Saturday Meanderings
Happy Saturday from the chilly mountains of Arizona. I am here with my friend, Christine for a few days, enjoying the crisp temperatures, snow on the ground and the quiet solitude. Storms are predicted for later on this weekend but hopefully we will be back on the road to the Valley before any front moves in. Thanks for joining me today for Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things this week.

Passion Fruit
Have you ever eaten passion fruit? It is not something we typically see in our produce section in the grocery store, since it is cultivated in tropical climates. Our local store, Safeway, surprisingly have some in stock and I am excited to try it. Rather expensive and quite odd looking, these wrinkly globes aren’t very visually appealing.

Cut them open to reveal and even stranger looking substance. The fruit is tart, slightly sweet and tangy.

Needless to say, I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I am glad I tried it. Will I buy it again? Maybe if it’s on sale. Have you ever had passion fruit and if so, do you just eat it or use it in a recipe?
Cold Weather
I know many parts of the U.S. are getting hit with extremely cold temperatures. As you know my son, Benjamin is attending grad school in Chicago. Here is a shot of the weather one day this week. How a Phoenix born and raised person fairs in this type of weather, I do not know.

Having the appropriate layers and clothing is the key, I guess. Here’s a photo of Benjamin’s girlfriend, Delaney ready for the extreme weather.

Perhaps I should stop complaining when it gets under 60 degrees here! I’m just cold looking at her photo.
Forcing Branches into Blooms

This week I did a heavy trimming of my fruit trees (peaches and apricots) as small, new buds are now appearing. Instead of composting the cut branches, I grab an armful and decide to try and force them into bloom indoors.

Using a large green glass jug, I fill it with branches and bring it inside to our breakfast room table. Placing it adjacent to the fireplace, I believe this will be a nice warm spot for the blossoms to explode.
I will keep you posted on their progress. Also, my friend, Kim from Shiplap and Shells has a blog post about forcing blooms and her pictures are great too. Have you ever done this?
Tangerine Sidecars

My sweet neighbor and friend, Tevia brings over a large basket of fresh tangerines this week. In addition to just squeezing and drinking the tangerine juice, we make these delicious Tangerine Sidecars. The ingredients include tangerine juice, lemon juice, ginger simple syrup and bourbon. I always think of these as a healthy cocktail (getting your Vitamin C), if there even is such a thing. Recipe is here.
Getting Small Projects Done
One of my New Year’s goals is to check projects off the Big and Small Project Lists. This week, I touch up paint the back staircase steps. If you recall, re-doing the back staircase was a beastly project (see it here). The staircase has a navy stripe going up the center of white painted steps. Though the paint seems to be holding up, there are normal chips from wear and tear.

What makes this project easy, is that I keep a Mason jar of paint labeled and handy to use. A quick shake of the jar and a small paint brush, and now all the chips are gone! Small project done!
Around the Internet
Coco, from The Crowned Goat, has a lovely inspirational post about “You can’t finish what you don’t start”. If you are feeling a bit stuck in your life, this is a really good read. You can find it here.
I am a big fan of vintage quilts. Each bed at our cabin has its unique one with its own story. Cindy, from Country Road 407 has a delightful post on ways to use and decorate with vintage quilts. Don’t you love these quilt tags? You can see it here.
Mary’s Must Haves
Though it may not be gardening season for some of you, this is the ONLY product that works on eradicating the nasty worms that eat my geranium blooms. As seen on Shark Tank, First Saturday Lime is an organic alternative to pesticides. It REALLY works! I applied this to my geraniums 2 years ago and all the worms disappeared. The little buggers are back on a few of my plants so my husband quickly ordered more. I cannot say enough about this product. It also removes and prevents algae from ponds and birdbaths. Here is their product description: Easy, Eco-Friendly, and Effective monthly insect barrier that Repels , Neutralizes, and Deodorizes (homes, coops, kennels, ponds) and prevent ants, fleas, ticks, aphids, mosquitos, algae. You can find it here.

