Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from Boise, Idaho. Boy, packing for this trip is a bit of a challenge as the weather will range from 70 degrees to 38 degrees and raining. Plus we are attending a black tie gala~nothing like stuffing your fancy outfit into a carry-on! It is always fun to travel here~especially now where they are beginning their Spring while we wind up ours in Phoenix. Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things this week!

Spring in Boise, Idaho

Delia Dante Gallery

Every now and again it is so delightful to stumble upon something that rewards you with a memorable experience. During a walk back from breakfast, we stopped by Fire Fusion Studio at Delia Dante Gallery at 1322 W. Main Street in Boise. The artist, Delia and her husband run this gorgeous gallery and also provide classes in enameling, metal smithing and welding.

Champleve necklace from Delia Dante Gallery, Boise

Look at this fabulous necklace I purchased. The technique is champlevé, which involves filling enamel into the indentations of metal object (copper in this case). Since I don’t buy a lot of jewelry, this piece spoke to me. Meeting the artist and touring the gallery makes it extra special. I love the colors and won’t this be pretty against a white blouse? If you love art galleries and want to see this talented woman, click here.

What is Happening to our Grass?

Check out this strange phenomenon happening with our grass. The grass gets plenty of water and sunshine, but this yellow section appears to be spreading. Any ideas?

Prunes and Bone Density

dried prunes in wood bowl
Martha Stewart article on prunes and bone density

A recent article from Martha Stewart states that prunes can improve bone mineral density. From her article:

The research team at Penn State analyzed data and the results consistently showed that eating prunes was linked to less oxidative stress and inflammation, as well as stronger bones. In fact, the clinical trials found that eating about 10 prunes every day for a whole year improved bone mineral density in the forearms and lower spine. Additionally, eating 50 to 100 grams of prunes every day for six months prevented total loss of bone density. Prunes are rich in Vitamin K.

Who is with me? I actually love prunes and am always looking for a way to strengthen my bones.

How to Propagate Lilacs

Propagating Lilacs from The Ponds Farmhouse

Oh how I wish lilacs would grow here, however, they do not. But if you are lucky to live in an area with lilacs blooming now, check out my friend, Rachel, from The Pond’s Farmhouse tips on splitting lilac bushes. It only takes a rock and Rachel is amazing. See her post here.

How to Make Tin Can Planters

Tin Can Planters from Kippi at Home

Look how adorable these tin can planters are! My friend, Kippi from Kippi at Home is so clever and gives a very detailed tutorial on how to make this. I will now start saving my cans.

How is Your Penmanship?

Photo from Larry Cuban article on What Ever Happened to Cursive Writing?

Recently, I read a very intriguing post about handwriting, specifically cursive and its potential disappearance. Since it is no longer taught in schools, many do not have the ability to do so. Nowadays, we mostly type on our computers or phones, but what happens when you need to send a thank you note? Or address an envelope? Is your penmanship gorgeous or wobbly?

If you are looking for ways to improve your writing style, you will find this post by The Glam Pad to be enlightening.There are actual classes to take to improve your penmanship and be the envy of many. And of course, like most things in life, if you don’t use cursive, you lose it.

Happy Mother’s Day

Roses from my garden

If you missed this week’s post and are still looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift, here is my post with ideas and suggestions.

If you are a mother or have done the hard work of mothering, have a Happy Mother’s Day. We will be traveling on Sunday back to Phoenix but hope to spend some time with my children. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and we will connect again on Tuesday!