Saturday Meanderings
Ah, the weather is absolutely perfect here~cool mornings and warm, sunny days. If it would only stay that way in July and August! I am hoping you are having Spring-like weather wherever you are. It’s that time again to talk about all good things that happened this week in our Saturday Meanderings
Drying Roses Update

A few weeks ago I dried some gorgeous pink roses. If you missed that post you can see it here. The above photo shows the silica beads carefully placed between the petals. Below is the same rose, but a few weeks later. Naturally I did shake out all the silica beads, but overall, I am pleased with the results.

Cleaning and Organizing this week
There is no better motivation to clean and organize than expecting house guests. Since it is our beautiful time of year, we will be having visitors for the next month.

It appears the last time I did a deep clean of the kitchen pantry was in 2018 (see post here~great embarrassing before pictures too!). I’m not sure why it is so difficult to keep things neat and in their designated places, but the pantry is once again a mess. I wish I had taken a Before picture but here is the After shot. Before organizing I couldn’t even walk inside. It is refreshing to toss out all the old expired products too.

If you recall, I had a significant rib injury in January and then a relatively minor bout of COVID. What resulted while I was recuperating is all the Christmas items were stacked in the basement, but not properly put away in the Christmas room. Yes, I have a Christmas room (see it here).

I guess “out of sight, out of mind” did occur as the basement has been a mess since the holidays. This week I finally tackled that project and it felt quite rewarding!
New Shows I am watching

Call the Midwife Season 11 is now available for viewing. I absolutely love this show and the intro music does something to my soul. This is one series I would happy see again from the beginning. I seem to sleep better after watching this vs. some of the other more difficult shows.

I would love your opinion about The Staircase. Based on a true story, is Michael Peterson guilty or not? After recently being selected as an alternate juror for the Maricopa County Grand Jury, I found myself so focused on the evidence. My husband, an attorney and I had great discussions over this documentary.

What can I say about Bad Vegan? Based on the title I really wasn’t interested until a friend told me she saw it. It’s another of those head scratchers where it’s hard to understand how someone so talented, beautiful and successful is manipulated by a man. If nothing else, these are good things for our daughters to watch. Another Netflix documentary, this falls into the same category as Dirty John, the Betty Broderick Story, Inventing Anna and Worst Roommate Ever. Weird and scary stuff.
On a Happier Note

The kitchenette cabins for the pool house are painted and I love the color. The goal is to have the pool house completely finished by Monday of next week. Can’t wait to show you the progress!
Facebook Marketplace
Have you sold anything on Facebook Marketplace? I am trying it for the first time to sell a European pine piece from the pool house. Immediately someone contacted me to purchase it. They stated they were happy with the price and definitely wanted it. And then it just got weird. I told her I would like cash as a payment, thinking she would pay me upon viewing the item.

She agreed to pay me immediately via Zelle and then stated there were problems with my bank and did I get an email? Long story short, I believe it was just a scam. But since this is the first time I’ve done anything like this, I’d love to hear from someone with experience with selling furniture online. I hate to be skeptical, but this was truly a strange experience….and she obviously didn’t buy the piece.
Baking Bread

It’s always a good week when I get the opportunity to bake some fresh sourdough bread. Using a recipe from The Perfect Loaf I made 2 loaves of Olive and Herb Sourdough bread. See the recipe here. The recipe calls for green olives but I use a combination of black and green (or whatever I have). This is so yummy toasted for breakfast.

That’s it for another Saturday Meanderings! Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Let me know what you are up to.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
I’ll have to watch the recommended shows, as I have appreciated some of the same ones you have watched as well. I have used Facebook Marketplace as well as… I can share my experiences and tips when I see you this week. I just can’t wait to see all the hard work you’ve been up to!
Are you having someone paint your cabinets? If so, I would love to know what company you chose. 🙂
Deborah, my contractor has someone who paints in both lacquer and latex. Initially I wanted lacquer, but the painter for some reason had difficulty matching the color (?) so I just went ahead with latex. It is an area that isn’t used frequently so latex should work just fine. And I didn’t want to wait a few more weeks for him to figure it out. Please email me directly and I can share my contractor’s info at [email protected]
I’m so glad you’re feeling well enough for all that cleaning and organizing! Nice job too – your pantry looks beautiful. 🙂 Happy Beautiful Spring my friend, and Happy Saturday!
I’ve had best situations selling through FB Marketplace (compared to Offerup). Still makes me a little nervous, especially if item I’m selling is too big to load up in a car and meet them on neutral territory. I have had only 1 person I ended up blocking — upset I wouldn’t’ drive to 45 miles to meet them when I’m selling a $50 item. (Block them!). But overall, sold most things I’ve listed for price listed — and always for cash. Good Luck!
Thanks for the tips! I’m such a newbie at this.
I loved your Netflix topics. We are always looking for recommendations for series to watch
I agree with Patty about her experience selling on Facebook. I’ve had 95% good luck.
People don’t read what you write. Lately I’ve started telling people by text (because they don’t read the listing) cash only and I’m only around for 30 minutes. If you can’t make it then I’ll have to move to the next person, even when there isn’t one.
Your roses look beautiful no surprise. Can’t wait yo see you.
Yes, this is a lovely time of year in Arizona! I split my time between Texas and Arizona. My job and many of my family members are in Texas, and my husband’s job is near Sierra Vista, Arizona. I am fortunate to work remotely so I can spend weeks at our Arizona home 🙂 I do prefer spring in Texas for the wildflowers, but the weather is nice in both places. July and August are quite nice at our Arizona house, since we are at about 4600′ elevation (it’s not as hot as Tucson or Phoenix) and the monsoon makes everything so green!
I’ve bought and sold a number of things on FB marketplace. Selling always brings out the weirdos. I always state clearly if my price is firm and that I accept cash (or cash app) only and that I won’t hold unless full payment is made. People either don’t read the ads, or don’t care what they ad says. I’ve had people say that they definitely wanted an item, schedule a time to pick it up, and then not show (and no message that they weren’t coming). I’ have sold a good number of things to nice, honest people – you just have to ignore the scammers (and don’t let anything go until you have the $$). Good luck, that’s a beautiful sink!
Patty, your home in Sierra Vista sounds just lovely. Yes, it does get so hot here in Phoenix in July and August and we don’t seem to get up to our mountain cabin enough. Thanks for the selling tips!