Cherishing November
I love the month of November. This calm and quiet month is often overlooked, as it is stuck between spooky Halloween and sparkly Christmas rarely getting the attention it deserves. To me, November is the resting month before the frantic pace of the holidays. Cherishing shorter days, longer nights. Can’t we slow down life’s fast pace a bit? Because this year, more than most, it feels like time is spinning out of control and flying by. November marks the beginning of winter and a slower seasonal cycle.
Paying attention to the Earth’s Rhythms
I don’t know if it is because I was raised in New England, but fall is a favorite time of year. November is my “pause” month. A time to decrease stress and synch my rhythms to the earth. Now is when I notice the change in the angle of the sun and how the light is soft and golden. It seems appropriate to be mindful, present, and save up our energy for the busy days ahead.

Holidays without Presents
November temperatures are now consistently cool in Phoenix causing our leaves to start changing colors. This month we celebrate both Veterans Day and Thanksgiving, holidays without presents or fanfare. November and Thanksgiving….is truly a time when we can focus on the most important things: giving thanks to our family, friends and food.
Did you know that November also includes such holidays like National Cinnamon Day, National Doughnut Day, National Spicy Hermit Cookie, National Gingerbread Cookie Day, National Red Mitten Day and National Homemade Bread Day? Who knew, right? But it’s no surprise because it’s appropriate feel quite cozy in November.

Still Fall or onto Christmas?
Typically, I avoid everything and anything Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving. But it’s hard to do that, when holiday items fill the shelves before Halloween. Even Hallmark starts its countdown to Christmas movies long before I am ready. Social media starts the Christmas buzz early too. But instead of resisting it, I am keeping an open mind.
The bloggers who have thousands of followers are already decorating for Christmas. Many are putting up their Christmas trees and decorations the day after Halloween.

But here at Bella Terra, the Christmas holiday starts here when Santa makes his appearance in New York after the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.
Our autumn decorations will stay up until November 25th. The exception this year is the beautifully decorated Christmas mantel Chloe Crabtree designed in our living room for our Fall Styling Workshop. It is so beautiful and I’m almost tempted to leave it up all year!
Slowing Down
My hopes for this month is to slow down, welcome the changes the earth will provide us and ease gracefully into the holidays ahead.

Do you love November too? Wishing you many joyful and beautiful moments this month. Happy November, dear friends.

