Saturday Meanderings
Happy Weekend and I am so glad you are here today for another Saturday Meanderings. What an interesting week~ranging from chores, bill paying, meetings, hearings and a wonderful tour of a transitional living facility. Let’s get started chatting about all good things this week.
A Snowy Mountain Getaway

We took a quick overnight trip up to our cabin as we had not been there since Thanksgiving. What a winter wonderland! There was a good dumping of snow over a week ago, enough where we could not get into our unplowed driveway.

However, it is far from a relaxing getaway as we finally got to see the results of a leaky new roof after the first snowfall. Last summer, we had the entire roof replaced. Our front entry is just a mess with ceiling, walls and some floor damage.

Hopefully, this will all be repaired soon. Sigh. It’s always something.
Guest Cottage Update
The preparation for painting the guest cottage is being done and painting will commence this weekend.

All the furniture is now in the driveway while the carpets are being cleaned. We have used Zerorez before and they do not disappoint. They are professional, affordable and do a very good job.

I removed all the draperies from the guest cottage. Unless you are a professional, who can understand all the fabric care symbols?

The drapery panels are linen with a blackout lining from Pottery Barn. Dry clean only and no ironing. When I stopped by the dry cleaner, I am surprised (actually shocked) that each panel would cost $100 to dry clean. What? Instead I decide to wash them myself on cold and line dry.

And guess what? They look beautiful. No shrinking, no wrinkles and clean as a whistle. Don’t you love saving money?!? Especially when washing them at home works.
Chickens Not Laying
We have had chickens for nearly 20 years. During that time, the hens tend to lay less in the winter, but we always get fresh eggs every day. Until about 3-4 weeks ago. The gals have completely stopped laying. I know there is a national debate about this as this seems to be more the norm than not.

My neighbor and friend, Kelly from Simple & Clean Living, had the same problem until she changed up their food~by fermenting the chicken feed. We are in day 6 of feeding the chicken fermented food, plus supplementing it with pumpkin seeds, dried peas, flax seed and Grubblies. No eggs yet, except an occasional fairy egg….which are tiny eggs without yolks.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the girls will start producing soon. I miss our delicious fresh eggs and not fond of spending the ridiculous price in the grocery store!
Signs of Spring
Even though our temperatures have been near freezing in the mornings, the first sign that Spring is coming is the blooming of the peach tree. These delicate pink blossoms are such a welcomed sight.

Robins, of all sizes are clustering in large flocks in the trees by the front fountain. I could spend hours just watching them fly in and out, sipping the water and staying hydrated. If you are on Instagram, I posted a reel yesterday of them enjoying the free water @lifeatbellaterra.

A New Recipe this Week
Half Baked Harvest is one of my favorite resources for recipes. In this chilly weather, I love making soups that satisfy. Here is a healthy version of Wonton Soup which you can whip up in 25 minutes. Since I did not have all the ingredients, I took the liberty of altering the recipe a bit.

For example, instead of shiitake mushrooms, I only had baby Bella (brown) mushrooms. This big bag of organic potstickers from Costco is used instead of wontons and Swiss chard is a substitute for bok choy. I did not make the sesame chili oil as I’m not a fan of hot toppings. It is delicious and you can find the recipe here.

Thanks to my neighbor, Steve, I have a huge bag of Meyer lemons. I can honestly say that this Meyer Lemon Marmalade recipe is truly one of my favorites. Doubling the recipe still doesn’t give me enough to give as gifts and enjoy. You can see the recipe here. Lemon curd to follow this weekend!
Problems Sleeping?
I am a night time processor. Falling asleep is not a problem, but if I hear or see something disturbing during the day, then a restless night follows. That why I stopped watching the news. I am very excited to share this delicious bedtime drink with you. It tastes like a coffee shop latte but with ingredients to help with energy, stress and mood.

By Clevr, the Sleeptime SuperLatte seems to be working….and it is delicious. Made with chicory, carob, vanilla bean, oat and coconut milk, valerian, passionflower, hops, ashwagandha and reishi, this soothing nightcap helps you de-stress and rest. Just add hot water~super simple!
I mix mine with an Ozeri milk frother, but here is a more affordable alternative. If you order Clevr’s sample set, I believe they include a milk frother.
If you want to try it, please order through this link and I will get $20 off my next order. I’ve actually already placed another order for some of their other products, which I will review once I receive them!
Valentine Tea Bags

How cute are these homemade heart shaped tea bags? Norma from Paint Me Pink has a beautiful detailed tutorial on how to make these with coffee filters. Even though I do not know Norma, I love her photos and her ideas! I hope to try this DIY before Valentine’s Day. You can see it here.

