10 Tips On Aging Well

Unfortunately, as I grow older, I spend more time on thinking about the concept of aging. The basic fact remains that each day we get a little bit older. Gravity takes over at some point and even though we feel 20 from the neck up, the rest of our bodies don’t follow suit. Yes, we are gaining years, but we can also age well.

Photo by Choose PT

Genetics plays an important role too. However, there are many things we can do on our own to respect and enhance the aging process.

1) Get a Great Haircut

Hair done by Roscoe Nichols at Pucci Salon

I am not a clothes horse, nor do I spend money on jewelry or shoes. But I do invest in a really good haircut. Daily we look in the mirror and if our hair looks good, then we feel good. I have been using the same hairstylist for over 25 years. And he never disappoints. It’s not inexpensive but a good cut can last me up to 8 weeks, and worth the 6 x a year expense.

10 Photos That Show How Beautiful Gray Hair Really Is
Photo from Oprah.com

Consult with an expert who can tell you the best style for your age, hair type and lifestyle. For example, I have a lot of hair but it is very fine. If I let it grow past my shoulders, it looks thin and wimpy. I will never have long hair. Unless you have gorgeous long gray hair like my friend Karin, you may want to reconsider your high school haircut if you are over 50.

Are you coloring your hair or letting it go gray? Either way, there are shampoos and conditioners that help you achieve your best locks ever. The shampoo I use is Oribe Shampoo for Beautiful Color and Oribe Conditioner for Magnificent volume. My stylist, Roscoe, hand paints on my color and this shampoo and conditioner protect it, as it lasts for a long time.

At this point in time, I don’t think going gray is right for me, due to my skin tone. Plus the added color gives my hair more volume and manageability.

2) Sleep and clear eyes

It is so important to get a good night’s sleep to feel refreshed in the morning. As we get older, this becomes harder to do. But having white scleras is a sign of vitality vs. the yellowed, blood shot eyes that often come after lack of sleep.

We all are familiar with Visine, but lately I am using Lumify. I am very impressed with how quickly it works. Within a minute after applying the drops, the redness is gone from your eye and it lasts up to 8 hours. These drops are a bit pricey so you don’t want to be spilling them down your face. Click here for this product.

During a recent visit to my eye doctor, he recommends using Lumify only on special occasions. Since I am experiencing dry eyes after our long hot, and very polluted summer air, he recommends using a lubricant eye drop that does not have preservatives. Most drops will have PF on the box if they are preservative-free. Here are the drops I am using, but again, make sure you check with your eye doctor before taking anything.

If you are having difficulty sleeping, consult your physician. Check out this article on ways to help improve your sleeping patterns. As we age, sleep is so critical to our physical and cognitive health.

I have written about meditative outlets like Calm and Headspace, which I listen to frequently. Their bedtime stories always lull me to sleep. If I awaken in the middle of the night, I just put in earplugs and continue to listen to a story or do a meditative exercise. Works every time.

3) Move and Exercise

Forward Thinking: Regular exercise does wonders to slow aging | Columns |  williamsonherald.com

I know, right? Don’t groan. Exercise is so critical to aging well. The ONLY known factor in staving off dementia is cardiovascular activity…yes, that’s getting more oxygen to your brain. Plus if you don’t use it, you lose it, right?

According to Younger Next Year you can become functionally younger if you follow a program of exercise, diet and maintaining emotional connections. I can honestly say, prior to COVID, I was exercising 5-6 days per week. During that horrible lockdown, my exercise routine suffered. As a result, I did not feel as good~both mentally and physically. Within the last 4 months, I am back to exercising 5 days a week and what a difference it makes!

So if you are NOT exercising at all, start small. Do 15 minutes per day the first week and increase it to 30 minutes the next. You don’t need to be an extreme athlete but get moving. Walk, bike, swim, use weights, take Pilates or yoga. Remember: Sitting is the new smoking.