This is my new go-to noodle. Lotus Foods Millet and Brown Rice Japanese- style noodles are gluten-free, and easy to cook. Millet and brown rice are some of the most nutritious and easily digestible grains. Ready to eat in 4 minutes. This week I made an Italian chicken dish and broke these noodles into it. So delicious and can be used in numerous ways. You can find these at Costco in a 12-pack or you can order them online here in a 10-pack. Perfect for soups and each pack has 8 grams of protein.
My hands are EXTRA dry at the cabin. These hand masks infuse collagen, vitamins and natural plant extracts to help dry, cracked and aging hands. After I finish writing this post, I plan to use one of these masks to help improve the condition of my hands. Great price for 5 hand masks at $11.99.
I hope you have some fun things planned for the weekend. Stay safe and warm out there!

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
It looks like you guys had such a fun visit, Mary. It’s always fun to getaway and relax this time of year! It gave me the giggles to see your son’s girlfriend all bundled up because the coldest we have ever been was when we went to Chicago in January and we were dressed the exact same way. The wind – oh my word – it was too much for this Florida girl to handle. We made some beautiful memories though and I’m excited that they’ll get to make some too. I love how you brought your blooms inside and how you’re trying different fruits this season too. If you ever come across an orange called Cara Cara pick them up. They look like a grapefruit but they’re sweet like an orange and they’re only in season for a limited time. Plus you can make a simmer pot out of the peels and it makes your whole house smell amazing! Anyway, I’ve been out of town these past few weeks but I wanted to drop in and say thank you for sharing my post. I really appreciate it. Sending you lots of hugs, CoCo
CoCo, I will try and find Cara Caras…I’m not sure I’ve ever had them. Wonder if we can grow them here. I like the idea of simmering a pot of orange peels. We have baby chicks in the kitchen (in a cage) right now, and the scent is getting strong as they grow!Glad you are home again!
I agree with Sydney above and would add that the more wrinkled the skin, the older the passion fruit is. Your ones are OK, but very wrinkled fruits may be dried out and rather disappointing. The plant is a climber and is easy to grow from the seeds and has very beautiful flowers. But it won’t tolerate a frost.
I had so much fun reading your post Mary. First of all, I’ve never had passion fruit before. It looks interesting. I’ve been taking on some projects myself and am painting my hallway going up the stairs. Love how you painted your back stairs. I need to try the hand masks. My hands are so dry during the winter. Thanks for making me feel better about where I live. Chicago looked miserable. I can’t leave imagine. Thanks for such a great post. Hugs! ❤️
Kim, where you live looks like heaven! I wish we had a water view. Thank you so much for all your sweet comments!Hugs back to you.
Our lilikoi/passion fruit is a light yellow skin and best used for jelly . It grows in our yard.
I didn’t realize that lilikoi was passion fruit.I order lilikoi honey from the Rare Hawaiian Honey Company not knowing it was passion fruit! I definitely learned that today from you! Even though I lived for a short time in Hawaii when I was younger, I apparently never tasted it. Thanks for your comment!
I love the color of the big glass jar. Do you know where you got it?
Yes, I bought it from my friend in Newport Beach who owns a shop called Cottages and Bungalows. If you want I can give you her contact info to see if she has any or where she sourced it. It looks hand blown.
All of the above!!! franki
Franki, you are the best! Thanks! Happy weekend.
I love passionfruits. I grew up in Australia where are very inexpensive. I would buy a bag for $5! I would eat them for breakfast either with plain yogurt or by themselves. Also, great for using as a topping over whipped cream. Many people use them after making a pavlova with whipped cream and passionfruit. It is always hard to find passionfruit in the US but also the price is way to high.
Sydney, how nice to be able to have affordable passion fruit! The ways you describe how they are used sound so delicious (I love pavlova BTW!). Not sure if Safeway selling them now is a one time event, but they are such an interesting fruit. Thanks for sharing.