Picking, Making and Baking

You know how much I love gardening, and I am far from complaining. But everything is reaching its prime at the same time. The peaches, apricots, tomatoes, figs, artichokes, fennel, sorrel and soon to be apples are being harvested now.


But unlike store bought produce, my homegrown fruits and vegetables don’t last days on end. They need to be utilized immediately or they decay. The windowsills are full of tomatoes and there are bowls and bowls of apricots….coupled with a recent grocery store run where someone purchased several pounds of fresh strawberries!

The kitchen windowsill this morning

I don’t like wasting anything so I have been making and baking all week. I prefer to space out my food blog posts because not everyone likes to bake or cook, but this task of produce management is dominating my week. It is food triage~~the items that spoil first get the attention.

Keeping up on the picking of the cherry tomatoes is nearly impossible. The neighbors are getting bowls of them but there are still so many of these ruby gems on the plants!

We just made a huge cookie sheet of roasted cherry tomatoes with mint and garlic. It is hard to describe what the mint does to the roasted tomatoes, but it tastes nothing like mint. I did post this recipe quite some time ago and it is still one of my favorite easy appetizer recipes using cherry tomatoes.

Spread a crostini with goat cheese and top with these warm (or cold) roasted tomatoes, and it is heaven! To get the recipe and see the original post, click here. Truly, if you have cherry tomatoes, you will love this!


The best way to consume fresh apricots is eating them right from the tree, still warm from the sun. With the others, I made an Almond Apricot Tart with Whipped Cream last night. To see this Martha Stewart recipe, click here.

The crust is made with ground almonds and the custard layer has Amaretto as one of the ingredients. I love the combination of flavors coupled with the sweet, juicy apricots.

Though the recipe does call for whipped cream, we enjoyed it sprinkled with confectioner’s sugar. Today I will need to research more apricot recipes as we still have another whole tree to pick!


Now onto the strawberries! So far the recipes include Strawberry Rhubarb crisp and Strawberry Rhubarb pie! I like to experiment with different pie crusts, but my latest find is the All Butter pie crust from the book, Bravetart. If your kitchen is 74 degrees or more, the pie crust becomes more challenging and is difficult to manipulate. My basketweave pattern is a little wonky because the dough became so soft. But it is delicious anyway!

If anyone has another rhubarb recipe, please share as there is still several stalks in my refrigerator.


The peaches are winding down and as I breathe a peach sigh of relief, I want to share another recipe that I previously posted. I hadn’t made this salad in quite sometime and forgot how good it is (and easy to make). It is a combination of the wonderful flavors of peaches, tomatoes, fresh corn, feta cheese, cilantro and a honey vinaigrette. Just perfect for the summer months.

Today, I hope to make tomato sauce and pico de Gallo. I can now see why farmers need to rest over the winter.

Charming Homes and Gardens Link Party

If you are visiting from the Charming Homes & Gardens link party, welcome! There are so many talented people sharing their lovely homes, gardens and inspirational ideas. I am so happy to be a part of it!

I hope you have a day filled with hope and promise! Just a reminder, if you are not following me on Instagram, please check me out @lifeatbellaterra. I am finally learning how to do Instagram Stories! Wonders never cease!

This post shared with Pretty Things and Thursday Favorite Things

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.

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  1. Hi Mary,
    Once again, your blog reminds me of my childhood and I completely understand the critical timing of preparing the fruits and vegetables for canning and freezing! Once our sweet corn was picked, it was husked and immediately brought in the house to be boiled for eating or prepared for freezing and everything stopped until those jobs were completed.
    You are an inspiration to all and your family as well as your neighbors are blessed to have you in their lives!

    1. Louise, It has been a very full week of baking, canning, cooking, etc. Quite honestly, I don’t know how women did all this in the past. It is truly lots of work, however, with nice rewards. I feel like we have so much produce right now and I am trying to utilize it as efficiently as I can. Thank you for your comment!!!

  2. Your pictures are beautiful! I went back and printed off the roasted tomato, garlic and mint recipe. I’ve got lots of mint going and as soon as those cherry tomatoes start coming in (not til mid July in Colorado) I’ll be giving this one a try. Thank you for the inspiration!

    1. That tomato recipe is such a winner….and the salad too. I just love the sweetness of the peaches, the acidic tomatoes and the salty feta. All topped with a honey dressing. I think I am going to make this for lunch!!!

  3. These are works of art and I’m sure they’re absolutely delicious. Do you make apricot jam too?

    1. You are too funny! I tend to have one piece (or two) but then let the family consume it….or my neighbor to the south. Always happily letting them sample my baking! And LOTs of exercise!

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