking for good candle sales and will pick up several to keep on hand.

Do you have a favorite candle? If so, please share. In the meantime I will be testing all these new ones!

Summer Cooking

It is amazing how little I use the oven during the summer. Most of our meals are salads or items that don’t require turning on the big appliances. This week I did cook a whole chicken using the rotisserie on the gas barbecue. For some reason, I don’t use this enough. Not only was the chicken so delicious, the roasting smell was intoxicating. Juicy, not dry and beautifully flavored, the chicken was perfect for our lunch over fresh arugula, accompanied by my cucumber dill salad. Oh my, I cannot wait to make another.

Air Fryer Blueberry Crisp by AllRecipe

A few months ago, my husband purchased an air fryer and we are trying to learn to cook with it. A very quick and delicious dessert ~air fryer blueberry crisp is a winner. It took me minutes to make this and 12 minutes to cook. Perfect to use with all the great summer berries available now (even though the recipe calls for frozen blueberries).

Here is the link because in the comments are ways to alter the recipe to suit your needs. Ok, so I’ve made this twice this week~once with fresh blueberries and once with apples (had to cook it a bit longer) and added walnuts to the crisp part. Quite addicting.

Dusk Photos

Hen house and garden at dusk

I rarely take photos of our property at dusk and usually not this time of year. The yard looks tired from the heat and the storms have created so much debris. But with the weather being actually a bit cooler this week, I thought you may want to see what the property looks like this time of year.

Well tower at dusk
Pool at dusk
Guest house at dusk

The grass is burned out in parts and in some places I think we have more weeds than blades of grass. But come cooler weather, the yard will get a good cleanup and the plants will perk up again.

Forgotten Flowers

When I bought flowers for my ice cream social centerpiece, I couldn’t find what I wanted so I “settled” for alstroemerias. I don’t know why I consider these a lesser flower than say, roses or hydrangeas, but I do. They are sort of the underdog in the flower world for me. However, I am changing my mind because these flowers with their delicate petals are in full bloom. They add joy to the kitchen and last quite a long time.

Alstroemeria is the winner flower this week

Delicious Bedtime Drink

As I write this post, I have only made this nighttime beverage once, but I will do so again. This Bedtime Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Milk from Anna Marie at Some Time Place promotes relaxation and sleep. It is really delicious and this will become part of my bedtime routine.

Bedtime Lavender Chamomile Vanilla milk and photo by Some Time Place

I substituted oat milk as I didn’t have any freshly made almond milk. Regardless, it is yummy and soothing! You can find the full post and recipe here.

Do You Know Your Neighbors?

Be neighborly

According to Nice News, knowing your neighbor is associated with a wealth of positive effects on wellness and community safety, but according to the Pew Research Center, the majority of Americans report knowing only some or none of their neighbors. In addition to having someone to hold a spare key for you, being connected to your neighbors leads to lower death rates during natural disasters and a greater sense of psychological well-being, particularly among older adults. So whether you’ve just moved to a new spot or have been dwelling at the same home for years, make a point of getting to know your neighbors.

Well, that’s a wrap for this Saturday. Have a terrific weekend as we roll out of July and into August.

Raising Chickens and Our Custom Henhouse

When we first bought our historic home, the property and house were in a terrible state of decay and disrepair. The 2 acre parcel was heavily overgrown and filled with bugs and Bark scorpions. In order to reduce the bug population, we had free range guinea hens to take care of the problem organically. I don’t recall at what stage we added chickens but they are a great addition to our family as pets and providers of fresh eggs daily.

Summer time treats

Children and Chickens

I’ve never raised chickens before but I am so glad to have them as part of our life here at Bella Terra. When the children were little, the henhouse became a living school.  Many of life’s lessons are experienced here~~the birth and death of chickens, the pecking order and bullying, healthy vs. sick chickens, the biology of the daily egg laying, hens vs. roosters, reproduction, bug infestation, responsibility and the care and keeping of something other than yourself. The chickens became our pets with names like Fluffy, Donna, Spotty and Liberace.

