Saturday Meanderings

What a week! Every day is scheduled with so many things to do….and then the unexpected happens! It always seems that way. When I’m on a mission to get all the items done on my To Do list, it seems God has other plans. I hope you had a nice 3 day weekend and enjoying cooler, fall weather where you live. Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things.

Update on The Pioneer Woman’s sheets from Walmart

Pioneer Woman Sheets

A few weeks ago, I shared an incredible bargain on The Pioneer Woman’s sheets for $11.00 from Walmart (if you missed it, you can see it here). I so appreciate your remarks and feedback. One subscriber, Dee, asked if the sheets, after laundering and drying, shrink. I washed (on warm water) and dried (on medium heat) a queen size set and they did NOT shrink. Surprisingly, they have very deep corner pockets and the fabric felt even softer to me. What a nice surprise seeing I spent pennies on these sheets.

Out of the dryer without ironing

Here is how they look on a queen bed. I did not iron them which would make the ruffle look better. These sweet gingham patterns are perfect for our cabin. Though many of the patterns are out of stock, it appears there are a few left by mattress size! See it here.

Successful Pumpkin Hunting

Successful pumpkin hunt

It is SO fun to go to Willis Family Farm and roam the fields picking pumpkins. They have an amazing variety of pumpkins and gourds. You pay by the weight so the price is significantly less than what you find at the local grocery store. Our Safeway has pumpkins but without stems or with broken stems. I love a pumpkin with an interesting handle! It may not look like many pumpkins in the back of my old 2006 Escalade, but the back seat is tipped up and the trunk is full.

Cannot wait to arrange them with huge pots of chrysanthemums and ornamental cabbages on the front porch.

Geraniums on the Move

Same geraniums, year to year

The annual transport of our huge geraniums from the cabin to Phoenix also took place this week. I cannot tell you how old these plants are, as we move them every Spring up to the cooler mountains and every Fall down to the warmer valley.

The ride in the back of the pick-up truck is a bit stressful. I instantly deadhead them as many of the blooms blow away during the 4 hour trip. Water them and then wait a few days before I fertilize them, as they adjust to their new winter home.

Taking Advantage of Free Fall Foliage

Oak leaves

With armloads of freshly cut tree branches with autumn leaves, this is an affordable way to add fall to your home.

Fall Leaves 2020

This is probably the only time I use this handblown, huge green glass vase. Each year the leaves are a slightly different color. Over time they fall from the branches and my dining room table becomes a bed of leaves. This is especially fun when it’s 85 degrees outside!

Inspiration from a Friend

My friend, Chloe from Celebrate and Decorate (who is coming to Phoenix for the Fall Styling Workshop) is such a source of inspiration. At her home in Florida, I spy this fabulous blue and white bowl filled with chrysanthemums on her side porch. (Her home, by the way, is complete eye candy).

Beautiful blue bowl with chrysanthemums

Can you believe these chrysanthemums are fake? They look so real in person. So, while in Florida we go to the nearest Hobby Lobby and buy up the rest of them (at 40% off) and I carry them back to Phoenix in a suitcase.

Here is my version using a copper preserving pan. What do you think? I am surprised at how realistic they look.

Faux chrysanthemums from Hobby Lobby

Thank you, Chloe for all that you do to inspire me.

Emergency Room Visit

On Tuesday, coincidentally I am also at Hobby Lobby, I feel a growing pain in my right abdomen. By the time I got to the register, I was slumped over my shopping cart trying desperately not to throw up. The level of pain keeps increasing, so once I get home, I ask my husband to take me to the emergency room at the closest hospital. Pain level 6 quickly grows to pain level 10 and more vomiting.

John C Lincoln Medical Center

Long story short, I apparently have a 7 mm kidney stone. Everyone says it feels like labor, but when you are pregnant you expect pain with labor. But not knowing the cause of this sudden excruciating and very focused pain, is a bit scary. Though I am in good health, I did wonder if it was the beginning of the end.

I still have it and will be seeing a urologist next week. Pain is under chemical management, thank goodness. In addition to really screwing up my Tuesday, I am hoping this resolves itself soon. Certainly not an experience I want to repeat. Has anyone had a kidney stone?

Around the Internet

Purple Cherry Architects

I could live here!

Oh my! This architect creates the most gorgeous homes. Truly I would be very happy with the pool house as my main residence. The founder, Cathy Purple Cherry (love the name!) is the namesake to her firm, Purple Cherry Architects. See this article written by The Glam Pad and view the stunning pictures of classic and elegant architecture.

Purple Cherry Architects

Ah! This kitchen! I love how the copper pots almost hide the large lanterns.

Kristin Ellen Hockman’s country estate

I do love Charleston and gobble up any photos or stories about homes there. Here is another one from The Glam Pad about interior designer, Kristin Ellen Hockman’s 1852 country estate about 35 minutes outside Charleston.

Kristin Ellen Hockman’s dining room

If you love gardens and gardening, this is the article for you! In addition, Kristin lives in an updated Greek Revival home. What a piece of heaven for raising a family! You can see it here.

Greens from Kristin’s garden

Mantel and Table

My friend, Barbara from Mantel and Table, creates this dark, moody fall tablescape that I find so intriguing.

Mantel and Table

Using her mother’s Hawaiian pareo as a tablecloth, it shows you the range of possibilities when it comes to covering your table. See it here.

Sending good thoughts for a wonderful weekend. I will be busy tidying up the house, planting the garden and getting ready for our Fall Styling Workshop next Friday and Saturday. Wish you all could be here for it but we will have a full house both days, which is truly exciting. Not sure I will be posting much next week, but we will catch up shortly thereafter!