Do you decorate for Halloween?

I have such fond memories of Halloween as a child in Connecticut. Halloween night was always chilly with the leaves floating off the trees. We would make our own costumes and go Trick-or-Treating in the neighborhood. The scariest part was running by the dark graveyard that was across the street. I can remember “surviving” the harrowing experience.
Mom always painted faces on pumpkins and would outfit them with hats. The exterior of the house was decorated with cornstalks and pumpkins. I can still smell fall in my memories and going through the pillowcase of candy at the end of the night. So when Halloween comes around, I sense the little girl in me getting excited over this holiday. So, do you decorate for Halloween?

In the past, when the children lived here at home, we would always celebrate this spooky holiday. As a result, we have our own Halloween traditions. Meet Mr. Bones and the two mummies that still startle me when I walk into the front hall. And of course, the gravestones, dead rats and a motion-activated creepy butler happily comes out of the garage every October.

The messages on the faux headstones, still make me laugh as it reminds me of waiting in line at the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland.

With multiple fireplaces and deep mantels at Bella Terra- decorating for the holidays is such fun!

Using a spider web black throw and orange lights as a base, the dining room mantel becomes a mad scientist’s laboratory. It is such fun to fill them with skulls, potion bottles, black birds and skeletons.

Thank you for letting me share this post with you again. I just love the autumn and all the fun it brings. Not sure if we will be going all out for Halloween this year. Do you think I should decorate with ghouls and goblins?

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