4) Stop Sounding like an Old Person

Do people complain too much? – The Panther Prowl

It is very typical for those who are aging to sit around and complain about every ache and pain. Granted, many of us are having knee and hip replacements or cataract surgery, but if this is the main topic of every conversation, stop. Find something interesting to talk about that isn’t your latest ailment.

5) Don’t Complain about the Younger Generation

My three amazing children!

This is very hard to stop doing. Right? Those ungrateful millennials. But stop and take the time to learn more about who they are. What are they interested in? What do they care about? I am a bit of an anomaly because my children are much younger than most of my peers.

My son loves to explore the chemistry of cooking; my daughter is an expert on dog training and pet care; and my youngest is learning to speak Korean. They are amazing and quite honestly, keep me young. Stay connected with other generations, both older and younger. Those emotional connections are critical. You will be more interesting in the long run.

6) Find Your Style

Casual Outfits for 50 Year Old Woman with 25 Elegant Ideas - Outfit &  Fashion
Photo from Outfit and Fashion

We all can picture that aging woman in short-shorts…..groan. Find your style and make sure it flatters you and is age appropriate. Unless you have a 6 pack, showing your abs over 50 in a cropped shirt isn’t really necessary. And if you have a larger bottom, please make sure it is covered. No one wants to see your underwear (or thong)~~really at any age.

Over 50 Fashion blogger Cindy Hattersley in J Crew T Shirt midi dress
Cindy Hattersley from Cindy Hattersley Design

As we age, we often don’t fit into the current trendy styles. However, that doesn’t mean you cannot look put together. There are many resources to help women over 50. I follow Cindy Hattersley because she has a collected look for women in fashion, beautiful home decor and entertaining ideas. Check her out!

7) Whiten Your Teeth

Your Holiday Pictures Will Sparkle With Help From Our Teeth Whitening  Service - Hemet Dental Center: Brian Stiewel DDS, INC. Hemet California
Hemet Dental Center photo

As we age, all those years of red wine, coffee and overall use, tend to yellow our teeth. Here is an article from BestLife that outlines 20 Secrets for Whiter Teeth after 40. There are numerous products available over the counter. Here is one example you can find on Amazon. Consult with your dentist as to the best approach for obtaining your whitest teeth.

How nice to have white teeth and white scleras! I read somewhere that your white blouse should not be whiter than your teeth…think about that!

8) Learn How to Apply Makeup to Aging Skin

A before and after image of a woman showing the difference of applying makeup foundation
Bobbi Brown’s Beauty Tips for Women over 50

Still wearing blue eye shadow? There are so many skin care products for aging skin. And we all know that person whose makeup is so caked on it actually accentuates wrinkled skin. I am not an expert on this because I hardly wear any makeup, but I hope to learn how to emphasize my assets and hide my flaws. Click here to see Bobbi Brown’s Beauty Tips for Women over 50.

Also, drink LOTS of water~~which will help plump out any wrinkles.

9) Posture

Posture 101 from Practical Pain Management

Stand up. Often we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. But hunching over makes us look much older. Pull back your shoulders, align your head with your erect spine. Just by doing that you will look thinner and stronger. Give your organs some space and tighten your abdominals.

10) Smile!

My chickens make me happy!

A smile is so contagious and makes you look younger. How many times do you see an older person frowning? Create happy lines on your face vs. deep furrows of worry. Plus you never know if your smile will help make someone’s day. Show off your pearly whites from your teeth whitening! To see my post on the Importance of Smiling, click here.

Getting older doesn’t have to be all gloom and doom. You have a lifetime of experience and perhaps much more patience and understanding than you did 20-30 years ago. Be interesting. Learn something new. Stop complaining. Feel vibrant……because you ARE!

Happy Wednesday, my friends! Thank you for joining me today. Let’s agree to graciously grow old together!

This post was shared with Thursday’s Favorite Things by Katherines Corner

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