Our youngest, Elisabeth with her favorite chicken, Eggbert

Henhouse Placement

When designing my garden, it made sense to put a new henhouse nearby. Sitting adjacent to the south side of the garden, the hens make good use of any garden scraps available. During the seasonal garden changes, the chickens are supplied with overgrown plants and extra fruits and vegetables.

Henhouse located right next to the garden

Before you build or buy a henhouse, please check with your local zoning to make sure that chickens are allowed and that you are compliant with local laws. Here in Phoenix we can have chickens, but no male poultry is allowed (rooster crowing does happen all day!).

Henhouse Design

After much research, we designed the henhouse and then hired a local contractor to build it. However, you can find an amazing selection of pre-made henhouses on Amazon (hard to believe)! Whether you want 3-5 chickens or more, you can find a very usable henhouse here.

The actual henhouse building is approximately 9 feet x 12 feet, with 3 doors and 4 windows.

Henhouse with screened area

Attached to the back of the henhouse is approximately 250 sq. ft of secured shaded space allowing the chickens to free range or give themselves dirt baths. It is recommended that you allow a certain percentage of space per chicken so you do not encourage overcrowded conditions and resulting problems.

Side door and entrance to outside run

Henhouses need appropriate ventilation due to the ammonia released with chicken poop. You can see in the above picture screened holes are up near the eaves adding to the airflow.

Design with a Bit of Flair and Whimsy-the Exterior

It is important to me for this structure to be attractive and blend into the rural nature of our back yard.   The decorative chickens on the front door are originally composite poly-resin stepping stones.  My husband cut the outline of the chicken with a jigsaw and then mounted them directly on the entry door’s panels.

Decorative front door

The  rooster decoration above the front door adds a bit of whimsy. See similar here.

Whimsical chicken sign

The Interior

I designed this structure to house both young, mature and ailing chickens.  The mirror layout, both in the henhouse and the outdoor space, allows me to separate the hens if necessary.  There is a pecking order and being hen-pecked is not fun.  Typically the older, bigger chickens will dominate the younger ones.  When we introduce new chickens to the flock, we separate them until they are the same size as the existing chickens, before we integrate them.

Center area of the henhouse

Upon entering, the center section is allocated for feed storage, hay, and egg collection. There are 4 drop down panels to gather eggs from 8 separate collection boxes. The hens never enter this part of the henhouse as it is strictly for us humans.

Laying boxes

Special touches such as the chicken knob on the laying box panels, is a fun touch to collecting eggs every day.

Decorative knob

The painted chicken metal decorative sign is a pretty way to dress up the pine wall panels. I do not recall where I bought this, but there are endless chicken/rooster themed signs online.

Pretty painted metal rooster art

Chicken treats and other necessities are stored in this cute chicken wire box hanging on the wall. See similar here.

Chicken items stored here

The Nesting Boxes

It is important to keep the nesting boxes clean and fresh as the hens do their laying there every day. To keep bugs away and provide a bit of pampering to our chickens, I make a nesting box potpourri out of all my old dried rose petals, dried chamomile, lavender, calendula and any other dried herbs I may have.

Roses drying will be added to chicken bedding

Here is the view from the chicken’s perspective (by entering the side doors). This is how the chickens access the laying boxes as they fly right up into them and sit until the deed is done.

At night the chickens roost on the bar located below the boxes. The small door near the floor allows the chickens to come in at night and roam freely in the outdoor area during the day.

Laying boxes on hen side

Chicken Security

Even though we live in the 5th largest city in the U.S., our neighborhood has foxes, coyotes, owls and other wildlife.  The small black box attached to the sign below, emits 2 red blinking lights at night.   These solar Nite Guard devices frighten predator animals away.  We have several of these placed around the henhouse.  They seem to work ~~so far, so good.

