Beginnings and Endings

I have been out of town for the last week and was unable to send my typical twice weekly blog posts.  But there is a good reason why.

Our oldest child, Benjamin graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville last Saturday.  This is one of the country’s most beautiful educational institutions.  Rich in history with gorgeous architecture (designed by Thomas Jefferson), we have loved visiting him over the past four years.

Below is The Lawn~~a long stretch of grass from the Rotunda to the statue of Homer.  Here is where graduation exercises were held and fortunately the rain stopped just in time.

It’s hard to believe we brought this little rascal home from the hospital 22 years ago. Now, armed with 2 degrees (Economics and Foreign Affairs), he will be starting his first real job in August in Washington, DC.

After four years of rigorous undergraduate studies, he is beginning a new life’s chapter into the world of independence.  Not only is this an important time in life for him, but it is also creates a shift in our family.  Will he be able to come home for the holidays? What about family vacations?  Will he ever need us again?

As we re-imagine the fabric of our family unit, we are happy for his success.  Our whole family attended his graduation and for me, that was the best part~~all of us together in joyful reunion.

Another exciting ending is the sale of the Willetta historical restoration.  As of next Tuesday, this beautiful home will have a young family moving in.  I have remodeled and restored many houses, but this one took the longest to sell.  I truly love this house but in retrospect, never buy the biggest and best house on the street.  The Willetta house was the very first house built in 1922 as a showcase home for the subdivision.  Most of the other homes in the neighborhood were built later, on smaller lots with less square footage.  The architecture of Willetta is one of a kind.  There is no other house anywhere in our area that looks like this.  To read about the restoration, click here.

There are many beginnings and endings in the garden. Tomato production is up, but the artichokes have gone to flower.

The lettuce has bolted, but the melons and cucumbers are starting to produce.

School is officially over and Memorial Day is right around the corner. Spring is gone and Summer is upon us. Whatever beginnings or endings you are celebrating, I wish you and yours a safe holiday weekend.



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  1. Of course he will still need you all! You never stop needing your family, no matter how grown and responsible you become. I still need my parents and I am 30 years old and have been married for almost 8 years! LOL

    Congrats to your son and his achievements! And I am happy that a family has bought the renovated home because I thought it was so stunning and is perfect for a new family!

    Thanks for sharing Mary and no worries about your absence…every time you come back you make up for it! 😉

  2. Your photo made me tear up. Coming to the end of our parenting as UVA parents was harder on us than our son. It was such a privilege for us all. Congratulations to the graduate! Onward! To a good life ahead!

    1. Leslie, I held it together until I heard the Graduation March played during their procession onto the Lawn. This stage in life is bittersweet~~joyful for him but sad our engagement with him will change.
      But life goes on…..and we know we have a fine young man who will contribute much going forward.

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