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I also love November, that’s when we finally start to get cooler weather. My sons and I were walking in the yard and noticed the changing of the leaves. I’m sure not quite as beautiful as in New England, but beautiful enough for Louisiana. I can’t wait to see your Christmas mantle and all the highlights from your workshop. This year the Dollar General has the cutest Nutcracker plates and well, I couldn’t resist! But no decorating until after Thanksgiving for us also.
Crystal, the weather you described sounds like here too. We are finally chilly in the morning and evenings…I cannot wait to hear what you are doing with the nutcracker plates! Please send pictures ([email protected]). Right now, after the workshop I have Christmas and Fall up so it’s a bit confusing around here! Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love it!
Such a lovely post with beautiful photos, Mary. November is my favorite month too. I host Thanksgiving therefore I don’t decorate for Christmas until after. It’s unseasonably warm today – 80 degrees- so very odd – so I am holding off. My house looks best in autumn decor so I am reluctant to change it yet. Especially when the windows are open. We had a bit of snow two weeks ago. This is insane.
Michele, what strange weather and I agree, it’s hard to decorate anything when it’s 80 degrees out. Lucky you, hosting Thanksgiving. We’re not sure what we are doing yet as 2 out of our 3 children are now out of state. I should probably think about that since Thanksgiving is around the corner.
What a lovely post! It’s a much-needed reminder not to get caught up in all the Christmas hype which starts earlier and earlier every year. I’m also a fan of waiting until after Thanksgiving to start all the decorating.
Thank you, Mary, for the encouragement to slow everything down and be mindful, especially right now!
Nancy, thank you for your sweet comments. I am trying to live mindfully and slowly the rest of the month. Sort of failed to do so earlier, but I certainly feel that my body needs the rest. Thanks for weighing in!
November has long been my favorite time of the year. And…Thanksgiving has always been my very favorite holiday…primarily because it excludes no one. Over the years everyone has always been welcomed at my Thanksgiving table. Your thoughts on the season are heartwarming. As much as I grumble about the time change…which you have the good fortune of living in Arizona so don’t experience…I eventually settle into a comforting rhythm. Your home always looks so warm and cozy. Hugs to you and all your family…two- and four-legged alike! Enjoy this special time of year.
Tanya, thank you so much for your lovely comments and how nice your Thanksgiving table is open to all..You are simply the best!
I always look forward to your posts. While I’m always sorry to have summer come to an end (in Connecticut we certainly don’t have your extreme heat to contend with), I turn to garden cleanup and Thanksgiving planning. For years, this has been the favorite family holiday, a time we all gather for the joy of simply being together. We enjoy our traditional dishes and usually add in a few new ones to try.
While Christmas is the highlight of the year for many, we truly embrace Thanksgiving as our favorite.
Karin, I can picture a loving, warm, Thanksgiving at your home. Though I will miss our children at Thanksgiving, everyone will be home for Christmas. I really need to determine what our Thanksgiving will look like this year…as it is just around the corner. Thank you for sharing.
I am also from the East coast. So loooove fall. Which is basically what winter is like here in California. Crisp & clear, maybe some sky-clearing rain.
I agree about the Halloween decorations; just turn those punkins around so they aren’t jack-o-lanterns anymore! Perfect harvest/Thanksgiving. No Christmas before December 1st.
Nancy, our climates are very similar!! Thanks so much for commenting!
What a beautiful reminder. Love all the current photos and thoughts. Very grateful for Many thanks. Alan
Alan, you are so sweet to say so!
Regardless of when this post was written, I love its content. It’s relaxing and peacefully shared and thank you!!! Happy Holidays to you and your family
Helen, thank you so much. It was an older post but I updated with new photos and thoughts! Something I think about every November.Thank you for your comment.
I have always waited until after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas. Just seems like the right thing to do.
Mary, this post has had such a calming effect on me. Thank you for that. No need to hurry! Just relax and enjoy. Happy November 🙂
Valerie, oh, thank you so much for such a nice response. Wishing you the best November!
I love your post, absolutely gorgeous depiction of Fall and Thanksgiving. I always wait till the day after Christmas to take down my Fall decor and decorate for Christmas. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, and I love just dedicating the time and decor to enjoying such a thoughtful holiday.
Karenann, sounds like we are kindred spirits! Enjoy November and time with your friends and family at Thanksgiving.
Thank you for a thoughtful and beautifully written post. Much to ponder! Yes…let’s enjoy these lovely Phoenix days!
A beautiful post Mary! I like to do the “Fall Early Prep” for Christmas, then I”m free to enjoy a relaxed Thanksgiving! 🙂 It’s so wonderful you’ll have your whole family with you this year. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and appreciate!
I’m with you – no Christmas up until *after* Thanksgiving. I split my time between central Texas and southern Arizona. I love warm weather, but do appreciate fall after the brutal late summer Texas heat. Thanksgiving is our big family get together, and we do it potluck style: whomever is hosting does the turkey and ham, and everyone else brings side dishes or desserts. For ‘black Friday’, we try to find an outdoor activity: in Texas we hiked Enchanted Rock one year, in Arizona we visited Ramsey Canyon nature preserve. We are very relaxed about Christmas: our son is 30 so he appreciates cash and a few ‘mom gifts’ (socks, underwear and the like, lol). My husband and I quit exchanging gifts years ago, since we need/want very little, and tend to get what we want throughout the year (within reason of course!). That means we can just enjoy the season. I love walking through the Winter Haven neighborhood in Tucson to see the lights; going to our local parade (Sierra Vista); church concerts, and watching favorite old Christmas movies. My niece and nephew have younger kids and did a fabulous thing a few years ago. My niece had read about this idea online somewhere. The kids get 4 gifts for Christmas: ‘something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read’ That helps out their budget both in money and time, so they then have time to do lots of holiday activities together. Sorry for the long essay, lol, you’ve touched a nerve with me – I feel so bad for people who rush around and don’t enjoy the season. Happy fall and happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Patty, I LOVE your comment today. What a wonderful idea to give the children 4 gifts (I am going to steal that!). And I agree, it should be about family and friends vs. spending more money on things we really don’t need. My husband’s birthday is Dec. 13, and our big gift to the children is taking all of us on a family vacation somewhere that week. It’s a nice break from the holiday madness and we get to all be together somewhere different. I also like your Black Friday activities. I am stealing that too. Thank you so much for taking the time to share all this great information.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It isn’t about me, or anyone else, it’s about being thankful for what God has provided. Love the autumn colors and the coolness in the air. Your summers are very hot and ours are hot and humid, but not as hot as yours.
Christmas is very selfish the way we celebrate is all I want for Christmas and it ain’t teeth.
Let’s go back to the real meaning and worship whose day it is and be joyful and give to those who have nothing. Blessing someone is the greatest blessing we receive.
So happy I found your blog. You are so sweet.
Diana, I’m with you on going back to the real meaning of our holidays. I wish everyone would just slow down and be joyful. Thank you so much for sharing your words of wisdom.
Very well said. Fall is my favorite time of the year also. And, No Christmas things around until after Thanksgiving.
Such a beautiful post. Happy November, my friend.
Mrs. Mary, all your thoughts are precisely what everyone needs to hear. Everyone is so rushed. What are other bloggers teaching their children? They are never truly in the moment. Nothing Christmas is put up in our home until the day after Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful autumn.
Crystal, I am so happy to hear others wait on putting up Christmas until after Thanksgiving. I was beginning to think I was the only one who waited!Thank you so much for your sweet comment.
I just love all the fall colors.
Rachel, thank you so much.
Count me in, too!! I LOVE THANKSGIVING!! We are trying to find strawbales for a “Hey-ride…MAKING the teenagers go…oh, “this is gonna be fun!!” franki
Franki, we get our straw bales (for our chickens) at a local feed store. Maybe you could try there? A hay-ride sounds like such fun! Enjoy.
So very lovely – thank you.
Jeanne, I hope you are well. Thank you for commenting.
The quote from Ann of Green Gables is spot on…I love November! I am glad that you are focusing on the forgotten month and not looking over it. It deserves much attention. I find that my family and I are always super busy the month of November…there’s like a mad dash to get things done before the end of the year or something…LOL I can’t blame it on holidays because we don’t celebrate them…just something about November…
Thank you for sharing! Loved the pictures and it was comforting to read as always!
You are right! For some reason, it’s important to tie all those loose ends. Generally, I take the month of October and do all the “repairs” at Bella Terra- touching up paint on the chipped corners, replacing or repairing anything torn or worn. However, this year, due to my remodeling project and I’ve been in the middle of a rather large zoning battle in our neighborhood, I missed my fix-it time in October…..So thank you for the reminder that I need to get that done too! LOL!
Beautiful said. I am on board with starting all things christmas the day after thanksgiving! Love your decorations also. Autumn is so beatiful!