Tribute to Tippy

Ten years ago I went to the Brimfield Antique Show in Massachusetts with my dear friend, Susan. I received a phone call from my husband, stating the girls had found a kitten in the yard. Since we already had 4 dogs and numerous other pets, he promised the new kitten would find another home.

When I arrived back in Phoenix a few days later, the kitten had a name, a brand new collar and a litter box. Meet Tippy, our first cat. I had mixed feelings about having a cat. Growing up, we had dogs but my mother did not like cats. I’m not sure why, but we never owned one. So I didn’t know the first thing about these feline creatures.

The girls’ responsibilities were clearly laid out~if you want this kitten you must care for it, including cleaning the litter box (not one of my favorite smells). I remained detached from this animal, as I was homeroom mom for one child, crew team mom for another and life was busy and full.

But over the years, something happened. My indifference to cats grew into a love and longing I didn’t expect. Shortly after finding Tippy, the girls “found” another cat (which we think someone dropped over our wall). We lost two dogs and gained another and we have been a family of two dogs and two cats for quite sometime.

As the girls became older and their school and social lives grew, Tippy became my cat. At the end of each busy day, when I finally had a chance to sit down and put my feet up, Tippy would crawl into my lap and settle in. Like having a favorite blanket, she was my piece of comfort that closed out each day. Stroking her soft fur was relaxing and her purring confirmed that she enjoyed it too.

Over the last several weeks, Tippy wasn’t feeling well. What started as an intestinal obstruction morphed into lethargy and weight loss. Tippy loved my homemade cat food but soon stopped eating. The last few weeks, each and every time I sat down and had a lap, she was in it.

Ten years ago loving a cat was something I couldn’t comprehend. And now my heart is breaking because this sweet cat was clearly in the last chapters of her life.

Yesterday, we made the very hard decision to euthanize Tippy. I cannot remember the last time I had a good cry, but my tears for her are of loss, love, and thankfulness. Tippy opened my eyes to the unconditional love cats give us. I am so grateful my two little girls found her, all those years ago. That sweet little gray and white face showed me a love I never knew existed.

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  1. Mary, my heart breaks for you and the family. We had a similar story, our cat was Max. Making the decision you made is the hardest thing we ever have to do. Tears are falling as I write this because I truly understand that feeling of loss.

    God Bless

  2. I’m so sorry, Mary. Our pets become an integral part of our families and loosing them creates a huge empty spot. Much love and hugs to you

  3. Mary, I’m so sorry to learn of the loss of your cat. What a beautiful animal and it sounds like she was a little unexpected soulmate. Life hands us what we need sometimes to keep us humble. You are as good of pet mom as a human one. Much love to you during this time..

  4. Your tribute brought fond memories of our cats and sadness about having to euthanize them. I still miss ours, as I’m sure you miss Tippy. I’m so sorry about your loss.

  5. Oh my! Soo very sorry for your loss.
    Tippy was beautiful.
    We have a cat named Stanley who looks a lot like Tippy. He was a stray, that my two daughters adopted. He found us! He has been a wonderful friend and companion. He is almost 12, we are thankful for every day we have with him.

  6. Mary, I am sorry for the loss of your beautiful cat. I hope the years you were together will evoke warm memories. How fortunate it was to live with your loving, caring family.

    1. Beautiful story Mary. Sorry about your cat. I also did not like cats and still think i don’t but I found one in college and brought him home to my parents and loved MY cat – and shed many tears when he died. Special cats find special people. D.

  7. So sorry, it is the hardest thing to put them down. We had our Muffin for nineteen years. My husband who never wanted a cat surprised me and our two boys by bringing him home from work one day. He was a train engineer and the kittens were hanging around and the guys were trying to feed them. Needless to say, that man who disliked cats came to love him and had a very hard time taking him for his last ride to the vet for me. We even took him skidooing to our camp in a caboose with the boys hanging on to him, and he stayed in the cabin all weekend. Oh for the love of our animals.

    1. Darlene, Your story made me smile. Isn’t it interesting that you find this deep love that you never even knew existed before? Sounds like that’s what happened with your husband. He is a good man. Nineteen years is a wonderfully, long time. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Sorry Mary. I am not a “cat person” due to allergies, but my 2 dogs make my life so much better. Hugs.

  9. Mary, Many years ago I had a high stress job. I would come home at the end of the day and feed the pets. Our fluffy cat was fed on top of the dryer in the laundry room because our Golden Retriever would eat the kitty food if within her reach. Big, fuzzy Glamis would jump up on the dryer to eat and I would put my ear against the cats side. Glamis would always purr while he ate and the sound of his loud motor would calm my stressed out nerves. I am sure he thought I was giving him hugs but the purring was entirely for my benefit. The minutes of sound therapy was very calming for me. I believe pets add so much comfort to our lives. Glamis lived a long life and I will always remember how he helped me when I needed it most. LR

    1. Linda, I love this story and his name, Glamis! My dogs try to eat the cat food too, even though they are very well fed. Yes, I will miss her purring and lap comfort.You don’t realize how much you need it until it is gone.

  10. Oh no. It’s heartbreaking when we are forced to say goodbye to one of our furry family members. They leave a giant hole in our world and in our hearts. We miss them all day long; but especially during those times when you exhale deeply and relax, Tippy in your lap, your hands on her soft fur and purring made the worries of the day somehow less important. She is missed. oxo

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