Saturday Meanderings

Happy February 1st! In researching holidays this month, today is Change Your Password Day, Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day and Spunky Old Broads Day. Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things this week. I so appreciate you joining me today so get your favorite beverage and let’s get started.

Ongoing Projects

I love when there is lots of activity around the house, especially when projects are being started and completed. Supplementing all the planting beds on the property continues and seeing that dark, rich soil providing nutrition to all our plants is rewarding. I can almost hear them gobbling it up. 

Pruned rose bushes

One of my January chores is to prepare the rose garden for spring blooms. It’s a bit daunting to whack back the stems and canes and remove the foliage, but it’s all for a good cause. I’ve lost 5 rose bushes from the summer heat and will be replacing those this next week. Getting the wells rebuilt for water retention, checking the plants for growth issues and fertilizing the next few months, should reward us with gorgeous blossoms. 

Last year’s roses

Our lawn is not looking its finest so we consult with an expert to find out why. Again, the answer is fertilizer and a proper watering schedule so hopefully it will perk up again.  I believe our property looks its best around Easter and the extra TLC we are giving it should help.

Colorful sky over the garden

My garden remains covered in frost cloth and Christmas lights due to the chilly, near freezing mornings. Our last frost date is February 15th (I believe) and I look forward to removing it all and watching it flourish with warmer temperatures.

New Door Color

The color on the front door has ranged from a bright red to a robin’s egg blue to now what we think will be a deep, rich Burgundy.  What’s nice about paint is that if you don’t like it, you can affordably change it.

Sanding the front door

As I mentioned last week, our painter, John is cleaning up the entire front entrance. The last few paint jobs were done by me and I am far from a professional. What a difference to have an expert paint the front door and sidelights. Hope to reveal the final color to you next week. Be prepared as the color and scope will be so different! Change is good, right?

Preventative Measures

In anticipating a perfectly painted front door, I do not want to hang my February grapevine wreath against the surface. To prevent scratches, I find some black velvet and glue-gun it to the back. Hoping this will provide a slight barrier between the branches and the door.

Velvet backing to my grapevine wreath

Has anyone done this to their wreaths so they don’t scratch your door?

Purchasing a Bed

It’s been challenging trying to find a bed for my son’s room. He’s always had a double bed but now that he’s engaged, I need to provide something larger for he and his future wife. Most beds/frames are online purchases only so you need to rely on the reviews to get the right piece. 

French Blue Plush Velvet from The Inside

The goal is to not spend a fortune and get something that will be sturdy and complement the room. I finally find what I want (an upholstered one that doesn’t sit directly on the floor)  and order fabric samples. The samples finally arrive 10 days later and I order the bed from The You know when you overthink something? I am relieved to make a decision and get it done….only to find out that delivery time is 4-5 months, and my deadline for completing this project is mid-March.

Darn and a few other expletives as I had my heart set on this one. I finally abandon that bed style and just ordered a different one yesterday from Wayfair. It is not even similar to the bed above (not upholstered),  but at least it has legs and is off the floor. Should arrive in the next few weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed. 

Remember when you could go to a store and actually see and touch a bed before buying it?

Baking is My Therapy

It seems when I get a wee bit out of sorts, I bake. When it’s chilly out, I bake. I love being in my kitchen and the ritual of putting on an apron is very therapeutic. This week, Lemon Rose Shortbread cookies are the main attraction. The recipe is from Half Baked Harvest and they are the perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea in the afternoon. Check out her post as her cookie pictures are very pretty.

Lemon Rose Shortbread cookie recipe by Half Baked Harvest

You can use any cookie cutter, but since Valentine’s Day is approaching, I choose a heart shape one. The recipe states you can tint the lemon icing with blood orange juice, but since I didn’t have that on hand, I use this organic herbal supplement, Rose, by Anima Mundi Apothecary. I may have been a little heavy handed as I was hoping for a pale pink, but I’m happy with this color too.

Organic rose powder from Anima Mundi Apothecary

You may want to check out the Anima Mundi Apothecary website as they have so many interesting products to promote good health. I actually forgot I had this and am now adding it to my coffee and warm drinks to promote balance and good heart health.

Traveling for a Few Day

Early morning flight

I am traveling for the next few days and an early morning departure provides this gift of a bright orange sunrise. Getting on an airplane so soon after the horrific plane/helicopter crash in Washington, DC is a bit disconcerting. What a tragic loss of life and reminder to appreciate each and every precious day.

Straw Hat Bike Helmet

I know I should wear a bike helmet while riding my bike, especially around Phoenix where we have so many out of town/state drivers. Though practical and safe, bike helmets aren’t necessarily attractive. Bike Pretty has some cute bike helmet options, like this Straw Hat Bike Helmet.