Nite Guard Solar Predator Control lights

The Benefits of Raising Chickens

  • Fresh organic eggs
  • Chicken manure that we recycle in our compost and gardens
  • A school for children to learn about life, death, reproduction, henpecking, disease and animal love
  • Relatively easy to care for with significant benefits
  • Chicken meat if you are so inclined
  • Peace of mind knowing you have your own food source

To see frequently asked questions about raising chickens, click here.

Having chickens (and one duck) provides us with many other blessings.   For me, this is my sanctuary.  When I feel stressed or overwhelmed, a trip to the henhouse is a bit of a therapy session.  The hens are always happy to see me.  A handful of kitchen scraps and I am their best friend.  Opening the door to the nesting box generally provides me a gift of a warm, freshly laid egg.  It is the simpleness of it all.  The smell of hay, the gentle clucking sounds….our henhouse and its residents are a gift that keeps on giving.

If you are considering your own flock, I strongly recommend it.  Small hen houses are readily available and a few chickens can provide your family with food, valuable lessons and a restorative place for your soul.

If you enjoy this post, please share on Pinterest.

The Importance of Friendship and Kindness

Yesterday I was feeling out of sorts.  Blah.  Not physically sick but emotionally restless.  I try exercising and that didn’t fix it.  I eat healthy food all day to no avail.  Typically I wake up each morning in a happy state ready to tackle the day with lots of focused energy.  But on this day, I am wandering around aimlessly trying to pin point what is bothering me.

Succulents at Whitfill Nursery

Have you had one of those days where you are on the verge of weeping?  Well, that is today. I feel like I am ready to have a good cry, yet I can’t understand why.

Colorful pansies

Maybe I am missing all the wonderful activity from the holidays-where the house was filled with my children, their friends and laughter.  Maybe I am just overtired…


That afternoon I get a call from my friend, Janie, who wants to spontaneously meet at Whitfill Nursery as she needs flowers for her garden.  I LOVE Whitfill Nursery and enjoying a sunny day surrounded by plants, flowers and a dear friend sounds like a good remedy.

Spending time with my dear friend fills my soul.  As she loads her cart with bedding plants, I take some of these photos.  Nothing like the simplicity and beauty of nature to help reset your compass.

Pretty flowers

I believe that situations and people cross your path when you need it most.  We went into the Garden Shop at Whitfill, which is filled with wonderful, unique items. Here I find a framed picture of Maya Angelou‘s words of wisdom~ jumping out at me.

Wise words by Maya Angelou

Janie had no idea that asking me to join her in flower shopping would make me feel better.  The warm greetings and conversation from both Janis and Patti at Whitfill help ease my weepiness. Being around the friends, flowers and sunshine is my soul food.

We have a saying at our house, which is “in order to have good friends you need to be a good friend”. I feel so blessed to have dear friends who enter my life at the most random times, but always when needed.  At the end of the day, companionship and great conversation is my medicine. This is balm for my soul.

We never really know how someone is feeling, be it a friend or a stranger. Often a kind word or a joyful smile will make someone’s day. In a world where being hurtful, critical or down right mean, seems to be the norm, let’s not follow suit. It doesn’t cost anything to be pleasant and your words or gestures may positively impact someone.

Please do something nice for someone today.  You never know how it may lift their spirits. As Maya Angelou says, even when you have pains, you don’t need to be one. I completely agree.

Happy Tuesday to you. Sending big hugs your way.

Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from the White Mountains of Arizona. We finally made it up to our cabin, only to find rather hot weather here (but not as hot as Phoenix). Rain is predicted for this weekend, which we always want and need desperately. Thank you for joining me today~it’s been a busy week and there is a lot of good stuff to share with you.

