Happy New Year 2024
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Happy New Year 2024

Here we go, another new year! Do you change your behavior or make resolutions? Does the month of January mean a new start? After an indulgent Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, this month is a time for me to reset. I am ready to eat a cleaner diet and get back into a healthier routine….

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

January is coming to an end….wow. But instead of this month feeling like a blur, my month, surprisingly, is more intentional and productive. I am beginning to think that the key to slowing down life is to being more deliberate each and every day. How did your January pan out? Nonetheless, it’s the weekend and…

Countdown to Christmas
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Countdown to Christmas

This week we had our annual neighborhood board holiday party. Nothing like having guests to motivate you to get things done! Unfortunately, I failed to take any great pictures, as I was too busy setting everything up. Photos taken in natural light are the best and of course, these were done in the evening. In…