Giving Thanks

During this time of year, I feel the struggle between the slower pace of autumn and the frenzy of the upcoming holidays. The rhythm of the seasons, the changing of the temperature, and the harvest are all reasons to stop, reflect, enjoy and to give thanks.

I long for the days where the start of Christmas was the day after Thanksgiving. The retail push gets earlier and earlier every year. Even though I do understand those wanting to be the first to share their Christmas design, decor and all things to buy, I miss the slower pace of just enjoying November. To see a previous post on my love for November, click here.

I love Thanksgiving because there are no gifts, just family, friends, food (and football if you like). Planning for the meal, creating a beautiful table setting and breaking bread together, makes it an extra special holiday. A time to reflect on the previous months of the year, a time to reflect on the blessings of life, a time to gather.
Thankful for my Community
Just a few days ago, our local police commander put out an appeal for turkey donations, as our food bank is short for Thanksgiving this year. A few members of our neighborhood board donated money and yesterday, my son and I went to Costco to buy frozen turkeys.

Unfortunately, when we arrived in the meat area, there is a sign indicating a maximum of 5 turkeys per customer. After speaking with a manager and the head of the meat department, we packed 16 turkeys into the shopping cart and headed to check out.

When we arrived at the police station, the reaction from Officer J.B. Klima is pure joy when he saw the trunk of my car filled with turkeys. It is heartwarming to see a big refrigerated truck in the parking lot of the police station filling with turkeys.

I am grateful to live in a neighborhood where people take an active role in caring for others and step up when there is a need. And what a fun experience for me to share with my son!
Thankful for My Health

During a year when health is top of mind for everyone, I am so grateful for my health and vibrance. Much of it has to do with genetics, but also I do try to take care of myself (for the most part). Naturally, there is always room for improvement, but having a positive attitude, remaining connected, eating correctly and exercising helps the situation.
There are many things you can do to feel better, look better and not get sick. If you haven’t read my blog post on 10 Tips on Aging Well, please do. Also, with flu season around the corner, please check out my 10 Tips to Stay Healthy. I wrote this before the pandemic, but it still applies. Together, let’s commit to a healthier 2021.
My Family and Friends

My family is my life. Raising 3 rather amazing children (if I don’t mind saying so) and having a life partner who supports me and all my interests, is the fiber of my being. On Thursday, everyone will be home for Thanksgiving and I am so excited to share time together.

Unfortunately, both my parents are gone, and my siblings don’t live nearby. But when we connect through phone calls and emails, I look back on my childhood fondly and am happy to have many years of fun memories with them.
What would we do without our girl friends? Last Saturday I spent a spontaneous day with my friend, Barb and it was balm for the soul. It’s been hard to really laugh this year, but we did and boy, it was exactly what we needed!
Thankful for You

I can honestly say that I love writing this blog. But often, after I press the SEND button, I have a moment of anxiety thinking that no one will read it, and no one will like it. However, you are the best subscribers anyone could have. Your kind comments and feedback are the food I need to just keep writing. Hearing that you’ve made one of my recipes or tackled a DIY project is music to my ears.
Plus, I am always so thrilled when you refer this blog to someone else. We all need to pull together, share beauty, and keep each other’s spirits up. An unexpected gift is that I have made many new friendships through blogging.
So as we approach Thanksgiving (with or without Christmas decorations), let’s take a moment and be still. Know I am thankful for you and grateful for all that God has given me. Sending warm hugs to you!

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
Happy Thanksgiving, Mary, and thanks for your beautiful post.
Happy Thanksgiving, Mary. Such a beautiful post (again) and always a favorite part of my week when my I see you have written a new piece. So much to be thankful for this year including a year of self reflection. It is given me time to redefine what is important in my life.
Such a gracious, genuine Thanksgiving reflection about things that matter. It’s a breath of fresh air when commercialism does not prevail.happy Thanksgiving Blessings!
Andrea, what a lovely comment. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
you have a wo9nderful knack of addressing the needed subject I enjoy your way of describing different situations I look forward t0 all blogs.
Mary (great name, by the way!), thank you so much for your comment. I am so happy you are reading my posts and enjoying them. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
You are the best, Miss Mary!
Same to you, my friend! Happy Thanksgiving!
Such an inspirational post Mary. We love reading your blog and while I may not be the most DIY person, your posts are captivating and so interesting. I never miss reading one! Thanks so much for sharing your heart and ideas. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Melody, I am so happy you follow my blog! I wish you and Sam lived closer as we would see you often. Wishing you and yours a happy Thanksgiving!
Mary, I do enjoy your blogs and learn so much not only about “stuff” but you as well. Congrats on the 3 amazing kids ; you and Scott need to take credit where credit is do. I also love that you help the community, it makes me long for those days of growing up in a small town where everyone helped everyone one! Let’s hope your example gets us all back in that mindset.
I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. By the way, I am waiting with baited breath to see that mantel!
Joanne, thank you so much for following my blog! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family. Phoenix has always felt a bit like a small Western town, however, we are getting 300-500 people per day moving here (mostly from CA). I can see the changes happening already~increased traffic for example. Hopefully the spirit of the west will remain here. We are fortunate to live in a true community so close to our urban center. Yes, mantel decor is coming next week!
Another lovely post my friend – and right to the heart of this Thanksgiving season! I’m so glad I got to know you through blogging – your site has inspired me since day one, and I’m grateful for our friendship!
When I count my blessings, our blogger group is high on the list. I’ve learned so much from all of you and the best outcome is that we’ve strengthened our friendships. Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving.
Mary, Thanks for your beautiful post.
This Thanksgiving I give thanks for our blessings, that we are able to shelter at home and — so far, at least — are safe and healthy. I extend abundant wishes for safety, health and good governance for our families and friends, our city, our state, our nation and our world.
Have a lovely holiday with your family.
Flo, so well stated. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Very grateful for each experience in each day. Thanks for sharing your heartfelt reminder of everything we for which we can be thankful.
A lovely post, Mary. Wishing you and your family a joyous Thanksgiving. Hope we can connect with blogging once this craziness is behind us. Jeanne
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Jeanne. I would love to connect with you again soon! Thank you for your comment.
Happy Thanksgiving!
and same to you!