Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from Boise, Idaho. Boy, packing for this trip is a bit of a challenge as the weather will range from 70 degrees to 38 degrees and raining. Plus we are attending a black tie gala~nothing like stuffing your fancy outfit into a carry-on! It is always fun to travel here~especially now where they…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Well, I’m a little late on posting this today but thanks for being here with me! Have you ever had one of those weeks where the minute you open your eyes until your head hits the pillow your day is chock-a-block full? That was my week! Every single day. So little time for blogging and…

Organizing Tips:The Master Closet
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Organizing Tips:The Master Closet

January is a GREAT month to start afresh and tackle new organization projects. Today, I am joining a group of friends to share some spectacular ways to re-arrange, sort and clean those parts of your home that need attention. My sweet friend, Rachel from The Pond’s Farmhouse is hosting this round-up of ideas to get…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Can it be mid-August already? Am I seeing school buses again? This must be the fastest year ever as it feels like I am in fast forward mode ALL the time. As you read this, I am at our mountain cabin, inspiring to relax. My visions of dinner outside and cooler temps will hopefully come…

Christmas in July
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Christmas in July

I am so delighted to be part of a very talented group of bloggers who are celebrating Christmas in July. What exactly is Christmas in July? I did some research and you can read more about it at the bottom of this post. Psychologically, in the sweltering Arizona heat, a mental escape to Christmas it…