Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Well, summer is officially here (technically tomorrow). This week the temperatures are excessively hot. One day it was 59 degrees in the morning and the next it is 113. There isn’t much one can do but stay inside with the air conditioning. Now I think I am ready to get serious about summer. Thanks for…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

There is something very special about coming home. After another trip back east to manage my Aunt Gail’s affairs, coming home is well…so satisfying. My own bed, getting back into a routine and the dogs are always so happy to see me. And now I am at my desk writing my Saturday Meanderings so all…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Can it possibly be another Saturday? Lately, I blink and a week has come and gone. I think the person who finds a way to slow down time could become very rich indeed! Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all sorts of topics from the previous week. Spring is Here..sort of. As I…

Two More Holiday Mantels
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Two More Holiday Mantels

Happy Saturday, my friends! I hope you have enjoyed the past two posts on the two mantels my dear friends created when they visited here a few weeks ago. Today I want to present the last two holiday mantels. With 7 fireplaces, I will have three to decorate on my own. I can honestly say…

Odd Shaped Closet Solutions
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Odd Shaped Closet Solutions

Do you have an odd-shaped closet? Like most older homes, we have a front hall closet in our foyer. Since we rarely wear coats or jackets here, having a closet to hang them in is just bonus space. This particular closet isn’t square, because it tucks underneath the U-shaped front staircase. One side of the…