Spring Front Porch Ideas
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Spring Front Porch Ideas

Even though my front door was recently painted a different color, I hope you enjoy this post from 2021 for some Spring front porch inspiration. Are you feeling Spring in the air? I am always motivated to spruce up the front porch this time of year with flowers and color. Enjoy! After putting up the…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy February 1st! In researching holidays this month, today is Change Your Password Day, Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day and Spunky Old Broads Day. Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things this week. I so appreciate you joining me today so get your favorite beverage and let’s get started. Ongoing…

Our 2024 Holiday Home Tour
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Our 2024 Holiday Home Tour

There are some years that I go all out in decorating the house and property. However, this year, my goal is to create that holiday magic but in a simple way. After such a busy year, I envisioned lots of greens, garland, candles and velvet ribbon. Nearly every aspect of this year’s holiday decor incorporate…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Since I missed sending out my typical Tuesday post, I will try and make up for it today. An exceptionally busy week and carving out time to write a post wasn’t in the cards. There is a lot to share today and thank you so much for joining me for my weekly Saturday post, Saturday…

8 Ways to Get in the Fall Mood when it is Still Hot Outside
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8 Ways to Get in the Fall Mood when it is Still Hot Outside

It is early September and I long for the autumn weather in our lingering hot Phoenix climate. Even here in the Arizona mountains, the days are warm with slightly cooler weather in the mornings. With the official start of autumn only a few weeks away, here are 8 ways to get in the Fall mood….