Organizing, Cleaning and Repairing the Kitchen Cabinets

For years, I have been wanting to clean each and every cabinet in the kitchen, however, the task just seems so overwhelming. I finally get motivated when the condition of my spice cabinet drives me to despair. Each and every time I am looking for a spice, I cannot easily find it because 1) the light is insufficient to the cabinets they are stored; 2) I cannot reach anything over the first shelf, especially if the jar is in the back. So it is finally time to go through each and every cabinet to clean, sort, organize, and retouch if necessary.

Lots of cabinets

Where to begin

I start to the right of the stove where our “coffee center” is located. Since there is only 1 upper cabinet, one lower cabinet, a slide-out section and a drawer, it seems like a good place to start and not get discouraged. This area is between the stove top and refrigerator, and it feels that I can reasonably accomplish cleaning these cabinets out in one day. In addition to the cabinets, I will also deep clean the counters by decluttering and disinfecting.

August 2017

This photo was taken in August 2017 when I wrote a post about designating this section of the kitchen as the coffee center. Since then the walls are a new color and we have a bigger and better coffee maker here.

Before and After

Before-First Aid Drawer

I won’t take you through each and every cabinet or drawer, but it’s a bit embarrassing to show you some of these photos. The drawer above is the first aid drawer where anyone in the family can find bandaids, thermometer, healing teas and drinks, etc. It’s amazing how much we use this drawer. Check out the before~what a mess!

After-First Aid Drawer

Getting rid of expired ointments, aspirin and items we no longer use, now makes this a pleasant drawer to open. Since this drawer does sit below the coffee/tea station, it’s also a place we put some of our favorite drinks.

Lower Cabinet Before

Below the first aid drawer is a lower cabinet that houses more tea and related beverage items. The children went through a “tea” stage when we had a Tevana, an amazing tea store nearby. Unfortunately, tea, like spices, gets old and most of it needs tossing.

Lower Cabinet – After

Now I can find what I am looking for, whether it is tea, super latte powder, syrups and we even keep a candle or two in here. Using baskets and trays help to put like items together.

My baking supply cabinet

Quite honestly, I cannot remember when I cleaned out my baking supply cabinet. But now, all expired products are gone and everything is neatly labeled (a great labeling machine here). Placing smaller items into plastic tubs also helps reduce the clutter.

Personally I LOVE sliding drawers in cabinets. In retrospect, I wish I requested more of these because as we know, things get lost in the back of the cabinet. Out of sight, out of mind.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Clorox disinfecting wipes

After each cabinet and drawer is empty, I wipe with a disinfectant, remove old labels and check the cabinet’s condition. Since we had all the cabinets re-laquered a few years ago, most of them are still in good shape.

I am surprised (but not really) on how dirty the interiors get. Even with the doors closed most of the time, things spill or there are scuff marks from dragging products in and out. They clean up nicely though, and look almost new (even though they are 23 years old). I use disinfecting wipes for the countertops and for the tougher jobs, Krud Cutter really cuts any grease and grime.

Drawer Organizers

Here is a before and after of the junk drawer.

Junk Drawer Before
Junk Drawer After

Having plastic drawer organizers with divided sections help keep small items organized! There are so many to choose from~just make sure you measure your space to get the right size.

Utensil drawer before

Even my utensil drawer has a plastic organizer and see how much better it looks organized and tidy! After all, who needs numerous ice cream scoops? After narrowing down my collection of tools, I take all the duplicates to the local good will store.

Utensil drawer After

My silverware, knife, first aid and large utensil drawer all have organizers. They come in different sizes, shapes and materials, depending on your needs. It makes finding things SO much easier.

Making My Way around the Kitchen

Scrubbing Refrigerated drawers

I tackle all the perimeter cabinets, drawers and slide outs, even including a deep cleaning of the dishwashers, ovens, wine refrigerator, refrigerated drawers and the side by side refrigerator/freezer.