Straw Hat helmet from Bike Pretty

How cute is this? Or the one in Shibori Blue? Plus it provides some shade protection too! Check out this website for other styles too.

Shibori Blue straw hat bike helmet

With all the yard work being done, we frequently need to leave our gates open. Finn, of course wants to be a part of everything but we cannot risk him leaving the property on such a busy street. Here is my husband’s solution.


If you missed my Wednesday post on Valentine’s Day inspiration you can see it here.

Valentine’s Day Inspiration

Well, that’s a wrap! For all the old spunky broads out there, do something fun to celebrate! Have a fun, fabulous and relaxing seeking. Be safe out there.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.

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  1. Hopefully, spring is around the corner. About the wreath. First, I spray clear paint to seal them after I cut off small pieces of vine that might scratch the door. I think dollar stores even have the kit with assorted thick felt pads. I hot glue them even though they may have an adhesive back, particularly at the bottom. If it’s a door used a lot, every time you open and shut the door, there’s movement. I also prefer Command hooks that go by weight over magnetic hooks or wreath hangers. Hope this helps.

    1. Myrna, what a great idea. You are right, every time the door opens and closes, the wreath does move. We have had a nail driven into the door long before we bought the house, so that remains the primary hanging source. Thanks for sharing your ideas!!

  2. I love, love, love the bike helmet, I want to see yours when it arrives!

    I too became a little nervous when I had to fly last Friday after that recent accident… so sad. Hopefully the FAA and Aviation Security Advisory Committee (or similar) will be reinstated soon… in the meantime, safe travels! Looking forward to reading all about your trip when you get back.

    I’m making your mini cherry pies for Valentines Day with the kids next weekend!! 🙂

    1. Michele, I agree I love that bike helmet/hat! The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigates crashes and unfortunately, they have been inundated with too many accidents. They are up and running and working hard to provide answers to those families affected. So sad. Glad to hear you are making mini cherry pies this week! Yay! Let me know how they turn out.

  3. Safe travels, Mary. And I hope all the extra efforts to the garden and yard are successful. Finn doesn’t look happy being tethered, does he? LOL. And your door is going to look great. Brilliant idea about the velvet backing to keep it from scratching!

    1. Michele, thank you. Lots of yard work and I cannot wait to see the fruits of our labor. Little (ha!) Finn was only tethered for a short period of time while bulk trash was being moved to the street. He generally gets to roam free over our 2 acres and has the life of Riley! And hoping the velvet works because I would hate to scratch the beautiful paint job by John.

  4. I live here in the Valley and truly enjoy your blog. Thank you! I can only imagine the heightened anxiety level if you add flying after the two plane incidents this week. I am a bit confused as to why you said you could only order the bed online, when there are local mattress stores around. Just curious.

    1. Lee, I am so happy you enjoy the blog. When I was referring to a bed, I meant the actual bed, not the mattress. I know I can see some beds at Pottery Barn and IKEA, but I really don’t know where else the actual bed is on display. Probably I do not get out to shop much? Having a historic home, a contemporary style bed doesn’t really work with our interior. Does that make sense?

  5. Hi Mary!
    Frost danger is past when the Mesquite spring green leaves open. This varies every year…the trees know. I have been told this is a Native American belief and like the trees, they know.

  6. Hi Mary,
    Congratulations on all the labor of love in the garden and on going.
    Burgundy on the door will look rich against the green. You are fortunate to have John.
    Too bad about the bed delivery being 4-5 months the one you had found after a long search. Glad you found something from Wayfair.
    Smart bike helmet idea.
    Safe travels, I understand your discomfort about getting on a plane completely. The crash was tragic, the loss of so many lives. Heart wrenching .

    1. Katherine, Thank you so much for the lovely comments. Keeping my fingers crossed that all the yard/garden effort will produce good results. Also, I, too am hoping for safer travel. Way too many crashes lately~it’s so heartbreaking.

  7. Hi, from Sierra Vista. Love your blog today. So many wonderful things. I like when you post older blogs since I’ve
    Only been following you for the las three years.
    Enjoy your travels and stay safe ! Karen Ziegler

  8. What a wealth of FUN your post today!! ❤️ the rich burgundy choice for that door!! And…bike helmuts…who woulda thunk it!!
    Safe travels!! franki

  9. Those cookies look amazing Mary! Thanks for sharing.
    We are settling into our new home and loving it!
    Hope to connect soon.

    1. Caren, Thank you so much and the cookies are truly delicious. I think I put too much lemon juice in the icing, but it was a good mistake. So fresh and citrusy tasting! Glad you are settling in. I just sent you an email re: candelabras. Reach out when you get a chance!

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