Painting and Reupholstering Wicker Chairs
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Painting and Reupholstering Wicker Chairs

As you recall, we recently remodeled our pool house with new flooring, paint, lights, furniture, rugs and a new kitchenette. The last two items that need attention are the wicker/wood framed chairs that sit in the front entryway. Since it has been many years since I covered these cushions, I don’t even recall the look…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday and Easter weekend! We are having picture-perfect weather and our house guests are enjoying clear skies, sunshine and 72 degrees. Everything is in bloom and the air is fragrant with the smells of jasmine and orange blossoms. Thanks for joining me for our weekly Saturday Meanderings where we talk about all good things…

Bedroom Remodel Reveal
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Bedroom Remodel Reveal

My son’s bedroom re-do has taken longer than I would have liked. Am I completely finished? No, but I am close. There are window treatments to complete and of course, sorting through years of his belongings. I want to accomplish that with him, because I would probably keep all the grammar and high school projects…

The “Not So Simple” Pillow Shams
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The “Not So Simple” Pillow Shams

In a previous post, I discussed re-doing my son’s bedroom. I finally got the fabric and it didn’t disappoint. There was the typical anxiety in making my own pillow shams~~what if I cut the material wrong? What if they come out wonky? What if I ruin this expensive fabric? But nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?…