Saturday Meanderings

It is SO nice to be home and able to write a Saturday Meanderings again. Sorry for being absent the last few weeks, but it’s been a bit frenetic. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s catch up with all new and exciting things that are happening.

Trip Back East
As I have mentioned before, I am flying back and forth to Connecticut to settle up my aunt’s affairs. The good news is that upon arrival, the hydrangeas are starting to bloom. The bad news is the excessive high temperatures and equally high humidity are unbearable in my aunt’s home ~which is not air conditioned. Plus there is no internet. Groan.

But with only a few minor injuries and very sore muscles from moving furniture, I did get a lot accomplished. When the long flight back to Phoenix landed late at night, I was just SO HAPPY TO BE HOME. My sweet husband picked me up at the airport and on the way home this happened….

While we are waiting on the exit ramp for the light to change, an out of control white pickup truck traveling at excessive speeds comes out of nowhere and lands perpendicular on the front of our car, A nasty 5 car pile up and fortunately no one is injured~which is almost hard to believe. Since this is an open investigation I can’t share much more, but 3 hours later, we are finally able to go home, stunned, shaken and glad to be alive.
Another Watermelon Recipe

If you missed the blog post last week about my favorite watermelon recipes you can find it here. We are consuming so much of this delicious fruit, which is a delightful on our hot days. Here is another recipe adapted from Ambitious Kitchen. I cut corners and make this Watermelon Frosé a bit easier and it is equally delicious.
Freeze 4 cups of watermelon (cut into 1″ cubes). I froze mine on a cookie sheet. In a blender (I use my Vitamix), add the watermelon cubes, 1 bottle of chilled Rose wine and a squirt of agave syrup (optional) and blend until slushy. You may need to stir it up a bit as you go. Serve with a fresh mint sprig. Yum.Yum.
Frozen Dog Treats

You can buy frozen dog treats in the freezer section of your grocery store (like Frosty Paws). However, if I cannot recognize an ingredient or if there are more chemicals than actual food, I don’t buy the item for us (or our dogs).

It is easy to make your own dog ice cream using plain yogurt and peanut (or another nut) butter. Mix the yogurt and peanut butter (use whatever quantities you like) until well blended. Place in small containers. As an added bonus I put in a cut up Greenie (or similar dog treat) in the middle. Place in freezer.

I really need to purchase some paper cups in lieu of plastic ones. The dogs do chew up the cups and I do not want them to swallow any plastic. There appears to be a good selection here.
Did You Know?

We have several chickens in our hen house, and those gals are still laying quite a few eggs even during the heat of the summer. When the hen lays the egg, it comes out with a wet coating that dries instantly. This coating is called the “bloom”.

The bloom is the first line of defense in keeping air and bacteria out of the porous egg shell. If an egg is washed, the natural barrier is removed, which accelerates decay of the egg.
Unfortunately, commercial egg growers wash their eggs before sending them to market. If you buy eggs at the farmers market or other places other than your local grocery store, you may want to ask if the eggs still have their bloom.

Since we do sell our eggs to friends, I recently had these cute tags made up that I place on the top of each carton. The tag explains that we do not wash our eggs here at Bella Terra, because the bloom keeps the egg fresher longer.

Prior to using the egg, if you wish, you can wash them. Though you don’t need to refrigerate unwashed eggs, we refrigerate our eggs regardless. If you have ever been to other country, you will notice that they do not refrigerate their eggs, but stack them up for sale. I’m guessing that’s because they leave the bloom on.
These cute tags are designed by Jen Gregory from Simple Modest Mom and printed by Impact Printing Services here in Phoenix.
New on the Internet

Hester & Cook have new vinyl floor mats that I am considering. My sweet friend, B.J. owns a few of these (purchased from another source) and she loves them.
Currently my small rugs by the doors by Dash and Albert are looking a bit sad, so maybe this would be a good alternative. Does anyone own a vinyl rug? Thoughts?

When it is 113 degrees, it is very difficult to think ahead to Fall. But we are starting to see more autumn posts and inspiration, as Back to School is right around the corner. Yvonne from Stone Gable just shared a lovely post full of fall decorating ideas. Her photos are stunning and you can see it here.

A few posts ago I stated my desire to have a care free summer. Well, that certainly hasn’t been the case. In addition to being absolutely swamped with absorbing an entire household from my aunt, I spend countless volunteer hours on our neighborhood association board. It’s been a bit stressful and I am praying for it all to settle down soon. My therapy is being in the kitchen and with 60 lbs. of Roma tomatoes and a sink filled with fresh basil, it’s apron time for me this weekend.
If you missed any of my posts this week, you can find them here:
Dividing Irises (and see my friends’ gardens too!) and Room by Room ( a tour of our front hall)
Have a happy one, my friends. And stay safe out there.