A clean oven

I throw out old oven mitts, stained dish towels, donate extra aprons and organize all the plastic Tupperware. How did we ever get so many water bottles and insulated travel coffee containers?!? Isn’t it amazing how we can accumulate so much stuff?

The last section to tackle is the kitchen island, which has 8 more cabinets/drawers and warming drawers to clean.

Fixing the Chips and Dings

When you have lacquered or painted kitchen cabinets, in any active kitchen, you will have paint chips and dings. Add pets and children and the likely hood is far greater.

Dunn Edwards Cottage White

I keep a mason jar of paint for each room labeled with the type of paint and sheen. I cannot tell you how many times someone has tried to touch up an area using the right color paint but the wrong sheen….and it looks awful.

Little chips

Many of the chips are small but cumulatively, I believe it makes a kitchen look tired. It takes just a second to apply a little paint and the chip is gone.

Chip is gone

Sorry for the blurry photos~it’s hard to paint and take a picture at the same time. Most of the major dings are in the slide out garbage can cabinets so a nice fresh coat of paint looks neat and clean.

Baseboards and Toe Kicks

Painting the toe kicks

Due to sweeping and vacuuming, the toe kicks under the cabinets take a beating. After laying blue painter’s tape on our hardwood floors, I get down on my hands and knees and paint all the toe kicks. The most time consuming part is laying down the protective tape, but what a difference a new coat of paint here makes.

Since the island is a different color (a light sage green), I did the same for the island toe kicks, chips and dings as well.

Cooper’s chewing results

We have rather tall custom baseboards in our home. Our sweet dog, Cooper, decided to chew on the corner of this one. I thought about trying to rebuilt the wood detail, but instead, just painting it white makes the damage disappear.

Chewed area is covered

Using a damp cloth, you can easily wipe away over paint smudges from the plaster walls.

So what about the Spices?

Existing spice drawer

Since I have outgrown my existing spice drawer, I need to move the spices to a completely different cabinet. I design a new system, but need to await the construction of a new sliding drawer.

The entire process to move the spices is deserving of its own blog post. I hope to send that off to you next week.

How Much Time Did this take?

My goal for completing this project is rather simple~I would try and clean a few cabinets each day. Overall, without including the spice drawer redesign, this project took about 14 days. There are approximately 52 cabinets, plus the extra cleaning of the appliances. Painting the toe kicks went quickly and I did touch up painting on each cabinet/drawer as I went along.

The sink area

Having a fresh and clean kitchen is providing much joy, each and every time I open something. It took some time for me to overcome the immensity of this project, but taking it slowly and a few cabinets at a time, made the project much more manageable.

To see more about my kitchen, visit My Kitchen-Part 1 and My Kitchen- Part 2. Also 10 Things I Love About my Kitchen.

This post shared with Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday #758

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  1. Mary, I really love your kitchen. it is light and very well organized.. Think will buy a lottery
    ticket in hopes could win and build a house with such a dream kitchen. Thanks for the tips;
    especially the jar of paint to keep for touch-ups

    1. Virginia, You just need to come and visit. I love our home but it is an ongoing project! We do sometimes list our guest cottage and pool house on Airbnb….just saying!

  2. I just love an organized and arranged kitchen! 14 days! It always takes so much longer than anticipated! LOL I just recently deep cleaned/organized my pantry, my tea cabinet, and my utensil drawer and it took 3 days, a day each! LOL It’s looking good though Mary! Nice to see Bella Terra in clean and organized condition! Enjoy!

    1. Gabie, I could only tackle a couple of cabinets a day while living life in general. I’d love to see your pantry, tea cabinet and utensil drawer as I love a good before and after! Always think of you when I am having a cup of tea…

    1. Valerie, now I am trying to organize our cabin. Usually when we come up here it’s just for a few days and not enough time to really assess and determine where things should go. Trying to do a little each day-just completed the laundry room..Ha!I admit it does feel good to open a drawer and cabinet and be able to see where everything is.

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