Saturday Meanderings

It feels like ages since I wrote a Saturday Meanderings post! How nice to be back here with you. Life has been VERY busy with lots of travels. As you read this, I am currently in Connecticut visiting with family and friends and attending my 50th (gulp) high school reunion at Norwich Free Academy. I have SO much to share with you today and thank you so much for joining me for another edition of Saturday Meanderings, where we chat about all good things.

Along my morning walk in Connecticut

Graduation Activities

Our family (minus our youngest, Elisabeth who has work commitments) traveled to Chicago to share in the joy of our son’s graduation from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Benjamin receives his master’s degree with distinction at a lovely civilized ceremony on June 1st. We arrived a few days before to spectacular weather, only to be greeted with driving rains on commencement day.

Graduation procession

The night before graduation, the college hosts a cocktail event at the Field Museum for students and their families. Since opening the museum in 1894,  the museum’s collection has grown to nearly 40 million artifacts and specimens. 

At the Field Museum

If you are ever in Chicago, I strongly recommend visiting this stunning museum overlooking Lake Michigan. The Field Museum is one of the few buildings left from the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair and it is architecturally beautiful.

Event at the Field Museum

One of the highlights of the evening, is meeting Austin Coon, a Booth graduate and a contestant on the last season of Survivor. I’ve never watched this show before, but knowing Austin was Benjamin’s classmate, we quickly became Survivor fans (only this one season, however). Meeting Austin in person was fun and I tried not to act like a Survivor groupie!

Selfie with Austin Coon from Survivor 45

As you know, Benjamin is an excellent cook (see @crozier_cooks on Instagram)and a foodie and he created our itinerary~ filled with meals at great restaurants. Thankfully, we also did a great deal of walking too! Managed to squeeze in a virtual 5K since I am going to be missing the annual Yarnell Memorial Run in Arizona.

Our two graduates!

Celebrating two graduations (our daughter, Julianna who just completed her master’s degree too), we are very proud parents of all three of our children.

Moving to a New Apartment

Now with two incomes, Benjamin (new job) and his girlfriend, Delaney upgrade to a new apartment. After spending two years on Michigan Avenue and doing all the fun things in downtown Chicago, they are ready to move to a quieter neighborhood in the city.

After everyone departs, I stay on for another 5 days to help with the packing and unpacking. Fortunately, professional movers are involved in moving the heavy stuff. Here is what the new living room/dining room look like before.

After the television installation and furniture in place, here is the living room after.

Dining room after

Finally, there is room to extend the dining room table to its full length.

Benjamin, Delaney(she’s tightening screws) and the new BBQ

Happiness at this age is having a large television and new outdoor grill. The move is a lot of work but they are excited about their new abode and next chapter in life.

Back Home for 48 hours

Arriving back in Phoenix, I have 48 hours before I leave on a plane again. Our sweet puppy, Finn, is now enormous at, I’m guessing, maybe 60 lbs. He has the sweetest disposition but his interests have shifted from shoes to baby birds….

The best tomatoes

The garden is bursting with ripe tomatoes, zucchini, arugula and Armenian cucumbers. Our 15 new chickens are laying so we have eggs galore. While picking tomatoes, a quail flew out from under a tomato plant and I discover this..

Nest of quail eggs

Now I quietly pick from the garden so I do not disturb the incubation process.

I love eating from the garden and make fresh tomato and cucumber salad. With so much arugula and zucchini, dinner is spiralized zucchini with an arugula pistachio pesto. Yummy and healthy!

Tomato Cucumber Salad

Interesting Attire at the Airport

I guess I’m a bit old fashioned but I tend to dress a bit nicer when I fly. However, I thought you might find this photo interesting. Yes, these two gals were at the airport….obviously very comfortable…too funny!

Funny Slippers

Mary’s Must Haves

This week I only have one item that I want to share. Each morning I love a cup of coffee (or faux coffee)with steamed and frothed milk. Well, my sweet sister does not have a milk frother. A quick trip to Walmart and I find this 4 in 1 milk frother from Instant Pot. It makes cold foam, light warm foam, thick warm foam, and warming without foaming.

At home I have a Nespresso milk frother, but I must say, this one is fabulous! It’s easy to use and clean and you can control the thickness of your foam. You can find it on Amazon here for only $38.76 or if you prefer Walmart you can find it here for the same price.

If you missed my post this week on window boxes, you can see it here.

That’s a wrap! I will be flying home tomorrow and Happy Father’s Day to all those wonderful dads out there.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.

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  1. Welcome home for a few days Mary,
    Congratulations to your son. I studied at the University of Chicago too, but alas I did not finish my degree. After earning a Master’s at Marquette I headed to the UofC for a Phd but then I went to Washington, D.C for an internship and life had other plans and took me in another direction.
    Chicago is a fabulous city, and the Field Museum is amazing. The next time you are in town you might find the architectural tour, or the Frank Llyod Wright tour interesting, or even venture further afield and visit Milwaukee, where I grew up!
    It looks like you have an amazing trip, too bad about the rain. Love your sons apartment!
    Your garden is doing fabulous! Fresh tomatoes and lettuce from the garden are some of the best things about summer.
    A quail in your garden! I do not know too much about quail, are they territorial? Will the family stay in your yard after the eggs hatch?
    I have the Nespresso frother for my hot chocolate but it is Nic hot know that the Instant one works well too. I might get one to travel with!
    Have a beautiful week, thank you for sharing all of your adventures.

  2. Hi Mary! Funny – I think last post when you said you were in CT I was telling you about my sister (lived in CT for years) and was up for her best friend’s firstborn’s wedding. She went early to do the half Iron Man Triathalon in Massachusettes and got pelted with all the rain you mentioned. She’s been in hard core Olympic style training for 5 years to do the FULL Iron Man in Tennessee in late September. However……..that rain coupled with coming down a huge hill and hitting a dip – she got in a nasty bike crash and broke her clavicle. She was done with the swimming and the running and was on her bike with only 30 miles to the finish line when she crashed. Can you believe it? And then when she was in the ambulance another fella hit the same dip – they shared the ambulance. It is just so disheartening.

    This same sister’s 3rd child’s name is Delaney. Such a beautiful name. I t hink I shared that before. My memory isn’t great so sorry if I am repeating myself. ALSO my daughter is getting her masters with honors in November. So I just think that’s all kind of neat. Well not my poor sister, but some of the things we have in common.

    Look at all those sweet quail eggs. Your home is such a sanctuary. ♥

    Best wishes to your graduates. Love the new apartment – they will love the calm. The color on walls is gorgeous. You’re such a good mom to help them move in.

  3. You have been so busy, Mary! Congratulations to the graduates. You must be such a proud mama. I can’t imagine wearing those slippers in the airport, but if they’re comfortable, I’m all in! Gotta love those quail eggs. Have a great week ahead, my friend. Hugs!

    1. Patrice, since I don’t watch the news, I have heard stories of graduation ceremonies with heckling, protests, tearing up of diplomas and rude behavior. This ceremony was filled with grateful graduates and proud families..there was an expression of appreciation of those afforded the opportunities to expand their education. I suppose dignified would have been a better word. Thanks for the question.

  4. Busy lady! The salad looks delish. You have inspired me to plant a garden up in Pinetop. I will be coming to you for help! I hope you get some baby quails!

    Safe travels home!

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