Saturday Meanderings
Here it is, Saturday again and time for a Saturday Meanderings! So happy you are here today as we chat about all good things that happened this week. December is cruising along at a fast pace, but this week, at least for me, it was a productive one.I accomplished many things each day so the time feels more purposeful.
Christmas Decorating
While listening to holiday music, most of the week is dedicated to gradually working on the Christmas decorating. I know some people have theirs done right after Halloween, but we wait until after Thanksgiving. I hope to do a holiday home tour, but if not, here’s a sneak peek into what has been done to date.

The front entry/porch is mostly my husband’s responsibility and this year he adds several artificial trees to create a forest feel. It is magical at night with all the twinkly lights on. This is the only time of year I wish my front door was red vs. blue.

The front door wreath is sporting a new ribbon which is a wired faux Dupioni tartan silk one from BellaWreathsToo on Etsy. I LOVE this ribbon and it ties all the colors of the artichokes, red ornaments, greens and cinnamon sticks together. Wish I bought more than 2 rolls.

The large wreath on the well tower is up and it is so festive to see it out the kitchen window at night.
When Something isn’t in Stock
Have you ever received a catalog in the mail and the featured item is non-existent or out of stock? Several weeks ago I received a Hobby Lobby catalog showing all their garlands. There is one in particular I really like and went online to purchase it (as instructed by the catalog).

It is no where to be found. Not out of stock or discontinued…just no information about it at all. Being a bit bugged by this, I order red and white beads online and make my own. Here’s how mine looks on the breakfast room mantel.

This is a quick and very easy project as I could do it while elevating my foot and icing my toe. Tassel-making is simple too. If anyone is interested in this, I can do a quick post on how to make it.

It’s a cheerful addition to the breakfast room and makes me happy each time I pass it.
Blooming Time for Amaryllis
Home Depot is (was?)selling amaryllis bulbs in cute red metal containers a few weeks ago. This week the blooms are opening and I am now wishing we purchased more of these~would make great hostess gifts.

Annual Tradition
My husband’s birthday is on December 13th and each year, we typically get a fresh Christmas tree on or around that time. Since we are traveling next week, we picked up the tree this week from our favorite nursery, Whitfill Nursery. Donning our Santa hats, we hunt for the perfect tree! Both daughters are available to go and when we get home, the tree goes into the pool for a few days to hydrate.

Kerouac, my daughter’s Cavalier King Charles puppy is also part of the festivities, complete with his flannel outfit (it was chilly out) and Christmas bandana.

December Garden

Next week we are due for some below freezing weather so this weekend I will be covering the garden. Since I have blooms on my tomatoes and the greens (lettuce, Swiss chard, arugula) are doing so well, I need to protect them. While out there yesterday, I pulled up some dying vines, only to find sweet potatoes! Since I’ve never grown potatoes before, I’m not really sure when to harvest them.

I literally stuck a sprouted potato from the grocery store into the garden bed months ago, not really expecting much. It will be fun to dig the plant up and see if there are more spuds!
New Resource

Do you follow The Glam Pad? This week, they feature Tessa Foley from Nine and Sixteen (never heard of her) and I am so in love with everything she does. Her signature style combines coastal New England with classic English details and is timeless, feminine, and warm.

Each photo on the post sparked ideas. You can see more photos on The Glam Pad post here. I think you will like her style.

How to Make Any Outfit Holiday Ready
I am definitely NOT the person to advise on fashion, however, Cindy Hattersley is a great resource, especially for fashion over 50. Her recent blog post, How to Make Any Outfit Holiday Ready is filled with tips on making everyday clothing more holiday friendly. I love her tip on adding vintage rhinestone pins (as I have quite a few of those). And she is the only person I know that can pull of combat boots.

Isn’t she darling? I now need a tartan blouse.
Wrapping it Up
It’s a good week when you get your haircut and then go to Trader Joe’s! Plus I am out of my boot and am managing to get my recovering toe into a real shoe. Before signing off, I thought you might like to see our home at night.
With the candles in the windows and the trees illuminated around the front door, the house looks so festive and ready for the holidays.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
I love seeing what you share each week. Thanks so much.
Hmm … put tree in pool for hydration??? No pictures to show what you mean….is the whole tree submerged? Is it standing up on a step that’s in the pool? How long does it stay there?
Have a wonderful week celebrating your husband’s birthday.
This is “husband” … I put a fresh cut on the base, tie a rope above the freshly cut base and roll it into the deep end of the pool. It stays cool, hydrates, is near the surface and easily retrieved when Mary wants it in the living room. Shake off the water, excess needles and any other detritus—good to go. The trees seem to last much longer. Mary has pictures and will probably provide a more coherent answer.
Mimi, I will add some more information and picture about this on the next Saturday Meanderings. Thanks for inquiring!
Kerouac is so adorable in his Christmas outfit. And so are your daughters 🙂
I have to agree with Teresa. Your garland is much more pleasing to the eye than Hobby Lobby’s offering. Nice job!
So glad your toe is a bit better and you can get around! LOVE your entry, your beaded garland, and your darling family! Plus Cindy Hattersley is so much fun! I’d never heard of Tessa Foley, but I’m going to pop right over there – the pictures you show are beautiful. Thanks for all the fun and inspiration, as always! Take care down there, and Happy Holidays!
Such a fun post. Happy holidays, my friend.
“It’s a Wonderful Life!” Your home is that…and more!!! franki
Franki, thank you! It sure does feel magical around here!
Your garland looks better… I like your beads… yes love Tess Foley … I’ve been following her on Instagram for awhile… and the Glam Pad also..… I’m going to get out my old vintage pins that belonged to my great aunt and see what I can do with them… my Trader Joe’s amaryllis is blooming wonderfully, but my Home Depot hasn’t bloomed… just leaves… lots of good inspiration today on your blog… thanks for sharing… if you don’t follow the Potted Boxwood here in Dallas … you might want to… I think you would like it