All Things Lemon Class a Sunny Success
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All Things Lemon Class a Sunny Success

Saturday’s All Things Lemon class, with 10 eager participants, is a resounding success. It is the perfect time to celebrate citrus season here in Phoenix, Arizona. You cannot beat the quality and freshness of picking a lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangelo or tangerine right from the tree. This class is an opportunity to gather and learn,…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Earth Day! It’s another April weekend and I hope you are having glorious spring weather like us! Though a very busy social week, I didn’t get much done other than some continued cleaning and organizing. Let’s get started and chat about all good things this week. And the Winner is.. I just loved all…

Lemon Love~My 10 Favorite Recipes
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Lemon Love~My 10 Favorite Recipes

Being well into our citrus season, I am taking advantage of all the different fruits available to us. A typical day means a walk to the orchard to pick an orange, tangerine, grapefruit or kumquat from a tree. This year, my Lisbon lemon tree did produce quite a bumper crop! Today’s post is about lemon…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Here are some random thoughts for this beautiful Saturday morning. Yesterday, I completed cleaning the other half of the first floor to the well tower. If you missed Tuesday’s post about the potting shed, click here. Some fun discoveries in the well tower. I found a box full of old love letters and photos. A…