Pool House Renovation Reveal
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Pool House Renovation Reveal

Thanks for joining me today to see the pool house renovation! If you missed yesterday’s post with Before and During photos, you can see it here. We are so fortunate that this re-do went rather smoothly, in light of today’s supply chain issues and exorbitant costs. Having a reliable contractor/handyman is a rare gift and…

Growing Roses
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Growing Roses

Who doesn’t love roses? Personally, I envy those who are knowledgeable about growing roses, and extra envious of those who know the names of all the different roses. Can roses grow in Phoenix? Fortunately, even in our withering heat, many varieties can thrive here. The key is knowing where to plant, when to plant, and…

Restoration of an Antique Table
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Restoration of an Antique Table

Once again, I am participating in the DIY Blog Hop. The focus for January is on tables. Today I have a guest blogger. My husband Scott recently completed the restoration of an old table that we’ve had for almost 26 years. Here’s Scott’s story about this unique piece of furniture. The Table~Before When my wife…

A DIY Chicken Feeder Picnic Table
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A DIY Chicken Feeder Picnic Table

Since Mary is busy getting ready for houseguests, I am filling in today! So here is a DIY project I made this week. Inspired by photos seen on Pinterest and Etsy, this chicken feeder picnic table is aptly named a chicknic table! Not everyone likes projects.  However, a friend sent me a picture of one…