I always love to share things of beauty with you, but occasionally, life isn’t that way. However, I admire the tenacity of Tina from The Enchanted Home. Tina saw this video of an injustice to a young girl with spina bifida by her teacher. Once you watch the video you will know what I mean. Please read Tina’s post here as she provides an update on the situation and a way you can voice your concern. Sometimes it takes the compassion of many to change the behavior of a few.
Orvis Videos
Orvis is one of those companies I admire. They have been in business since 1856, privately owned by the same family. Every now and again, I get an email with a link to one of their amazing video stories. The videos are not about selling product but the topics ranges from tranquility to inspiration.

Here is a video about the president of Orvis’s dog, Copa. It’s about 6 1/2 minutes long but explains the importance of dogs in our lives. Copa is a mature dog, like my sweet beagle, Sox. You may shed a few tears.
Well, that’s a wrap! What are your plans for the weekend? I hope to do some painting (art not rooms) and more cooking. Have a lovely one and stay safe out there!

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
I am so sorry to read about your roof leak, Mary! My parents had a very similar experience last hurricane season. They had a brand new roof yet discovered a leak during the middle of the storm – it was SO frustrating for them. I hope you didn’t have too much trouble getting it fixed. Your Sleeptime SuperLatte looks really good and I’m so thankful Tina has been updating us on this situation. The video was tough to watch and I can’t believe the school isn’t doing anything about it. I hope they’ll have so many signatures on the petition the school can no longer ignore the many voices who are advocating on her behalf. As someone who has loved 3 senior dogs over the rainbow bridge, this video makes me love Orvis even more. Hope your weekend is a happy one. I’ve been in and out of town lately so it was fun to catch up on all your posts, CoCo
CoCo, Tina is a force to be reckoned with when she tackles an issue of concern. I am hoping the school does the right thing. Not sure why people just don’t own up to their behavior. We’ve all made mistakes but it’s what you do with that knowledge after that counts. Sorry about your parent’s roof…how frightening in the middle of a hurricane. Our old roof didn’t leak at all and we thought a new one would be an improvement~ha! Glad you like the Orvis videos…on stressful days they are a good escape. Thanks for catching up on my posts!
So sorry about your roof leak after your roof was replaced. My husband is a roofing consultant here in Colorado & figures out the cause of problems. I showed him your pic & he said he’d be happy to look at some outside pics for you…Feel free to reach out on email if you’d like
Carol, thank you so much for offering up your husband’s expertise. It appears the roofers removed the heating vent duct from the roofline and put it back in incorrectly. When the snow was up against the hot vent, it just melted and poured into the house. Arggg…We are in the process of pulling down the wood ceiling (which is stained) and trying to replace it, as well as re-doing all the drywall/plaster. I cannot wait to get to the other side of this. So appreciate your gesture!
You were right Mary. There was so much to get to this Saturday! I so enjoyed your Saturday Meanderings this morning. I love Half-Baked Harvest and have only been trying her recipes lately. Her spicy pesto vodka pasta is my very favorite. I hope your chickens lay eggs soon. I have several neighborhood sources for fresh eggs, and not one has any for me. Can’t wait to see the guest cottage when it’s finished. Have a great weekend my friend.
So sorry you’re having to deal with damage to your mountain home, don’t you hate unexpected surprises! Nice that you can share the winter diversity with your fairy land Phoenix home!
Thanks for the post, will try the recipes. You’re so inspiring!
It looks like Spring is just around the corner for you. We are so cold right now, and I’m so ready for warm weather. Can’t wait to see more about the guest cottage. Have a great weekend.
Hi Mary,
I’ve been hearing about numerous people having problems with their chickens laying eggs. One woman said she stopped giving them chicken feed and switched to goat feed. Her chickens started laying again. Someone else said they started making their own chicken feed. They think something in commercial chicken feed is causing a problem with the reproductive system in their chickens. Good luck. I hope you find something that works!
Ellen, I have heard that too. Unfortunately we have a huge amount of chicken feed left, which is why I am fermenting and supplementing it. I am going to research other feed and order some online. I heard from someone else that it’s the conversion to 5G, which some countries have banned due to the ill effects. Gosh, who knows? The world seems a bit off kilter, doesn’t it?
I just don’t understand why chickens and their eggs are being targeted. I’ve heard many theories, from the yolk has something in it to combat the effects of the virus and the vax to the chicken feed has the same ingredients as the vax, which is affecting their reproduction. This seems like conspiracy theories to me, but you never know. This world is crazy and nothing would surprise me anymore.