If you enjoy this post, please feel free to share on Pinterest. And you can follow me too @lifeatbellaterra.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
You certainly have not had the summer you planned, have you? Hopefully things will take a turn for the better soon. We, your dear blogging friends were so glad you and Scott survived that tragic accident without injuries!
OMG! I can’t even imagine after that long hot week of hard work and the long flight home to end in a car accident is terrible! Thank God you and your husband weren’t hurt.
I know, we are so lucky. It just seems to be a bit crazy out there. Not sure if it’s a post COVID thing, but there are so many people speeding and under the influence.
So glad that you and your guy came through that accident without injury. I can only imagine how sore you two must have been in the days following. And…on top of your mucking out you aunt’s house with no A/C you must have been knackered the next morning…when it all came around to haunt you in more ways than one. Loved your “egg-splanation” – I think I may have mentioned that my dad had a slew of Bantam hens and a few bigger chickens that he loved. Living on a main highway just on the outskirts of town, he posted a great wood sign he made that said “Honk for eggs!” People would pull into the drive outlet he created and honk waiting for him to bring eggs out to them! He always told them not to wash them until right before they used them. I have no idea how many times he repeated that over the years — but I think he enjoyed it all. When he did not have eggs the sign was flipped over the fence so people wouldn’t stop and honk!! I know that many longterm friendships started over those eggs! Hope you are feeling a wee bit better and I know you are knee-deep in tomatoes!!
Tanya, I LOVE your Honk for Eggs story! What a beautiful memory. Actually my neck, which was severely injured in a car accident over 11 years ago, felt pretty good after this one. Maybe it took another accident to get it back where it belongs!! Just finishing up the tomato project….my home smells like an Italian restaurant! Thanks for sharing such fun comments.
OMG. Mary I’m so happy u r home safe —- what a mess u had to deal with and then the accident ! Glad u r Back —- let’s get together soon ❤️ Miss my girl!
Mary, we hope to get to Pinetop this coming weekend. If you are there, let’s connect and go walking! Yes, we, too are happy to be ok. It’s nuts out there.
Hi, Am so very glad you are ok from such a terrible accident and after such a working weekend and
long flight.
I hope the tomato processing is a peaceful…I turn to cooking when I am stressed and it is good
for me. Since it is just me I usually call someone and ask if I can bring a recipe I am trying….
I seldom get a refusal.
I want to thank you again for so kindly sharing your home, garden and meaningful tips with us all.
I look forward to seeing your posts.
Va, I spent the entire weekend in the kitchen, just now wrapping up the last of the sauce making. I also made 2 quiches as we have lots of eggs, pesto, and rum raisin ice cream. The minute I put on my apron I feel the stress melting away…Thank you for your kind and sweet comments.
Oh, wow, so glad you are safe! What a scary looking accident. That watermelon drink sounds wonderful! I am actually going to try to remember to make it. I’ve been afraid to get a vinyl rug, only because our kitchen floor is hardwood, and I’m not sure if it would affect the wood. That one you showed is such a cute one.
Pam, I didn’t think about hardwood floors and vinyl. Ours are Canadian beech, solid hardwood. Right now we have cotton rugs with a pad that seems to slide around on the floor. I know one of these days I’m going to be moving at a fast pace and take a tumble. The watermelon drink is easy and good and refreshing. Let me know if you like it. Thanks for commenting!
Mary, you are doing some heavy lifting. What a frightening experience on the road. Thank heavens you weren’t hurt. I hope preparing all those tomatoes, which i would find daunting, brings you some much needed peace. Stay safe!
Flo, So good to hear from you! I miss you in class. The tomatoes are finally done and yes, it was a relaxing weekend in my apron!Yes, be careful out there. It seems everyone is in such a hurry.
I’m so glad that you finally got home safely. What a scary ordeal after a long and exhausting trip. Hugs and blessings to you.
Renae, thank you for your sweet comments. Hugs back to you.
Sweet Friend, I’m so sorry about the accident and grateful you both are safe. The watermelon drink looks lovely.
Cynthia, the watermelon drink is so easy and refreshing. Not sure you are having the same heat we are here, but it’s been insufferable. The drink helps! Ha!
I had no idea about your accident and am SO sorry! What a horrible delay on the way home after an exhausting week and flight!! So thankful you weren’t hurt! Love the link to the fall decor blogger. Great info about eggs–I had no idea!
Barbara, doesn’t it seem like everyone is speeding here? Not sure if it’s a post COVID thing, but I am committed to driving the speed limit and everyone is flying by me, often gesturing. We were very lucky not to be injured or dead. Thanks for commenting, my sweet friend. We still need to do lunch….post-summer.