Saturday Meanderings

Happy July 4th to all of you! We are happily ensconced here in the mountains of Arizona enjoying the cooler temperatures. I love all the patriotism here as nearly every cabin is displaying flags and lots of red, white and blue.

Our mountain community is a combination of older, original cabins and of course, the newly built McMansions. I love walking in this area because I get to snoop at each and every house. Who doesn’t love looking at other people’s homes? My favorites are the original ones that are bursting with charm and character.

The Drive Up
The trip from our home in Phoenix is approximately 3.5 hours. I love the drive, because the minute you leave the metropolitan area you are winding up through the mountains and forest.

As you may or may not have heard, but we had a very large fire (Bush Fire) that started on June 13th and today is 99% contained. It was so big that NASA could see it from space. However, even though I heard about it, it wasn’t until I drove through it did I realize the extent of the damage.

Experiencing it first hand was shocking and heartbreaking. Here is my posting on Instagram.

Highway 87 runs right through the middle of the 194,000 acres that have burned. On both sides of the road, as far as the eye can see, was blackened earth covered in fire retardant spray. I drove for an hour and the view was the same.
For a 13 mile stretch, the road was reduced to one lane because the guard rail posts had burned and the actual guard rail looked like a melted ribbon. Apparently the fire was caused by a burning vehicle and high winds. Our firefighters are such heroes in battling what is now the 5th largest fire in our state’s history.

That was bad enough, but when I was driving on State Route 260, there was a driver traveling at very high speeds going the WRONG WAY. Thankfully I was in the right hand land and since we were moving up an incline, I didn’t see him/her until they blew by me. It was so fast I couldn’t tell you the make, model or color of the car. I pray no one was killed by this maniac.
Finally Here!
The rest of the way I drove like a little old lady. Naturally, after such an eventful trip, I am thrilled to be here.
Every time I arrive at the cabin, I start daydreaming about re-decorating it. Right now, it is a hodgepodge of furniture we’ve collected over time. I suppose if we spent more time here, it would make sense to redecorate. Here are some inspirational photos on what I’d love to do to the bedrooms.
Next 4 photos from

I love how they have displayed the quilt on the wall below.

To see more pictures of our cabin, click here.
Lack of Rain and a Surprise
As you may recall, we haul our several big pots of geraniums up to the cooler climate every year. There has been such little rain, and the plants are looking a bit stressed. While watering them, we found this sweet bird’s nest tucked inside the greenery.

Momma bird was startled by the garden hose and flew out, long enough for me to take this photo. Sorry it’s a bit blurred, but I didn’t want to disturb this protected setting. Momma is back on the nest happily protecting her eggs. To see all our geraniums journey, click here.
Sox, our Beagle Update

About 10 days ago, our beagle, Sox lost the control of his back legs. I found him laying in the driveway, overheated and exhausted. We rushed him to the vet and was told he has arthritis (he’s soon to be 13) and a disc issue with his spine.

Our instructions are to keep him crated as much as possible for at least the next few weeks and only take him out for bathroom runs. Well, if you’ve ever had a beagle, this is a very challenging task. This dog follows his nose and from the waist up, he’s very puppy-like. He’s on oral steroids, muscle relaxants and pain meds.

However, his legs are still working and he does get around fairly well on carpets or rugs. Hardwood floors are difficult for his balance. But it’s looking hopeful. Here is how we walk him around. The exercise band is perfect for supporting his hips and still allows him to do his business without obstruction.
Happy July 4th Weekend!

I am getting ready to have an Independence Day breakfast. Fresh berries, plain yogurt and my breakfast cookie accompanied by morning coffee. If you missed my breakfast cookie(s) recipe, click here.
In my last post, I stated that our July 4th parade is cancelled. However, some clever residents are creating a golf cart parade that will start at 10:00 a.m. So after I send this post out to you, I’ll be decorating Shrek, our green golf cart in July 4th attire!

Whatever you have planned for this holiday weekend, I hope you are with those you love, either in person or virtually. Being here in the cabin and around nature has already lowered my stress levels. Be happy, be kind and most of all, be safe.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
Hello! I have a German Shorthaired Pointer (almost 15) who has the same symptoms as your beagle. I now have him on a Med called Gallapran. Works wonders! Ask your vet! Happy 4th!
Thank you for the medication recommendation. He’s on Gabapentin but we will ask the vet about Gallapran. Really appreciate it!
Thank you for this cheerful, hopeful virtual visit. Happy 4th to you, too!
Happy July 4th Mary,
Oh Patricia, Happy July 4th to you and your family! Hope you have a beautiful day!
This is a great read Mary 🙂 Love the drive up, and your beautiful cabin. I’m sending well wishes for your wonderful dog. I hope you have a restful weekend. Happy 4th and sending hugs friend.
You are on your computer early this morning! Happy July 4th, my friend. Now I’m off to try and make my golf cart patriotic!!