Selecting a Front Door Color
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Selecting a Front Door Color

It appears I’m in a bit of a painting frenzy. Not the artwork kind of painting, but the “what needs painting next” kind of painting. Paint is one of those home improvement items that is rather affordable, easy to use and makes a significant impact. Since the front porch is looking a bit tired, I…

The Restoration Chronicles~~Chapter 4
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The Restoration Chronicles~~Chapter 4

Building the Pool House Welcome to Chapter 4 of The Restoration Chronicles! I love a good Before and After story and we have many of those here at Bella Terra. I hope you have read the previous chapters where construction of the kitchen/basement, back terrace, and master suite additions to our historic 1912 home have…

The Restoration Chronicles~Chapter 3
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The Restoration Chronicles~Chapter 3

So much has happened in the last month since I wrote Chapter 2 of the Restoration Chronicles. To see previous posts, click here for Chapter 1 and here for Chapter 2. On this Saturday morning, I hope you will enjoy the latest installment of the renovation journey of Bella Terra. As you may recall, the…

Random Saturday Morning Thoughts
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Random Saturday Morning Thoughts

This week began with my husband going out of town for 4 days. Do I tackle a big project or sit and watch chick flicks and relax? As his plane was departing I was already pulling things out of the “does a hoarder live here?” garage. Two out of the 3 bays are relatively organized,…

The Fireplaces at Bella Terra
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The Fireplaces at Bella Terra

With our recent chilly weather, we are getting good use out of the multiple fireplaces at our 1910 home. Fireplaces in the mid to later 19th century were a way to heat houses. Many of the original fireplaces were restored and upgraded during the renovation. There is a total of 5 indoors~~ in the breakfast…