Newest Member to our Family

Kerouac, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Meet Kerouac (Kero for short), an 8 week old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. This is our daughter, Julianna’s second dog (her first is a German Shepherd named Hemingway~notice the author name reference). What a cutie pie and this dog is already easing nicely into his new life here. If you are on Instagram, I have a video of the little fella~so adorable! @lifeatbellaterra

Baby Western Screech owl

Speaking of animals, look what we found in the grass~a baby Western Screech owl. Surprisingly, I was able to get close to capture this photo and a video (you can see it on my IG account). Eventually it made its way to a tree and we hope Mom and Dad owl are nearby helping it during this fledging stage.

Fun Finds

Sweet Rose Braided Placemat

I really do not like to shop and especially when it’s triple digits here. However, I found these placemats at Walmart this week. They reminded me of my mother, who loved braided rugs. The Pioneer Woman brand has some really lovely things at a reasonable cost. This Sweet Rose Braided Placemat is $5.98 each and you can find it here.

Blue and White Melamine plates

There are so many colors in this placemat, I think the uses are endless. Here is what it looks like with my blue and white melamine plates from Callini Coastal.

Rustic copper pot with The Bouqs roses

I do not have any flower vases here at the cabin and found this rustic copper planter at Walmart. Check out this month’s flower subscription to The Bouqs. Aren’t these roses from Ecuador gorgeous? Don’t they look just perfect in this container? What a bargain at $14.18, however, it is not water tight. Looks like I will need to find a plastic liner. You can find it here.

The Most Beautiful Birthday Dinner party

My friend, Barbara from Mantel and Table is a tablescape guru. In this blog post, she shares her 60th birthday celebration with her girlfriends. From the creative design of the invitation to the unbelievable venue and menu, Barbara’s dinner party is spectacular. Makes me want to plan something this elegant.

So many clever and creative ideas in Barbara’s post and you can see it here.

A DIY I want to try

DIY Lemon and Herb Citronella Candles

As I mentioned last Saturday, I am a mosquito magnet. We own our fair share of citronella candles, but honestly, I do not like how they smell (I guess that is the point). Heidi, from Eleanor Rose Home has an easy tutorial on how to make lemon & herb citronella candles.

Eleanor Rose Home DIY lemon and herb citronella candles

They are so pretty and if they do the trick and keep those nasty biting bugs away, I’m in! You can see Heidi’s post here.

An Amazing She Shed and Greenhouse

Patriotic ideas for the She Shed Greenhouse

Wouldn’t we all love a She Shed AND a greenhouse? Well, my friend Rachel from The Ponds Farmhouse shares some of her patriotic decor (just in time for July 4th), but better yet, you get a glimpse into her special space. Even though my style isn’t farmhouse, I learn so much from Rachel and her creative ideas. You can see her darling She Shed/Greenhouse here.

Produce Update

Last of the fresh peach crop

Well, I am using up the last of the peaches. It’s funny how the very first peach picked is cherished and photographed with lots of oohing and aahhing. Now after harvesting and making one peach recipe after another, I am truly done with the peaches. The final batch is sliced and frozen on cookie sheets and then placed into ziplock bags for future use.

Same with the tomatoes, though I am still picking them from the garden. While here at the cabin, I will roast the big bowl I brought with us in a slow oven with garlic, salt and olive oil.

Zucchini chocolate chip bread

Zucchini is a gift that keeps on giving. Made two loaves of zucchini chocolate chip bread this week. Yummy but I am growing tired of zucchini too!

Starting apple season

The apple tree is ready to pick too so lots of apple cooking in my future.


On our drive up to the cabin, we saw this truck and got a good chuckle out of it.

2 updated lamps

If you saw this week’s post on the Before and After on these two table lamps, here is how they look on our cabin back porch.

Next week will be a bit table focused. I cannot wait to share my Dinner in the Library table that we hosted at a Scholarship fundraiser. Also, I have 2 patriotic tables for July 4th, since that is just around the corner.

Well that is a wrap for Saturday Meanderings. Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Father’s Day to all those men who are fathers or have fathered or mentored anyone.