My Holiday Dining Room

I am so excited to share the holiday changes to our dining room this year. Every year, literally, every year, I have done the same thing when it comes to holiday decorating.
When your holiday decorating is repetitive, it’s difficult to imagine the space differently. I was a bit stumped on what to do but somehow it just magically came together!
Here are photos of the dining room in previous years ( I think my photography skills have improved a bit!). The dining room has always been where we displayed the countless snow globes we have. Since I have been buying one for each child X 3 children up to age 21, you can do the math. We have ALOT of snow globes.

The glittery village has continually occupied to top of the buffet lending to the general snow/winter theme in this room.

But this year, being our first as empty nesters, I decided not to unpack the snow globes or glitter houses.
Ordering a 100 foot roll of garland*, I decided to use the fresh cedar greens on the mantle. Over the summer we had the room painted a clean white and added 2 white upholstered chairs in attempts to lightened the impact of the dark dining room table (which I would love to change).
The expensive Oriental rug has been in our family for a very long time so I don’t see it being replaced anytime soon. With deep tones of cranberry and some pinks, it made sense to keep the decorations in that color category.

The blush bottle brush trees are from Pier 1 Imports. The selection of bottle brush trees at Michaels was pathetic so I was delighted to find these at Pier 1. The glittery gold trees are from Pottery Barn purchased last year.

The pink and white snow ornaments are from Michaels and are hung from the chandelier with fishing line.

I love our white chairs from Ballard Designs and added the boxwood wreaths (also from Ballard Designs) with a sheer green ribbon pinned to the top of the chair.

The buffet will be filled with food for the holidays so it was left undecorated this year. I will be adding some fresh cut flowers and greens for our holiday event tomorrow evening. My sweet husband polished all the silver which makes the room sparkle.

Overall, the decorations feel cleaner and lighter this year.

I hope you enjoyed the decorating changes made to the dining room. Enjoy this beautiful Tuesday and keep jolly!

*Greens purchased from Torchio Nursery at the San Francisco Flower Market.
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Oh, Miss Mary, you are amazing! Your dining room has always been gorgeous and so creative. However, this is the best. You always amaze me,Miss Mary,!
Well, big thanks to you and Betsy and Leslie. I think the new white chairs and walls uplift the room~~your feedback helped me do something differently this year!
Hard to believe that luncheon was last January. Where did the time go?
A lovely re-do. The non traditional colors really make for a fun and refreshed space. Adding the boxwood in pulls the holiday in just right.
Thank you. Every time I pass through the dining room those pink and white balls just make me happy!
It’s beautiful. Change is always good. I try and do a different themed tree each year and have so much fun with it.
You are right. Change is good. And I’m glad I branched out a bit this year!