Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

It is the last Saturday of August 2024 and the beginning of Labor Day weekend. Just like that another month vanishes. There is a slight shift in temperatures in the morning and soon, fall will be well on its way. As we say goodbye to August, I am still cherishing the pace of summer in…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy first Saturday in July! It’s been a glorious week here in the White Mountains of Arizona, even though the last few days are a bit warmer than usual. I hope your Independence Day festivities are what you expected~whether with family and friends or just relaxing and hassle-free. Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat…

Unique Gifts for Mother’s Day or for that Special Woman in your Life
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Unique Gifts for Mother’s Day or for that Special Woman in your Life

My mother passed away in November 2014 and naturally, I am missing her especially on Mother’s Day. But I know she is happily with my Dad in heaven. There are quite a few Mother’s Day gift posts, but I though I would share items that I personally use or love that you may want to…

Creating a Spring Themed Dinner
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Creating a Spring Themed Dinner

Spring has definitely sprung here at Bella Terra. All the flowers are blooming, my garden is growing and what better way to share it than a spring themed dinner at home. Recently we hosted friends of ours who are out of state that is still experiencing snow. It is their first time to our house,…

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner~Two of my Favorite Recipes
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St. Patrick’s Day Dinner~Two of my Favorite Recipes

Whether you are Irish or not, I believe we all need the luck of the Irish right now! St. Patrick’s Day is special in our home as it is the birthday of both my daughter and my mother. To learn more about the history of this holiday, please click here. Today, I have two recipes…