Spring Cleaning and Easy Kitchen Updates

This past weekend I did do more window washing and tackled the job of cleaning the range hood. Using a newly recommended product from my friend, Andrea from Design Morsels, I am amazed at the results. A weekend of Spring cleaning is inspiration to try some easy kitchen updates. But let’s start with this new product.
A great Degreaser
Andrea is the modern day Hints from Heloise (am I dating myself?)blogger. From her decorating tips to product reviews, I know I can trust that Andrea has done the homework for me. When she recommends Krud Kutter to clean your range hood, I immediately order some online. See here.

Our Dacor stainless steel range hood looks clean from a distance….until I spray Krud Kutter on it. Immediately the smell of old grease fills the air and much to my horror, the range hood is far from clean.

When I spray Krud Kutter on my Waterworks tile (again they look clean) the degreaser quickly does its job. At this point, I am just appalled.

In the range hood, I have 4 metal filters which I spray down and place in the sink. Thinking grease is difficult to remove from the mesh, I pour boiling water over the filters. You can see the difference between the dirty vs. clean part.
By the time I finish, not only am I pooped but what other items can I attack with Krud Kutter? Now that this cooking area is super clean, I want to mix things up a bit.
My Inspiration

I love art in a kitchen. However, I have so few walls that it is difficult to find a place for it. Inspired by a picture of Heloïse Brion’s kitchen, (author of Miss Maggie’s Kitchen cookbook), why not put art on the shelf above the stove?
Before and After

Here’s a picture of my cooking area before Krud Kutter. A bit cluttered and well-used.
And now here it is ~new and improved! Look at the clean hood and tile!

I know you are thinking that having original artwork about the stove is not practical…..and it probably isn’t. However, I did have such fun playing with the space and changing things up. Will I leave them there while I cook? Probably not~especially if melting butter or heating oil is involved. But it’s the perfect look for the kitchen during those summer months when it’s too hot to cook.

Scrubbing the scale and coffee bean container add to the shine.

By the stove I keep handy things for cooking on a pedestal plate~oil, seasonings, spices. Even the water faucet cleans up nicely!

The double ball boxwood topiary is from Ballard Designs and is one of two. And the twine holder with scissors can be found at Amazon.

The paintings are done by me. The blue bowl and oranges is from a Kelli Folsom online art class. Since I do love chickens, this painting is just for fun.

There is something fun about re-arranging items in your home. It’s easy to leave things as is, but mixing it up helps stimulate my creative juices. I am enjoying my much cleaner kitchen and the new look in the cooking area.
Have a happy Wednesday and hopefully the warm Spring sun is shining on you.

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Hi Mary,
Congratulations for tackling so many of your endless “to do lists.” You seem to be scratching them off one by one. I get you are pooped afterwards.
I’m going to look into “Kris Kutter. It sounds like a great product. Thx for telling us about it.
Love your chicken painting. You even paint, what great therapy that is.
Katherine, you will love Krud Kutter! It’s an amazing product and does the deep cleaning for you. I cannot wait to be on the back end of the To Do list. Nothing like a big event at your home to get you motivated. Hopefully after all of this, I will have more time to paint! Thanks for your sweet comments.
I need Kris Kutter! Thanks for the tip and I love your beautiful art above your stove!!
Cindy, you will love Krud Kutter! I hope you are still enjoying the rose painting! After all my chores are done, I am looking forward to picking up a paint brush again.
Everything looks beautiful Mary! I was also inspired to clean my range after reading Andrea’s post. Love the artwork as well, such a great refresh for spring.
Once again, what an inspiration! Definitely getting Krud Kutter! I wonder, could you take a good photo of your artwork and place above the stove? Frame it, might hold up longer…just a thought.
Karleen, what an excellent idea to take a photo of my art! You are just brilliant!
Mary, your kitchen looks gorgeous! Now, you have my mind racing. You always inspire me.
Happy Easter! Hugs to you.
Dear Mary,
Your paintings are too lovely and well done to ruin above the stove. I really like both of them. You could move them every time you use the stove, but that will become tiresome. Even steam from boiling water will harm the surface, acrylic or oil. Use your creativity and find a spot because they both deserve to be see daily.
Patricia, thank you for your voice of reason. I doubt the pictures will stay there very long, but I do like how they look. Sort of like gorgeous shoes, they look good but you can’t wear them for long!
You certainly inspired me to check my range hood ! A large part of having a beautiful home is maintaining its cleanliness. You have shared really interesting posts, including how to clean up what you already have and how to ‘feather your nest’ by creating beauty using your artistic talent! Very satisfying! Thank you!
Lyn, thank you so much for your wonderful comments! Happy Easter!
I have made my kitchen a PORTRAIT GALLERY of sorts…….they all hang HIGH on the walls but I adore MY PEOPLE with me in LA CUCINA!
I would LOVE to see your kitchen! It sounds so interesting and I love all your collections. You will love Krud Kutter!