Happy New Year!
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Happy New Year!

It is hard for me to believe that we are beginning a new decade. It feels like yesterday that we were celebrating the beginning of a new century. The concept of time is so fleeting, isn’t it? In a blink, 20 years has passed. Most “new” years, I am excited for the fresh beginning, the…

Countdown to Christmas
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Countdown to Christmas

This week we had our annual neighborhood board holiday party. Nothing like having guests to motivate you to get things done! Unfortunately, I failed to take any great pictures, as I was too busy setting everything up. Photos taken in natural light are the best and of course, these were done in the evening. In…

Bedroom Remodel Reveal
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Bedroom Remodel Reveal

My son’s bedroom re-do has taken longer than I would have liked. Am I completely finished? No, but I am close. There are window treatments to complete and of course, sorting through years of his belongings. I want to accomplish that with him, because I would probably keep all the grammar and high school projects…

Autumn Evening with Friends
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Autumn Evening with Friends

Happy November…already. We have only 60 days before the end of this decade. Does anyone have a way to make time slow down? I love this time of year. The cooler temperatures are definitely here with the mornings in the high 30s and low 40s. Windows are opened. The air conditioner is officially off until…

Autumn Entertaining
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Autumn Entertaining

Autumn in Phoenix is a time to reconnect. Everyone scatters to their cooler locations during our hot summers, but when the temperatures begin to fall, the sidewalks roll out and the town becomes lively again. We had missed seeing many of our friends the last few months and decided to have a gathering to celebrate…