Amaryllis Holiday Arrangement
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Amaryllis Holiday Arrangement

In attempts to create a simple, yet elegant look for the very deep and long living room mantel, I just love the look of these amaryllis holiday arrangements. However, due to the depth and width of the mantel, one arrangement would look diminutive. Prices from places like Pottery Barn or Neiman Marcus for these arrangements…

Holiday Decor To Date
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Holiday Decor To Date

There is finally some progress on the holiday decorating around the house. Well, it seems like there is a method to my madness because in addition to holiday decorating, I am also trying to deep clean each and every room. Knowing this will take me a bit more time, I am energized when I hear…

Happy November!
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Happy November!

In the last 6 months, I have been on 27 flights. My house is disorganized and it will take weeks to catch up. However, it is November and a month I cherish. I know many people have already moved onto Christmas, but not here at Bella Terra. November is the resting month before the frantic…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Well, summer is officially here (technically tomorrow). This week the temperatures are excessively hot. One day it was 59 degrees in the morning and the next it is 113. There isn’t much one can do but stay inside with the air conditioning. Now I think I am ready to get serious about summer. Thanks for…

A Summer Breakfast
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A Summer Breakfast

Sunday is the official first day of summer, but school is out, gardens are growing and the weather here says otherwise. Even though it is a bit too warm to eat outside, that doesn’t stop me from wanting to create a cheerful summer breakfast table. The Tablecloth I am so fortunate to have this brightly…